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Republican? Just scream and lie.



  • After reading the last few pages of this thread, my entire body has become a seething mass of HATE.
  • Did that asshole just suggest that we shouldn't call bible motivated genocide 'genocide' because it makes him feel icky?
  • Did that asshole just suggest that we shouldn't call bible motivated genocide 'genocide' because it makes him feel icky?
    Actually, I think he's implying that genocide is sometimes justified by one's religious beliefs: "The Canaanites were grossly sinful people who were given plenty of time by God to change their ways. They had passed the point of redeemability, and were ripe for judgment."

    That's some pretty wacko bullshit right there.
  • Did that asshole just suggest that we shouldn't call bible motivated genocide 'genocide' because it makes him feel icky?
    Actually, I think he's implying that genocide is sometimes justified by one's religious beliefs: "The Canaanites were grossly sinful people who were given plenty of time by God to change their ways. They had passed the point of redeemability, and wereripe for judgment."

    That's some pretty wacko bullshit right there.
    This is what I have to live with. Every day. Nothing these people say really surprises me anymore.
  • Did that asshole just suggest that we shouldn't call bible motivated genocide 'genocide' because it makes him feel icky?
    Actually, I think he's implying that genocide is sometimes justified by one's religious beliefs: "The Canaanites were grossly sinful people who were given plenty of time by God to change their ways. They had passed the point of redeemability, and wereripe for judgment."

    That's some pretty wacko bullshit right there.
    This is what I have to live with. Every day. Nothing these people say really surprises me anymore.
    Yeah, my bad. It's not genocide if god says it's okay.
  • This thread title is no longer appropriate.
  • This thread title is no longer appropriate.
    If our thread's leader doesn't object, I have taken the liberty of updating the title.
  • Hmm...I guess it's okay. I mean, they only have the majority in one house, but I've no problem with it.
    Incidentally, after having a power shift that has existed for a little over two weeks, Republicans are already claiming credit for an improving economy. So you assholes have been to work less than fifteen actual work days, haven't passed any economic legislation, and the only think you actually HAVE done is agreed to vote on repealing the health care bill (which won't make it past the senate) and miraculously, by doing absolutely nothing, you can take credit for the economy getting better?
  • To be fair, they did read most of the constitution out loud.

    Bonus points for the fact that we paid them to do that.
  • To be fair, they did read most of the constitution out loud.

    Bonus points for the fact that wepaidthem to do that.
    I hate everyone so much right now.
  • To be fair, they did read most of the constitution out loud.

    Bonus points for the fact that wepaidthem to do that.
    I hate everyone so much right now.
    I don't particularly mind. Some of them don't rightly know what the Constitution says, so it was a good primer.
  • I don't particularly mind. Some of them don't rightly know what the Constitution says, so it was a good primer.
    I'm willing to take odds that many of them still don't.
  • I don't particularly mind. Some of them don't rightly know what the Constitution says, so it was a good primer.
    Bull shit, they should have read before he first day of class.
  • They really need to ramp up the difficulty of the Constitution test in America. Bundle it into a mandatory class on Advanced American Civics. Every child should graduate high school with a basic understanding of how to interpret a legal document and a very good understanding of the Constitution and governmental laws. Ideally, such a class would teach why charging Julian Assange with treason is an impossibility, and how to recognize biases to the left and right in a given news article.

    Politics is such an important part of American life now that I believe without preparing kids to think critically about the news they're presented and the nature of laws, politics, freedoms, and the government, we are leading them down a road to ignorance.
  • Every child should leave school with a secondary school reading level. Once we get that sorted out we can talk about this politics thing.
  • edited January 2011
    think critically
    That was everything you needed to say.

    Stop teaching information and start teaching critical thinking. Information is a given today. Critical thinking skills are not.

    I'd like to find a way to do it that isn't as intensive as mentoring, but so far, that's the only reliable way I've found to do it. I've cranked out about 7 very competent microbiologists in my time here, and each one of them took quite a lot of individual focus on my part. Maybe if we give a bazillion dollars to public education, we can hire enough teachers to get the damn job done.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • edited January 2011
    My new MCB class looks to be incredibly focused on critical thought and the integration of multiple concepts to do so. I am cautiously optimistic about it; last semester was a joke, so I'm a bit wary.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Faux News reporter says he "may have given the wrong impression" when he told everyone he spoke with Hawaii's governor and the governor told him Obama's birth certificate was nowhere to be found. Specifically, it never happened, he never talked to anyone, and got caught lying out his ass.
  • From the article: He is sorry he "appeared to have given the impression" that he lied. I'd love to see that stand up in court. "Judge, I'm remorseful, after hearing several key witnesses and irrefutable testimony from numerous investigators and forensic pathologists, that I appeared to have given the impression that I stabbed that lady four times." I love the way these weasels try to take a concrete, well-documented fact and distort it into a matter of perception.
  • edited January 2011
    This sounds a lot like the classic notpology: I'm sorry you were offended. A.k.a. I'm not sorry I said it, but I'm sorry that you don't think the way I do and were offended. The fault lies entirely with you.

    In other news, there is this anti-abortion nutcase named Neal Horsley in Georgia. He is also infamous for threatening Elton John, and for having admitted to have practiced bestiality. He's now trying to run for Governor, with, among other things, the following:
    The news media is showing only two camps to either Americans or the rest of the world: the camp of bin Laden, and the secular camp led by Obama.

    That is a lie. There is another camp: the camp composed of Militant Christians who will fight to the death rather than be enslaved by any secular--which is just another word for Satanic--regime in the USA. Read our strategy OR Watch any of the videos like this one that I made during the Horsley for Governor campaign and you will see real undeniable evidence that Christians in the USA are being moved by Lord Holy Ghost to prepare to fight to the death to return the Law of the Lord Jesus Christ to His rightful place of authority in the USA. That is a mililtant Christian camp if there ever was one (and history is replete with evidence this is not the first time Lord Holy Ghost has moved His people toward war), a Christian camp that the world needs to know about!
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • And I say to "militant christian camps:"

    Come at me bro.
  • He is also infamous for threatening Elton John, and for having admitted to have practiced bestiality. He's now trying to run for Governor, with, among other things, the following:
    Vote for me, and I won't fuck your livestock!
  • And I say to "militant christian camps:"

    Come at me bro.
  • edited January 2011
    And I say to "militant christian camps:"

    Come at me bro.
    Yep. We have something they don't: Science. Science gave us weaponized tularemia, VX, and the Bomb. What has militant faith produced by itself in the past several centuries (I consider the Inquisition a product of militant faith)?

    EDIT: Also, Megachurch founder Ted Haggard comes out publicly as a bisexual, meth user, and former chronic masturbator.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • And I say to "militant christian camps:"

    Come at me bro.
    First thing that came to mind:

    They were pretty hardcore, but then again Jason Stackhouse foiled their plans. :P
  • Jason Stackhouse: Making the worst possible decisions for at least three seasons...except for that one.
  • Jason Stackhouse: Banging that one waitress that was totally hot. And that other one.
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