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Republican? Just scream and lie.



  • its teaching them about the gold standard.
    Which is completely bunk.
  • RymRym
    edited June 2011
    its teaching them about the gold standard.
    By using a contrived example designed to make it appear that the gold standard is anything other than an archaic and unusable currency system advocated only by the ignorant and the willfully stupid (e.g., Ron Paul supporters).
    Post edited by Rym on
  • Won't everyone eat the candy, thus driving up the value of the remaining candy until just one piece of candy remains and it is worth all of the monies? What happens when the last piece of candy is eaten?

    This is important economic information being withheld from us! President Obama, how much of our candy have you eaten?
  • By using a contrived example designed to make it appear that the gold standard is anything other than an archaic and unusable currency system advocated only by the ignorant and the willfully stupid (e.g., Ron Paul supporters).
    whoa whoa whoa. Are you saying that there are elements of intellectual dishonesty at the root of a conservative populous movement?
  • Are you saying that there are elements of intellectual dishonesty at the root of a conservative populous movement?
  • Rumors are that Weiner is stepping down today.
  • Rumors are that Weiner is stepping down today.
    It's pretty solidly confirmed.

    I give up.
  • The only guy I liked in politics. :'(
  • The only guy I liked in politics. :'(
    And who actually had the balls to stand up and bust out people on lying.

    I'm annoyed that he got little to no support from other Dems. They just lost the only one who has a backbone.
  • Well if he didn't want to step down maybe he shouldn't have sent twitters of his junk in a way where he'd make a typo.... He'll be back. Just like Elliot Spitzer.

    /Weiner was one of the guys I liked as well.
    //No longer going to have New York Politicians as my favorites anymore damn it. Though I heard Kristen Gillbrand is pret.... No NO bad Scott..
  • The only guy I liked in politics. :'(
    Eric Schneiderman is pretty cool. He was the chief sponsor of the bill removing mandatory minimum sentencing in drug cases in New York. Also, he's snarky and smart.

    But yeah, I really liked Weiner.
  • dsfdsf
    edited June 2011
    Jon Stewart for Senator. I'd move there just to vote for him.
    But if Jon Stewart made a speech:
    "Oh dear," says The Senate, "I hadn't thought of that" and promptly vanishes in a puff of logic
    Post edited by dsf on
  • /Weiner was one of the guys I liked as well.
    //No longer going to have New York Politicians as my favorites anymore damn it. Though I heard Kristen Gillbrand is pret.... No NO bad Scott..
    Don't want to jinx it, right? I like her a lot, though. Gillibrand is for gay marriage, and has started a campaign to get NY to go for marriage equality. Luckily, she can't show her dick to anyone and screw up all the hard work she has done.
    "Oh dear," says The Senate, "I hadn't thought of that" and promptly vanishes in a puff of logic
    Oh please. They know exactly what they are doing. I think they are more willfully selfish and evil than purely stupid. It's a question of bribery.
    It's pretty solidly confirmed.
    I give up.
    Grumblegrumble. I'm sure his enemies are throwing a party the same way we do when a particularly obnoxious Republican gets the boot. He just brought so much Brooklyn to Capital Hill, I could not help but to grow fond of him.
  • Luckily, she can't show her dick to anyone and screw up all the hard work she has done.
    *Months later* "Yes, that was in fact my camel toe that was posted on twitter."
  • Anyone else get the impression that Weiner was invited into the "smokey room"

    pufpufpuf "you stir up the base but you actually seem to mean the things you say so, as it turns out, you showed your dick on the internet and now you're resigning"
    "you got it"
  • Worst headline spotted so far: "Weiner announces he's cooked"
  • Worst headline spotted so far: "Weiner announces he's cooked"
    I almost busted out laughing on a telecon when I read that.
  • How can anyone justify this? I have not seen any more brazen and intentional "fuck the poor" legislation in a long time.
  • edited June 2011
    How can anyone justify this? I have not seen any more brazen and intentional "fuck the poor" legislation in a long time.
    Because (according to Real Americans like George Bush or Sarah Palin) being poor is the condition of stupid lazy people, and all the poor Republicans are just a tightened belt and a pulled bootstrap away from success (and if they're not, it's because Democrats ruined the economy or Mexicans stole their jobs or a million other reasons that have nothing to do with success being 90% "Be Born Rich and Lucky").

    Also check out "Citibank Plutonomy Memo"

    The TL;DR is "poor people don't matter and we should stop pretending like they do"
    Post edited by DevilUknow on
  • edited June 2011
    I can not, CAN NOT believe any company in their right mind would ever, EVER release a document that not only explains what a Plutocracy is, but says they are going to use it as their way to do business. It's appalling and arrogant.
    I already never did business with Citibank, now I never will.
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
  • edited June 2011
    well, they didn't so much "release" it as it was leaked and they've been trying to beat the Streisand effect ever since trying to take down every copy online (that link may go dead soon).

    I recommend DLing it and the second one (you can google it) for your own personal perusal.
    Post edited by DevilUknow on
  • Love the new name for the thread.
  • I'm glad to see we've re branded this thread to represent how partisan we truly are. Seriously, some of my friends are Republicans (that's actually quite a feat here in Massachusetts) and they're not all that bad. There's a difference between "Republican" and "extremist." I would use a witty example from the left, except we're not even cool enough to get open our window and shout "I''M MAD AS HELL AND I'M NOT GOING TO TAKE IT ANYMORE!" We just sit on internet forums and in cafe's saying "Isn't it dreadful how warm it's getting?" We could learn a thing or two from the Republicans.
  • We could learn a thing or two from the Republicans.
    Lie enough to energize a base into voting against its own best self-interest out of fear?
  • How can anyone justify this? I have not seen any more brazen and intentional "fuck the poor" legislation in a long time.
    Reading this makes me want to pee on a garden now.
  • Lie enough to energize a base into voting against its own best self-interest out of fear?
    Seems to work.
  • We could learn a thing or two from the Republicans.
    Hate everyone that isn't you? Live without compassion? Say you're for responsible fiscal policy but not ACTUALLY be for responsible fiscal policy? Favor fat cats over the working class?
  • We could learn a thing or two from the Republicans.
    Lie enough to energize a base into voting against its own best self-interest out of fear?
    Key word: Energize. You don't have to lie to do it. I could get people riled up on either side of many topics with neither lying nor hyperbole. But for some reason Bernie Sanders and Ron Paul are the only politicians that do that, everyone else is either a slimy Republican, a slimy Democrat, or a spineless democrat. Wiener was nice and angry without lying for a while, but now he has to resign because people think politicians are some race of super humans that can't make bad decisions.
  • edited June 2011
    Its a hell of a lot easier. You also don't actually have to do anything different. Just lie, then do what you want, get paid and then lie again.

    Anyone who actually wants to change things is basically stating "I want to fuck with all of your meal tickets" and then something happens and it is used as an excuse to push them out.

    "Making bad decisions" has nothing to do with Wiener being forced to resign unless you count the one about rocking the boat.
    Post edited by DevilUknow on
  • edited June 2011
    Its a hell of a lot easier. You also don't actually have to do anything different. Just lie, then do what you want, get paid and then lie again.
    Yes, but my method both gets the job done and is ethical.
    Post edited by Greg on
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