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Fail of your Boo-Yah (and vica-versa)



  • * Bacon with syrup for breakfast.
    It's a Northeast thing. Once you get into maple country, we put that shit on everything. But it's more common to see belly bacon cured with maple sugar or maple syrup, so the flavor is cured right in.
    * Infrastructure racism. Not going to go into this here.
    I'm curious as to what you mean by this. I'd like to hear you expound on that.
  • * Long white socks pulled up the leg while wearing shorts.
    There is nothing wrong with doing this between Memorial day and Labor day.
  • Kids are so unhealthy that they are obviously ill. And they are kids. How can they not be treated?
    Usually their parents are fat too.
  • edited October 2011
    Booh Yah: Just hanging out in the Cadaver Lab earlier, holding some human brains.
    Fail: I smell like formalin. Lesson learned: Don't wear wool sweaters to the dissection suites.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Fat people. People so big that they would never fit on a plane and would never be able to leave America. On my very first day in America, back in 2004, I went to the Niagara Falls. There I saw my first fat people. I thought I'd seen fat people before, but it turns out not. They were so impressively fat that a Japanese man made his family stand in front of the fat couple for a photo. The fat couple didn't notice, as they were ordering waffles from a waffle stand! Niagara Falls, one of the wonders of the natural world, and the fat American couple are equal tourist photo opportunities.
    Oh, to be young and naive again.
  • Booh Yah: Just hanging out in the Cadaver Lab earlier, holding some human brains.
    Fail: I smell like formalin. Lesson learned: Don't wear wool sweaters to the dissection suites.
    I use to smell like death everyday while I was working for the DEC. Necropsies are cool. Autolytic loons stink.
  • Boo-Yah: Meet a cute girl who does systems engineering work like I do. She's actually building a Xen hypervisor for fun.
    Fail: Her likes on facebook are Christianity and Jesus.
  • * Long white socks pulled up the leg while wearing shorts.
    There is nothing wrong with doing this between Memorial day and Labor day.
    I thought only Odd Future did that, boy was I wrong.
  • boo-Yah; I could get a pair of adorable kittens for free with all their jabs and what not.
    Fail; As a poor student Im not sure I could properly look after them and my land lord doesnt allow pets :(. Im sorry Osaka and Ed.
  • Boo-Yah: Meet a cute girl who does systems engineering work like I do. She's actually building a Xen hypervisor for fun.
    Fail: Her likes on facebook are Christianity and Jesus.
    Until you know to what degree she likes Christianity and Jesus, don't shut her out.
  • Boo-Yah: Meet a cute girl who does systems engineering work like I do. She's actually building a Xen hypervisor for fun.
    Fail: Her likes on facebook are Christianity and Jesus.
    Until you know to what degree she likes Christianity and Jesus, don't shut her out.
    She could be like me.

    As in not an annoying-face.


    She could be less annoying than me!
  • Boo-Yah: Meet a cute girl who does systems engineering work like I do. She's actually building a Xen hypervisor for fun.
    Fail: Her likes on facebook are Christianity and Jesus.
    Here's to hoping. :D
  • Boo-Yah: Meet a cute girl who does systems engineering work like I do. She's actually building a Xen hypervisor for fun.
    Fail: Her likes on facebook are Christianity and Jesus.
    Hey, could just be to keep up appearances. I kept my Facebook Religion as "Catholic" for ages for just that reason, before changing it to, "P-Funk mythology: Striving towards Funkentelechy with Dr. Funkenstein, Starchild, and the Bop Gun."

    Get to know her. Protip from a Catholic schoolboy: If she wears a cross, it doesn't necessarily mean she's a real Christian. The bigger that cross, the farther from the fun, playful, "Jesus is for Church and saying grace" brand of cafeteria Christian she's likely to be.
  • Boo-Yah: Meet a cute girl who does systems engineering work like I do. She's actually building a Xen hypervisor for fun.
    Fail: Her likes on facebook are Christianity and Jesus.
    Just ask her if Jesus can cuddle you at night, keeping you safe and warm while a storm rages.
  • edited October 2011
    A small degree of religious is okay. My dad goes to Methodist Church and still is involved and believes in God in a personal spiritual kind of way, and my mom is an atheist. It can work, as long as you have the talk and are not condescending towards the other person for beliefs you may hold to be superstitious and silly. However, if she is the super conservative, super proselytizing type, you are probably in dangerous territory. Still, test the waters! You never know what may be a good relationship, and it is too soon to cut out the possibility.

    edit: Are they her only likes? If so, that is a bit of a red flag.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • edited October 2011
    edit: Are they her only likes? If so, that is a bit of a red flag.
    Carol's Daughter, Healthy Recipes!, ShoeDazzle, Upper Canada Soap, i want a good relationship in 2010 <3, Beautiful Black Women, Praising Jesus!, Barack Obama, I Love You Jesus..., Baisden Live, Maya Angelou, TechRepublic, Softpedia, Maryland Renaissance Festival, xkcd, Second Life, Paris and its baby names meaning, AViid Photography, Christianity, Verizon 4G LTE, JustFabulous, DATING IN DC: Adventures of a Single Lady

    EDIT: Have I ruled her out, by no means. Just pondering.
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • xkcd almost makes up for most of them.
  • I dunno, that Second Life like is pretty daunting.
  • xkcd almost makes up for most of them.
    I was thinking that...
    I dunno, that Second Life like is pretty daunting.
    ...and then I saw that.
  • Hey George, remember when we met you and you were wicked conservative?

    Your mission: corrupt a good Christian girl.

    With your penis.
  • +1
    Its like what I was going to say except way better.
  • Hey George, remember when we met you and you were wicked conservative?

    Your mission: corrupt a good Christian girl.

    With your penis.
    The only thing that came to mind:
  • Hey George, remember when we met you and you were wicked conservative?
    Your mission: corrupt a good Christian girl.
    With your penis.
    Hey, isn't that the same way we converted George?
    Also, "Is Jesus a good lay?" is also a good line if you're almost positive it's not going to work, just to say you said it.
  • Hey George, remember when we met you and you were wicked conservative?
    Your mission: corrupt a good Christian girl.
    With your penis.
    Hey, isn't that the same way we converted George?
    Also, "Is Jesus a good lay?" is also a good line if you're almost positive it's not going to work, just to say you said it.
    Tell her you're hung like the Christ.
  • Your mission: corrupt a good Christian girl.
    +10 if she is the preacher's daughter.
  • +10 if she is the preacher's daughter.
    Too easy.
  • Boo-Yah!

    Currently in Yosemite Valley. This place is awesome. It's raining quite a bit, but that means the place is almost empty of people.


    I'm staying in Housekeeping Camp, which has these half-cabin half-tent things. Three walls are solid, but the roof and entrance way are canvas. Last night I accidentally left two bars of chocolate inside my camera bag instead of locking it away in the bear-proof cabinet outside. The camera bag was open and beside my bed, as I'd taken most of the things out before going to sleep.

    And I woke up with a BEAR outside my cabin, which then CAME INSIDE, dragged my camera bag outside, rooted around inside it, and made off with the chocolate bars. That was my stash of European chocolate so I didn't have to put up with American crap. A fucking BEAR inside my cabin! It was less than a meter away from me. And I saw NOTHING. It was pitch black, and I was mostly cowering under my covers at that point, trying not to shit myself. I know you are meant to make noise to scare bears away, but I didn't want to do that while I couldn't see it, and while it was between me and any kind of exit.
  • That was my stash of European chocolate so I didn't have to put up with American crap.
    This is why we have crappy chocolate: so the bears don't take it.

    You can trust me on this one.
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