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Republican? Just scream and lie.



  • Tucson, AZ University Medical Center on CNN: Gifford is alive, and in surgery. "I can confirm that she was shot in the head," said a hospital spokesperson. Among the shooting victims in critical condition, one child was shot.
  • Wow, talk about fucking prophetic.
    “Sarah Palin has the crosshairs of a gun sight over our district and when people do that, they’ve gotta realize there are consequences to that action.”
    It won't be hard to connect this shooting to the Tea Party, me thinks.
  • It won't be hard to connect this shooting to the Tea Party, me thinks.
    That remains to be seen, but the Tuscon Citizen is already reporting that a second arrest has been made and police are seeking a third suspect. That makes it a conspiracy, not the work of a lone crazy.
  • It won't be hard to connect this shooting to the Tea Party, me thinks.
    We'll see. I won't pass judgment just yet.

    I saw some screencaps from the alleged shooter's Youtube manifesto. It's full of high-test crazy.
  • edited January 2011
    She's reportedly out of surgery, in critical, and doctors are optimistic about her survival.

    Gabrielle Giffords may have just survived a close range shot to the head.

    A federal judge and a nine-year old girl are reported dead.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • I want to vent about gun control laws, but I think there's no perfect solution to them. My rage will therefore be redirected toward the political environment that caused the shooting.
  • toward the low educational standards that caused the shooting.
  • toward thelow educational standardsthat caused the shooting.
    Those too. I saw the gunman's alleged YouTube confession - it's Timecube-level crazy mixed with good old-fashioned stupid. God damn.
  • A federal judge and a nine-year old girl are reported dead.
    This is what "voting from the rooftops" gets you.
  • toward thelow educational standardsthat caused the shooting.
    Those too. I saw the gunman's alleged YouTube confession - it's Timecube-level crazy mixed with good old-fashioned stupid. God damn.
    As much as I'd love to point and say 'This is all your fault Palin/Beck/Limbaugh/Et Al', I haven't seen anything that labels this guy or his actions as politically motivated and not just bat-crap loco.
  • I haven't seen anything that labels this guy or his actions as politically motivated and not just bat-crap loco.
    I am intrigued by your "Politics != bat-crap loco" hypothesis.
  • I haven't seen anything that labels this guy or his actions as politically motivated and not just bat-crap loco.
    I am intrigued by your "Politics != bat-crap loco" hypothesis.
    See "Glen Beck".
  • edited January 2011
    The Republicans are already trying to mitigate Gifford's shooting. Despite the lack of evidence for political motivation (so far), some people on the right are quoted as saying their rhetoric needs to be looked at, and bracing for the possibility that it was political.
    However, the Tea Party is another story. Here's a quote, and try not to punch your monitor or vomit.
    TPN founder Judson Phillips, in an article linked off the e-mail "The shooting of Gabrielle Giffords and the left's attack on the Tea Party movement," described the shooter as "a leftist lunatic" and Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik as a "leftist sheriff" who "was one of the first to start in on the liberal attack." Phillips urged tea party supporters to blame liberals for the attack on centrist Democratic Rep. Gabrielle Giffords of Arizona, who was shot through the head and is now fighting for her life, as a means of defending the tea party movement's recent electoral gains.

    "The hard left is going to try and silence the Tea Party movement by blaming us for this," he wrote. Clinton used the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing to "blame conservative talk radio, especially Rush Limbaugh" and "The tactic worked then, backing conservatives off and possibly helping to ensure a second Clinton term."

    "The left is coming and will hit us hard on this. We need to push back harder with the simple truth. The shooter was a liberal lunatic. Emphasis on both words," he wrote.
    So far, all the 'left' news outlets (read as "anyone but Fox") have been saying that it doesn't look political, but that it was just some nut. What Judd doesn't realize is that they're not being blamed. Everyone sort of looked in their direction because a Democrat was shot at and their rhetoric has included suggestions that Second Amendment remedies be used to 'fix' problems in the left leaning congress. When you're backing candidates that make suggestions that people should threaten and/or shoot political leaders, and someone up and tries to assassinate a political leader of the opposite party, OF COURSE PEOPLE ARE GOING TO LOOK YOUR WAY. The fact that he's trying to blame liberals left me gobsmacked. I'm surprised he didn't snap his own neck with all that spinning.
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
  • There is some weird irony that the ad on the side of the forums is called "Jonny reload: the mercenary reviewer:....
  • However, the Tea Party is another story.Here's a quote, and try not to punch your monitor or vomit.
    Ugh. Seriously, this is not a time to be playing the political blame-game. Keith Olbermann had a pretty good editorial about this, laying the blame at everyone's feet.

    This divisive rhetoric gets us nowhere. I just hope it's not already too late to rectify the problem.
  • However, the Tea Party is another story.Here's a quote, and try not to punch your monitor or vomit.
    Ugh. Seriously, this is not a time to be playing the political blame-game. Keith Olbermann had a pretty good editorial about this, laying the blame at everyone's feet.

    This divisive rhetoric gets us nowhere. I just hope it's not already too late to rectify the problem.
  • edited January 2011
    I'm interested in what Jon Stewart has to say tonight. Since his message for the last year or so has been "restoring Sanity". His reaction should be interesting.
    Post edited by Cremlian on
  • However, the Tea Party is another story.Here's a quote, and try not to punch your monitor or vomit.
    Ugh. Seriously, this is not a time to be playing the political blame-game. Keith Olbermann had a pretty good editorial about this, laying the blame at everyone's feet.

    This divisive rhetoric gets us nowhere. I just hope it's not already too late to rectify the problem.
  • Heh, I hadn't known about Lemon Party up until now. It's really not that bad, though.
  • Heh, I hadn't known about Lemon Party up until now. It's really not that bad, though.
    Lemon party is like a time-delayed memory bomb. You mention it in casual conversation, with little context, and others will often later, of their own accord, look it up.
  • You could fuel a rocket to Andromeda with crazy like that.
  • Short and simple: No grammatical acrobatics change the fact that these people receive the benefits of living in the United States. Therefore, they will pay taxes no matter:what-their::names!are.
  • Damn, that's impressive. It takes=effort to[be that*crazy.
  • Holy Time Cube Batman.
    Wow. This moron actually has his contact info at the bottom of the page. Go get 'em, Anonymous.
  • edited January 2011
    In a bid to say the most stupid thing, Fox News cited non-existent information saying Loughner had ties to a right wing pro-white racist organization. You'd think they'd check that before putting it out seeing as it would give the 'liberal media' and the actual liberal media a field day.
    Limbaugh and others of his ilk are already saying 'the liberal left' is responsible for some sort of smear campaign, but methinks they do protest too much. I think they're deathly afraid of this guy ACTUALLY being inspired by the vitriolic rhetoric they belch out daily, so they're digging in early.
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
  • According to Miller's teaching, the addition of hyphens and colons to one's name turns one from an ordinary, taxable human into a non-taxable “prepositional phrase.” They are distinguished from the names listed at birth in all capital letters (as on a birth certificate), which he claims turns one into a taxable Person (Corporation). (i.e. DAVID WYNN MILLER as opposed to :David-Wynn: Miller.).”[13]
    ... What?
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