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Republican? Just scream and lie.



  • The guy believes that life begins when the sperm fertilizes the egg and is working for it to be defined as such. That must make many women murderers when their body can naturally reject fertilized eggs due to it harming the body. That's totally cool, right?
  • The guy believes that life begins when the sperm fertilizes the egg and is working for it to be defined as such. That must make many women murderers when their body can naturally reject fertilized eggs due to it harming the body. That's totally cool, right?
    Well, technically those women would only be guilty of homicide since for it to be murder you actually have to consciously intend the killing. So they would get off easy.
  • Well, technically those women would only be guilty of homicide since for it to be murder you actually have to consciously intend the killing. So they would get off easy.
    They'll plead down to man slaughter.
  • edited June 2011
    Well, technically those women would only be guilty of homicide since for it to be murder you actually have to consciously intend the killing. So they would get off easy.
    And that would lead to so much wasted time and taxpayer's money on litigation and what not.

    I like how this man knows "beyond a shadow of a doubt" that life begins when the sperm fertilizes the egg, yet pretty much any Ob/Gyn doesn't acknowledge pregnancy until it attaches to the uterus.

    What do these people think will happen if/when abortion becomes illegal? Will it stop people from having unwanted pregnancies? ARGH!

    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • (╯‵Д′)╯彡┻━┻
  • Well, technically those women would only be guilty of homicide since for it to be murder you actually have to consciously intend the killing. So they would get off easy.
    They'll plead down to man slaughter.
    Manslaughter is one type of homicide. Homicide is just the killing of one human being by another.

    Anyway, there's no way this law, even if it were to be passed, would be legal or practically enforceable.
  • Anyway, there's no way this law, even if it were to be passed, would be legal or practically enforceable.
    I hope so, but little by little it seems the crazies are getting their way.

    I just want to Buzz Aldrin this man.
  • edited June 2011
    I hope so, but little by little it seems the crazies are getting their way.
    Seems, yes... but only because of the media attention to the introduced bills. Can you point to a place where those crazy laws we've been hearing about have actually passed and been upheld permanently when challenged in court?

    Edit: of course, he still deserves to be Buzz Aldrined.
    Post edited by Nuri on
  • Seems, yes... but only because of the media attention to the introduced bills. Can you point to a place where those crazy laws we've been hearing about have actually passed and been upheld permanently when challenged in court?
    Currently right now, no. You are probably right, but I keep hearing news about cutting the budget on Planned Parenthood and all that BS.
  • The problem is all these doctors playing god.
  • The problem is all these doctors playing god.
    Yeah, they are EVIL like lawyers!
  • The problem is all these doctors playing god.
    Yeah, they are EVIL like lawyers!
    And the scientists!
  • And the scientists!
    We're way, waaaaaay more evil than those amateurish lawyers or doctors.
  • We're way, waaaaaay more evil than those amateurish lawyers or doctors.
    Never said you weren't, just that you were evil and trying to get us sheep stray from the path layed out by the almighty.
  • God damn it Rep. Weiner, why do you have to go and do stupid shit?
  • God damn it Rep. Weiner, why do you have to go and do stupid shit?
  • God damn it Rep. Weiner, why do you have to go and do stupid shit?
    Republicans will crucify him for it. They'll demand his resignation, even though countless Republicans have done similar or worse things and are still in office and/or have been re-elected.

    I don't understand how he can be so stupid to do such a thing.

    He lost a lot of credibility and respect.
  • So he actually did it? That's a huge bummer.
  • They'll demand his resignation
    I believe he said that he won't resign. But still, dude, why ya gotta be like that?

    It's not illegal, but it sure was poor judgment. You should know that your opponents are going to do everything they can to dig up whatever they can on you - particularly in New York, with its rampant dirty politics.
  • God damn it Rep. Weiner, why do you have to go and do stupid shit?
    My only problem is that he didn't admit the truth right away. He's not a family Values (TM) type and doesn't go around saying other people should live his way so it's not my problem. However, Jon Stewart should be pretty funny this week.
  • edited June 2011
    My only problem is that he didn't admit the truth right away.
    Yeah, that's a pretty big ding in my book. If he'd just said, "Yeah, and you know what, who fucking cares," I'd be fine.

    He did try to dismiss it a whole bunch - "We have more important things to discuss" - but fuckin'-A, you do that when you don't actually have dirty laundry.

    But overall, I don't think this is really too big of a deal. Certainly not resignation-worthy. It's a bit humiliating, but you can bounce back from that.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • Certainly not resignation-worthy. It's a bit humiliating, but you can bounce back from that.
    Yea, I mean who's the most popular politician of them all.. Bill Clinton.
  • I am so mad at him for doing that. I had such high hopes for you, Y U do dis?
    You think you would be more careful with your wang if your name was Weiner.
  • I want a kinder, gentler nation.
  • dsfdsf
    edited June 2011
    These people aren't going to change, they are going to dig in and stick to their lies and bigotry. They'll keep voting against their interests and blaming their self-inflicted misfortunes on minorities, socialists and commies. So why not profit off these fools? Why are we just standing around complaining about them? Maybe I am just becoming a twisted darker version of myself, but I just don't see anyway to fix any of this. The truth is all out there in front of them and they won't believe it. Screw 'em let's exploit them.
    Post edited by dsf on
  • I want a kinder, gentler nation.
    Then hope that my fellow Republicans are smart enough to vote for either Romney or Huntsman in the primaries. If not, I'll be going for two Presidential elections in a row voting Democrat.
  • edited June 2011
    I want a kinder, gentler nation.
    Well, how does it feel to want?

    This is funny.
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • dsfdsf
    edited June 2011
    who da thunk it? Children prefer candy over paper OMG the revelation!

    Atlas needs to shrug. There are 300 million people waiting to take up the burden.

    for all those Tea partier christians out there:
    "For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows." 1 Timothy 6:10
    Post edited by dsf on
  • edited June 2011
    who da thunk it? Children prefer candy over paper OMG the revelation!
    its teaching them about the gold standard.
    Children will blow bubbles from a single container of soapy solution, and then pop each other’s bubbles with squirt guns in an arrangement that mimics socialism. They are to count how many bubbles they pop. Then they will work with individual bottles of solution and pop their own bubbles.
    This doesn't so much teach you about socialism as it does teach you never to cooperate with anyone else, which is an admirable quality in a corporate serf.
    Post edited by DevilUknow on
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