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Fail of your Boo-Yah (and vica-versa)



  • I think the problem arises because it's the easiest, safest maintenance you can perform on your car, along with changing a battery. You undo one bolt, wait, replace bolt, pour more shit in the top when done.

    I don't give a shit if you want to pay for it. Do what you like, it's your car. You should know HOW - I'd call that basic due diligence for owning a car, like knowing how to change a tyre - but that doesn't mean you have to do it. Even I don't always change my own oil, or do all my own work - shit, last time the van was serviced after I dropped the new engine in, I took it to the mechanic, because I had other shit to do. It happens, you know?

    And I'll chose not to address that "Hurr Durr you know things you must have no life" bullshit, because I'm pretty sure Lyddi didn't mean anything by it.
  • I'm just trying to warn people about tire places. We'd recommend oil changes when the oil was dark. Hint, motor oil is always dark unless it's brand new.
  • Fail: A bankruptcy attorney is saying I don't have enough debt to file.

    Boo-Yah?: I'm still alive I guess.
  • I'd say it's worth knowing - my father could replace every bit of plumbing in my house, do basic electrical work, and basically any job that didn't require a huge amount of skill, and it's saved us a lot of money on plumbers, electricians, and carpenters over the years. Of course, there was also that time he blew up the microwave...
  • I'm not saying you need to be an ASE certified mechanic, but knowing to clean your battery terminals on a regular basis and put lucas in your gas once a month goes a long way in preventative maintenance. And like I said, 3K miles is a baseline for oil, check your manufacturer's suggested interval since oil is a lot better nowadays.
  • I'm not saying you need to be an ASE certified mechanic, but knowing to clean your battery terminals on a regular basis and put lucas in your gas once a month goes a long way in preventative maintenance. And like I said, 3K miles is a baseline for oil, check your manufacturer's suggested interval since oil is a lot better nowadays.
    You don't even need Lucas once a month, just don't buy shitty no-name gas. Buy top-tier detergent gasoline.

    Also, your car came with a manual. RTFM sometime. It's clue you into what all your warning lights mean, when you can keep driving and when you should pull over.
  • I'm just trying to warn people about tire places. We'd recommend oil changes when the oil was dark. Hint, motor oil is always dark unless it's brand new.
    This guy didn't try to sell me an air filter change. That puts him above and beyond most of the other places I've had my car serviced. I know I need to replace my filters, but I also know I can go buy one at AZ and put it in myself trivially. Also, he came into the seating area while I was there and convinced the guy next to me that there was nothing wrong with his battery or his alternator, and he didn't need to have any work done or buy anything new. He also recommended to me that I wait on several things because I have my 90k coming up, and it'll get taken care of during that service. (He also didn't recommend an oil change. I had one about 1500 miles ago, but it was last July.)

    I know tire places are often notorious for ripping people off. Thing is, everything I had done was either to adjust something I could see or something I had already observed a problem with while driving. (Except for the replacement of the license plate light, which I had not observed because I can't see my car's ass while driving.) My car feels significantly better now. I'm happy with the service.

  • edited March 2012
    booyah: I got a 6 on the AIME, which isn't awesome but is probably one of the best scores my school has seen in a while (the only other kid who took it last year scored a 4).

    fail: I made a really dumb mistake which cost me a point, and for another question I had exactly twice the right answer, so it was probably another dumb slip up.
    Post edited by Ikatono on
  • You got a SIX!? I bow to your mathematical wizardry.
  • RIT hockey news for anyone that might care: The men fell to Air Force in the Atlantic Hockey championship game this evening (fail).

    The RIT women's hockey team, however, defeated Norwich in the NCAA championship game, and, rumor has it, will be announcing a move from Division III to Division I this Tuesday. (boo-yah)
  • The RIT women's hockey team, however, defeated Norwich in the NCAA championship game, and, rumor has it, will be announcing a move from Division III to Division I this Tuesday. (boo-yah)

  • The more personal fail of the above was that both games were scheduled for 7:05 puck drop and I chose to go to the men's game, despite having followed both teams through the whole season. Not that I necessarily regret my decision, but I would probably have enjoyed the women's game more, in retrospect.
  • edited March 2012
    Boo-Yah: I soloed Cthulhu in Magicka: Stars Are Left
    Fail: That is not dead which can eternal lie, for with strange eons, even death may die ;P
    Post edited by Pegu on
  • Boo-Yah: Work let me drive after backstabbing a guy with the Ford Ranger.

    Fail: I fucking HATE Dixie Highway with a passion that could rival the deaths of a thousand stars. I'm trying to change lanes when this fucking ninja PT Cruiser comes out of nowhere (Yes I checked the lane) and I look like the asshole for cutting him off.
  • LOL, try the DC Beltway some time. ~_^
  • Fail: I have an infection in my throat causing it to swell and close that also causes fever and nausea. It's been going nearly a week now and has really taken me out.

    Both?: Today I took an exam, turned in vital paperwork, got my glasses fixed, AND went to the doctor and got medication. Unfortunately now I'm completely wiped out.

    Boo-yah: My grandmother brought me her homemade chicken soup. Lots of her soup. When not sick it's amazing, when sick it's ambrosia.
  • Boo-yah: Talking with a girl online.
    Fail: She's really introverted so this is hard work.
    Boo-yah: Got her talking about interesting things the Smithsonian keeps in storage.
    Fail: Apparently they have flesh eating beetles. I DIDN'T KNOW THERE WERE FLESH EATING BEETLES!!!
  • I knew that because of a Patrick F McManus story about freaking out a college roommate by taking them into a biology lab where they were prepping the skeletons of animal specimens using carrion-eating beetles.
  • Boo-yah: Talking with a girl online.
    Fail: She's really introverted so this is hard work.
    Boo-yah: Got her talking about interesting things the Smithsonian keeps in storage.
    Fail: Apparently they have flesh eating beetles. I DIDN'T KNOW THERE WERE FLESH EATING BEETLES!!!
    She looks like a keeper dude, fight for her!
    Also, haven't you watch enough Indiana Jones movies?

  • edited March 2012
    Fail: Eurail passes fucked us and we couldn't get a TGV Bullet to Zurich without paying 200 euro each. That means we'll get into our hostel tomorrow around 11:30pm (standard-speeds to Zurich with a 45minute gap for a connection @ Geneva), 1.5hrs after reception closes. Because my witch of a companion didn't realize that 24/7 reception and no curfew should be the first things you look for in a hostel, we may arrive in one of the priciest cities in Europe with no place to stay. Last-minute arrangements will need to be made at great personal expense if we can't grease the palm of the receptionist to wait up for us.

    Booh-Yah: Got to play calm, collected, well-traveled Dave. I pretended to barely care and coolly stated that it'll all work out despite the near panic of my companions. The harpy in particular was incredibly upset by my general indifference to the situation.

    Fail: I got in the elevator to strike out on my own and visit some art museums, and I immediately had a panic attack. I'm really having a lot of difficulty coping with the amount of stress and anger that the Harpy has introduced into my travelling experience and it's starting to bleed into my daily life.

    Booh-Yah: Tomorrow is going to be an adventure!
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Boo-yah: Talking with a girl online.
    Fail: She's really introverted so this is hard work.
    Boo-yah: Got her talking about interesting things the Smithsonian keeps in storage.
    Fail: Apparently they have flesh eating beetles. I DIDN'T KNOW THERE WERE FLESH EATING BEETLES!!!
    I know that because of Bones. :D

  • Boo yah: Has a really fun airsoft game yesterday. I'm learning that it's a really good full-body workout.
    Fail: Oh got my calves. They don't seem to work today.
    Boo yah: We've arranged a really good carpool situation, so I don't have to worry about getting to matches anymore (they're in NJ and Long Island).
  • Boo-Yah: Went to an autocross event today that was run by some friends. I helped them run the event and drove some.
    Fail: Between the standing around and wheel wrangling, my everything now hurts.
    Boo-Yah: I did better than a bunch of people with much faster cars than my 2.
  • FAIL!: I was caught stealing my neighbor's bandwidth with my Android cellphone. Apparently my cellphone is named after me and throws it out to the router, a problem which I am now trying to identify and fix.

    Double Fail: My neighbor's router crashed and had to be replaced with a new one. When I first heard about this from my roommate, I thought he was blaming me for breaking it.

    Booyah: He wasn't mad at me at all when I went over to apologize, and he said that his router was ass-old and had to be replaced anyway. He was actually pretty impressed that I knew as much as I did about WiFi security, and I gave him all the tips I knew to protect his WiFi. He was a cool dude who does something concerning computer architecture for a living, which explains why he caught me. ;-)

    Lesson learned, don't use my cellphone to access other people's WiFi, and I should probably use a fake MAC address.
  • Fail: sinus cold turned into a stomach flu. So much pain and so cold. Took 2 mink blankets, 2 heating pad, and a hour to get rid of the chills.
    Boo-yah: at least it is now and NOT next week. I should have it out of my system by then. The only thing I can keep down are bananas and water.
  • edited March 2012
    Booh-Yah: Got my roommates to watch the Muppets and it was generally well-received. This was one of those times where the movie I showed them was very important to me and It was kind of important for them to like it as well. I was not disappointed.

    Fail: One of them was unamused by most of it, complained a bit throughout (especially when there were songs), and was talking about how Mary obviously has daddy issues and would become a stripper when she got to Los Angeles, but I was not remarkably surprised by his reactions. He doesn't really respond to whimsy very well.
    Post edited by Li_Akahi on
  • Booyah!- Pretty much finished my English 102 essay on Software Patents. Verdict: they're horrible and should be gotten rid of.

    Fail!- I learned that the essay was not due today, which means that I could have procrastinated for five more days >:-P

    Booyah!- I came up with a radically awesome algorithm that will give you some laughs. I'll post flow charts and maybe code when I get around to it.
  • edited March 2012
    Fail: Commercial customer bitched at me because one coworker told a potential customer of his that the car she wanted to purchase wasn't worth what they were asking. (Most likely true) We will probably lose his business over it.
    Boo-Yah: Basically told him to suck it when he demanded to speak to the coworker.
    Double Boo-Yah: And no fucks were given that day.
    Failure of the highest caliber: McDonalds stopped carrying MLP toys before I could get Twilight Sparkle.
    Post edited by Jack Draigo on
  • Failure of the highest caliber: McDonalds stopped carrying MLP toys before I could get Twilight Sparkle.
    Apparently my local McDonalds had to get rid of them all by today so they just gave them to anyone who wanted them.
  • Whaa?? Is this everywhere? The Happy Meal site still has them up. I ALMOST went yesterday on a whim but decided not to. I hope I didn't make a terrible mistake. ;-;
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