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Republican? Just scream and lie.



  • Jason Stackhouse: Who/What hasn't he banged?
  • Jason Stackhouse and Pam: A match made in heaven?
  • Jason Stackhouse and Eric Northman: A match made in (Ro's) heaven.
  • When did "minority" change to "majority" in the title? I only noticed just now.
  • When did "minority" change to "majority" in the title? I only noticed just now.
    January 19th.
  • When did "minority" change to "majority" in the title? I only noticed just now.
    January 19th.
    I don't know why it doesn't just say "In the GOP? Just scream and lie." No further changes necessary.
  • edited January 2011
    GOP: "You weren't raped by force, but rather with drugs or by coercion? Then it wasn't rape, and if you're pregnant, you will be denied the right to an abortion."
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • GOP: "You weren't raped by force, but rather with drugs or by coercion?Then it wasn't rape, and if you're pregnant, you will be denied the right to an abortion."
    At this point, I just laugh and say "Oh GOP, what will you both metaphorically and literally rape next?" Then I cry for three hours.
  • GOP: "You weren't raped by force, but rather with drugs or by coercion? Then it wasn't rape, and if you're pregnant, you will be denied the right to an abortion."
    Now I get to go to sleep mad.
  • edited January 2011
    GOP: "You weren't raped by force, but rather with drugs or by coercion?Then it wasn't rape, and if you're pregnant, you will be denied the right to an abortion."
    Now I get to go to sleep mad.
    Wait! Listen to this while you look at these first.
    Post edited by Walker on
  • GOP: "You weren't raped by force, but rather with drugs or by coercion?Then it wasn't rape, and if you're pregnant, you will be denied the right to an abortion."
    Just when I think I've found something in the political sphere where my dad and I can share a stance on, he goes ahead and says that "abortion shouldn't be free and that people who can't keep their legs crossed should have to deal with the consequences of their lifestyles". /_____\ Oh dad, why are you so messed up when it comes to things like this? He really needs to become more moderate.

    I wonder what his response would have been if I told him the DNC had suggested this...
  • "abortion shouldn't be free and that people who can't keep their legs crossed should have to deal with the consequences of their lifestyles"
    Did you say that this was regard rape and incest!? You can't keep your legs crossed with rape and incest. What the fuck fucking fuck?
  • "abortion shouldn't be free and that people who can't keep their legs crossed should have to deal with the consequences of their lifestyles"
    Did you say that this was regardrape and incest!?You can't keep your legs crossed with rape and incest. What the fuck fucking fuck?
    His "argument" was that if you live a lifestyle where you get drunk enough or take drugs, basically putting yourself in situations where rape is possible or your consent is uncertain, then you should face the consequences.

    Believe me, I raged so hard about this and basically pointed out to him that he's effectively placing all the blame of rape on the victim, which he promptly denied but did not change his stance.
  • You can get date raped if you go out to have a single beer with friends, regardless of sex.

    I hate to sound like a complete and utter douchebag, but when we discuss "rape culture," your father's viewpoints are some of the "Poster Child" statements. That mindset is just a rung under Greek Life in terms of how it tacitly excuses and normalizes rape. Sadly, it's even more prevalent than it's fraternity counterpart...
  • /____\ The sad thing is that, even though I know that he isn't really like this, that if he had to judge what was actually rape with real people and not just a mental scenario he'd pretty much agree with us, this is his "stance". Abortion should not be state funded, condoms should not be available in school nurses offices, etc, etc...

    He really needs to re-evaluate his beliefs and see if the correspond with his ACTUAL moral values instead of his socially imposed moral values.
  • Tell your dad that in which situations it would be okay for someone to rape your sister or your mom based on the proposed law. Then tell him that it would be okay for you to go a-rapin' in those situations. Gotta make that shit hit home (no offense to your mom or sister, of course) for people sometimes.
  • edited January 2011
    And I say to "militant christian camps:"

    Come at me bro.

    Also, did he just say we shouldn't let non christians vote?
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
  • GOP: "You weren't raped by force, but rather with drugs or by coercion? Then it wasn't rape, and if you're pregnant, you will be denied the right to an abortion."
    Now I get to go to sleep mad.
    Wait! Listen to this while you look at these first.
    I feel all happy!
  • Mike Huckabee's is doing a fundraising letter campaign for some ghastly organization called "Renewing American Leadership" which is basically all about turning the U.S. into a christian pseudo-theocracy. Unfortunately, he also sent a letter to one of the hosts of The Atheist Experience, a public access TV show from Austin which I really really like.

    The letter starts:
    Dear Friend and Fellow American,

    I know you are very busy, but I ask you -- please -- for the sake of America's future to do me the honor of reading my heartfelt, personal letter to you today.

    Simply put, I believe America is facing a crisis today that is every bit as serious as any we have ever faced... and you are one of the few people in this nation who can help me. Please give me just a moment to explain.

    As great as the threat is that you and I face from radical, Islamic terrorists who are determined to attack us from outside our borders, an even greater menace threatens to destroy us from the inside out.

    That threat, my friend, has been gnawing away on the foundations of our great nation for nearly 50 years now, and it comes directly from the radical Liberals right here in America...

    ... a re-energized Left here in our midst is working harder than ever to drive out God and ALL MENTION of religious faith from America's public life.
    Emphasis his. From there it goes on to lie, scream, lie, obfuscate, lie, generalize, lie, mislead, lie and lie again. Did I mention he's lying?
  • I'd question if that was even actually from Huckabee, since it's basically a hard-copy of bullshit chain e-mails that have been swirling around the web forever. Either way, pretty shameful. I love the way the letter quotes things, but doesn't cite any of them.
  • edited January 2011
    Well, according to the AETV crew, the letter came with the address of Huckabee's office as I understand it. The organization this letter is shilling for is also headed by Newt Gingrich (whose name is also in the letter) and I don't think one of Gingrich's organization's would use Huckabee's name without Huckabee's support. BTW, besides Gingrich (who should be a big warning sign of his own), that organization also calls David Barton one of it's board members which of course should set off every single douchebaggery alert in the known universe.

    I personally doubt the letter was crafted by Huckabee himself, but that doesn't really change that he set his name under it which means he endorses it. And any way, the stuff that is in that letter is just bone-chillingly grotesque, horrid and abominable. But it is basically also what the religious right in the U.S. is about: Trying to establish a theocracy and shut up all detractors.
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • Well, according to the AETV crew, the letter came with the address of Huckabee's office as I understand it. The organization this letter is shilling for is also headed by Newt Gingrich (whose name is also in the letter) and I don't think one of Gingrich's organization's would use Huckabee's name without Huckabee's support. BTW, besides Gingrich (who should be a big warning sign of his own), that organization alsocalls David Barton one of it's board memberswhich of course should set off every single douchebaggery alert in the known universe.

    I personally doubt the letter was crafted by Huckabee himself, but that doesn't really change that he set his name under it which means he endorses it. And any way, the stuff that is in that letter is just bone-chillingly grotesque, horrid and abominable. But it is basically also what the religious right in the U.S. is about: Trying to establish a theocracy and shut up all detractors.
    It sounds very 90's-neocon to me as well. Lacking the outright vitriol of the teabaggers, but more of the holier-than-thou condescension and fear-mongering they used to get Bush elected. Disgusting either way, but maybe they figured out that their biblically justified racism, sexism, class-ism, and other -isms needed to be couched in more 90's style fear-mongering and less outright calls to violence.
  • Wait, there are "radical liberals" in the United States? I haven't seen any in a while.
  • George W. Bush Found Guilty of Turning White House Political Office Into GOP 'Boiler Room'
    Finally, evidence of what we've been saying for almost a decade.
    Bill O'Reily doesn't understand science. Like, at all. He just asked the world to tell him how the moon got there, and insisted it had no bearing on tidal flow.
  • edited February 2011
    Apparently some anti-abortion activists were trying to pull an ACORN over Planned Parenthood. Basically over about a week some young men (actually members of the anti-abortion group Live Action) were visiting Planned Parenthood Centers in six states, asking if PP would help them and provide services to the underage girls in the sex trafficking ring they were running. Of course, Planned Parenthood did the only right thing and called the fucking FBI on their asses! To nobody's surprise, Live Action is also in cahoots with James O'Keefe, the guy who perpetrated the faux ACORN scandal in a rather similar manner.
    Post edited by chaosof99 on

  • Do not watch this if you want to retain faith in humanity.
  • Iowa's on the shit list.
  • edited February 2011
    BRUCE clearly doesn't know the difference between a religion and a political ideology.
    Sir, when the United States instates a dictator, and a crisis emerges, then the US is at fault.
    Post edited by progSHELL on
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