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Fail of your Boo-Yah (and vica-versa)



  • edited March 2012
    Even that is a ridiculous thing to say. Samsung makes some fantastic Android devices. The Galaxy Nexus and the Galaxy S II are beautiful, very highly rated devices.

    Also, fix your quote.
    Post edited by trogdor9 on
  • The Galaxy Nexus S is in my opinion the best engineered piece of Droid hardware ever made. Every other phone is too big, too ugly, too thick, or has some fatal flaw.

    I have yet to find a newer phone I would prefer to the Nexus S (discounting the iPhone hardware).
  • The Galaxy Nexus S is in my opinion the best engineered piece of Droid hardware ever made. Every other phone is too big, too ugly, too thick, or has some fatal flaw.
    Do you mean the Galaxy S or the Galaxy Nexus? They're entirely different devices.
  • He means the S. He's seen my Nexus and thinks it's too big. Meanwhile, I think the Nexus is the right size for my hand.
  • The mother has the Galaxy S II, that thing is massive but barely weighs anything. I have trouble using it one handed with my considerable handspan but the ma's fine using it two handed.

    It's all a mater of preference. I'm fine with her old HTC Hero as I'm at the computer most of the time so phones aren't that big a thing for me. I like my stuff slightly on the heavy side and something about the size of the gameboy pocket is ideal.
  • Fail: Fuck you, car parts that wear out! Goddammit making me spend $900 I don't have!!!

    Booyah: New tires. Lifetime alignments. New belt that is NOT riddled with cracks. Brakes that work right. Properly lit license plate. Working lighter sockets.

    Fail: Goddammit $900!
    Take better care of your car and you won't have to drop so much money on repairs at one time.

    Also other than getting a check engine light you don't need to have a tune up done on a regular basis, and your oil change interval can be greater than 3K miles. A "tune up" today is just replacing spark plugs, wires, air filters, and oxygen sensors. All those can be replaced on their own when they wear out (I.E., your check engine light comes on).
  • Take better care of your car and you won't have to drop so much money on repairs at one time.

    Also other than getting a check engine light you don't need to have a tune up done on a regular basis, and your oil change interval can be greater than 3K miles. A "tune up" today is just replacing spark plugs, wires, air filters, and oxygen sensors. All those can be replaced on their own when they wear out (I.E., your check engine light comes on).
    Um yeah, I'm a student with no fucking money. I've had my car checked up numerous times in the past couple years and no one identified these issues until now. My check engine light has never come on. I get oil changes at about 5k.

    $600 of this was 4 new tires and a lifetime alignment (free alignments from now on). I needed a fuel system cleaning, and my rear brake disk cover thingies were spinning freely (apparently they are not supposed to do that, huh?) so they needed adjustment. My battery was corroded where it connects to the cables; a fairly new happening. It needed to be cleaned. The serpentine belt was cracked up; it needed to be replaced.

    Pray tell what exactly would I have been doing to take care of my car to avoid these expenses? The belt would have needed replacement eventually. So would the tires. The fuel system would need cleaning. It's not like I waited until my car broke down and then towed it to the shop and had damage from a breakdown!

  • edited March 2012
    Keep on top of maintenance issues. regularly open the hood and visually inspect the engine. Clean off any corrosion built up on your battery (coke and an old toothbrush, I KNOW you have those). Repair or replace anything that looks old and cracked (consequentially, go look at your radiator hoses). Go get your battery, alternator, and starter tested (most auto parts stores do this for free). Use a fuel system cleaner like Lucas (sorry to plug, reflex). Be proactive about fixing your car so a mechanic doesn't have a list like in the cartoons when you have to come in for something you couldn't prevent. A few of those things could have been prevented or replaced separately (a belt is usually less than $20), though tires wear out and you might as well get an alignment while you're there.

    Seriously people its not that hard. Learn about your vehicle.

    Edit: And Nuri, that's not directed at you yourself. You've done nothing wrong, I just get preachy listening to women tell me all day they don't know anything (and they usually don't, as I'm not a particular font of car wisdom and they know even less than me) about cars, and deflect my suggestion that they learn with "Well I'm a girl." Women fought for equal rights, they're brains are Biologically similar to male brains, so there's no reason they can't.

    And I'll get off my soapbox now.
    Post edited by Jack Draigo on
  • Take better care of your car and you won't have to drop so much money on repairs at one time.

    Also other than getting a check engine light you don't need to have a tune up done on a regular basis, and your oil change interval can be greater than 3K miles. A "tune up" today is just replacing spark plugs, wires, air filters, and oxygen sensors. All those can be replaced on their own when they wear out (I.E., your check engine light comes on).
    Right. Um. Your point really isn't valid. Things happen to cars regardless of if you're taking care of it OR if you don't. Granted they happen more often if you're not taking care of it -- but things like what happened to Nuri's car are things that fall under regular and routine maintenance.

    Cars have parts that, hm, wear out. Part of owning a car is the whole deal of things like this happening. Do we hope that these things wear out at different intervals so we don't have to spend a ton of money in one fell swoop? Yes, yes we do. Does that often happen? No, it doesn't. Mostly because Mr. Murphy exists.

    Nuri was unfortunate in that she had to drop all this at once. That's why it sucks. Things happen. It's no different than if she was paying for all of this over the course of a year. It's regular maintenance of a car.

    Plus, y'know, it's nice to NOT have a huge waste of time and having to have things fixed over the course of the year and get it taken care of in one trip.
  • Take better care of your car and you won't have to drop so much money on repairs at one time.

    Also other than getting a check engine light you don't need to have a tune up done on a regular basis, and your oil change interval can be greater than 3K miles. A "tune up" today is just replacing spark plugs, wires, air filters, and oxygen sensors. All those can be replaced on their own when they wear out (I.E., your check engine light comes on).
    Right. Um. Your point really isn't valid. Things happen to cars regardless of if you're taking care of it OR if you don't. Granted they happen more often if you're not taking care of it -- but things like what happened to Nuri's car are things that fall under regular and routine maintenance.

    Cars have parts that, hm, wear out. Part of owning a car is the whole deal of things like this happening. Do we hope that these things wear out at different intervals so we don't have to spend a ton of money in one fell swoop? Yes, yes we do. Does that often happen? No, it doesn't. Mostly because Mr. Murphy exists.
    All this is news to me because I work at Autozone

    Again, I guess I just got preachy having to deal with idiots all day, and at the end of it the mechanic is gonna try and squeeze as much labor cost out of it as possible. It does suck Nuri, I don't doubt that.
  • edited March 2012
    (coke and an old toothbrush, I KNOW you have those). Repair or replace anything that looks old and cracked (consequentially, go look at your radiator hoses). Go get your battery, alternator, and starter tested (most auto parts stores do this for free). Use a fuel system cleaner like Lucas (sorry to plug, reflex). Be proactive about fixing your car so a mechanic doesn't have a list like in the cartoons when you have to come in for something you couldn't prevent. A few of those things could have been prevented or replaced separately (a belt is usually less than $20), though tires wear out and you might as well get an alignment while you're there.

    Seriously people its not that hard. Learn about your vehicle.

    Edit: And Nuri, that's not directed at you yourself. You've done nothing wrong, I just get preachy listening to women tell me all day they don't know anything (and they usually do, as I'm not a particular font of car wisdom and they know even less than me) about cars, and deflect my suggestion that they learn with "Well I'm a girl." Women fought for equal rights, they're brains are Biologically similar to male brains, so there's no reason they can't.

    And I'll get off my soapbox now.
    Yeah um, actually I don't drink Coke. Or any soda at all, actually. So no, I don't have that. ;)

    And no, my serpentine belt is hard to get to; that's why it was so expensive to replace. Not the cost of the part. I also have physical issues that limit me from lifting heavy things or straining myself too much, and I don't have the facilities to pull shit out of my car to get to the belt, either.

    FYI, I have NEVER disclaimed responsibility for my car because I'm a girl. I have a great car that has never left me on the side of the road. I know I am not as up on my car's inner workings as I could be, but I am also willing to give money to specialists to take care of those things for me so I can spend my time and brain effort learning other things. Yeah, I pay people to change my oil for me, and I'll pay for good customer service from an auto mechanic. It's not worth the amount of time and work I'd have to put into it to do the services, especially given my physical limitations.

    ETA: In the grand scheme of things, I'm actually ECSTATICALLY happy about the current state of my car. It handles better than it did when I bought it. It was well worth the money.

    Post edited by Nuri on
  • None of that is particularly bad, I was just ranting. Not all cars are user friendly in terms of maintenance (I refuse to do even the simple tasks we're allowed to do on Chryslers). But at least you're not like those people that, proudly mind you, proclaim they just drive and put gas in it.
  • $300 for a fuel system cleaning, drum brake adjustment (the brake dust cover thingy is what's called your brake drum), clean the battery terminals, and change a belt. I hope it took them 2 hours to change your belt, cause otherwise you got ripped off. Any time a mechanic tells you you need your fuel system cleaned, decline unless he's actually going to take it apart and scrub it.
  • The worst thing was when I had to replace the brake lines on my old car years ago when they went suddenly, and the mechanic also replaced the semi-busted catalytic converter, which is a pretty expensive part. That would be fine, but the car basically died of rust on the undercarriage and electrical shorts a mere handful of months later. I felt kinda cheated, even though I know that you have to have a good catalytic converter for a car to be legal in NYS. I wish that more mechanics would tell you when you have a hopeless case on your hands, which was kind of what I suspected at the time.
  • Boo-Yah: I have learned a lot of good technique from making my Party Rock Pie, from tempering/melting chocolate just right, to incorporating Vodka into Dough. It actually works really well, taste/texture wise. Even the filling is good with some vodka in it.

    Fail: My pie was mostly ruined because bits of scrambled eggs were in it. Real fail with adding the beaten egg into the chocolate mixture, and not have it mixed enough/or the mixture was too hot. I've never made that error before.

    Boo-Yah: Other than that mistake, the non-tainted slice still taste really damn good. Filling could be a tad sweeter, but that's about it.

    Fail: I recorded myself making the whole thing, step-by-step. I didn't record the pie as a whole, but a really good slice. I feel like I'm in a slight moral dilemma, not pointing out the issue of adding eggs at the right moment. I think I might bend the truth a little, but man, I shouldn't feel this bad about it.
  • Change Oil and Rotate tires occasionally, DONE :-p
  • $300 for a fuel system cleaning, drum brake adjustment (the brake dust cover thingy is what's called your brake drum), clean the battery terminals, and change a belt. I hope it took them 2 hours to change your belt, cause otherwise you got ripped off. Any time a mechanic tells you you need your fuel system cleaned, decline unless he's actually going to take it apart and scrub it.
    There might have been some other things. I didn't do a comprehensive list off the receipt. Also, I was there for 4.5 hours. The tires + alignment was only supposed to take 1.5 hours. So whatever they did, it fucking took a long time.

    I can definitely say my car runs a crapload better now, whatever the reason may be. I'm not having trouble accelerating anymore.

    I think you underestimate the amount of money it is worth for me to pay someone to do the work on my car instead of me having to do it.

  • I no-longer have to heat my apartment because my new neighbors seem to be keeping the downstairs apartment a balmy 80 degrees at all times and hot air seems to go up.

    But hey, lower electric bill?
  • $300 for a fuel system cleaning, drum brake adjustment (the brake dust cover thingy is what's called your brake drum), clean the battery terminals, and change a belt. I hope it took them 2 hours to change your belt, cause otherwise you got ripped off. Any time a mechanic tells you you need your fuel system cleaned, decline unless he's actually going to take it apart and scrub it.
    There might have been some other things. I didn't do a comprehensive list off the receipt. Also, I was there for 4.5 hours. The tires + alignment was only supposed to take 1.5 hours. So whatever they did, it fucking took a long time.

    I can definitely say my car runs a crapload better now, whatever the reason may be. I'm not having trouble accelerating anymore.

    I think you underestimate the amount of money it is worth for me to pay someone to do the work on my car instead of me having to do it.

    Remember Fluttershy trying to buy a cherry.
  • Clockian: You're seriously the only person I've ever seen who has disliked the Samsung Intensity (the cell phone you're complaining about). I had one until just this November, and it had lasted almost four years - the thing is a fucking tank, and the keys work pretty well. As for the UI complaints, there's one problem (the fact that the command to read a new text message sends incoming calls to voice mail), unless you're trying to use something like the internet function, which you shouldn't be.

    That phone is awesome, for a non-smartphone.
  • edited March 2012
    Boo-yah!: Found a promising, agreeable summer subleaser so awesome-roommate and I can keep our place when crazy moves out.

    Fail: Upon mentioning to crazy that we found a subleaser and they might have to work out details of who moves out and in when, she repeatedly insisted that if the new roommate wanted to move in sooner than the end of may, they'd "have a problem".
    Post edited by Anrild on
  • edited March 2012
    Remember Fluttershy trying to buy a cherry.
    Dude, there is a difference between buying a cherry at a farm stand and picking your own cherry. I have no interest in picking car cherries. I will buy my cherries at the grocery store.

    EDIT: You know what guys, stop fucking telling me I'm getting ripped off because I choose to pay someone to do a service instead of doing it myself. I am the only judge of what my time is worth that matters to me. You wanna come do my car maintenance for the cost of supplies, warranty your work, and keep electronic records of it for me, be my guest. Otherwise, stop talking shit.
    Post edited by Nuri on
  • edited March 2012
    Tell them to spin their own yarn then knit them to make clothes. (^_−)−☆
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • Boo-yah!: Found a promising, agreeable summer subleaser so awesome-roommate and I can keep our place when crazy moves out.

    Fail: Upon mentioning to crazy that we found a subleaser and they might have to work out details of who moves out and in when, she repeatedly insisted that if the new roommate wanted to move in sooner than the end of may, they'd "have a problem".
    some rock salt slung at high velocity might get the message to crazy if she doesn't want to leave before the new subleaser.
  • edited March 2012
    some rock salt slung at high velocity might get the message to crazy if she doesn't want to leave before the new subleaser.
    As satisfying as it would be, we probably shouldn't be encouraging assalt on these forums.
    Post edited by Linkigi(Link-ee-jee) on
  • some rock salt slung at high velocity might get the message to crazy if she doesn't want to leave before the new subleaser.
    As satisfying as it would be, we probably shouldn't be encouraging assalt on these forums.
    Probably not, but I think she's given enough cause for them to be scared for their lives.
  • edited March 2012
    EDIT: You know what guys, stop fucking telling me I'm getting ripped off because I choose to pay someone to do a service instead of doing it myself. I am the only judge of what my time is worth that matters to me. You wanna come do my car maintenance for the cost of supplies, warranty your work, and keep electronic records of it for me, be my guest. Otherwise, stop talking shit.
    Not saying that it's wrong to get your car serviced by someone else, but tire places are kinda notorious for ripping people off. I know cause I used to work at a tire place. Their business model is selling dubiously necessary repairs, no joke.

    EDIT: My favorite was our premium oil change where we'd dump some kind of a solvent in the engine before to "clean the engine of gunk." The solvent didn't do shit! :P
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • Clockian: You're seriously the only person I've ever seen who has disliked the Samsung Intensity (the cell phone you're complaining about). I had one until just this November, and it had lasted almost four years - the thing is a fucking tank, and the keys work pretty well. As for the UI complaints, there's one problem (the fact that the command to read a new text message sends incoming calls to voice mail), unless you're trying to use something like the internet function, which you shouldn't be.

    That phone is awesome, for a non-smartphone.
    Yeah, I think the problem is that he's judging it on the same scale as his Android phone, which is really unfair.
  • edited March 2012
    Remember Fluttershy trying to buy a cherry.
    Dude, there is a difference between buying a cherry at a farm stand and picking your own cherry. I have no interest in picking car cherries. I will buy my cherries at the grocery store.

    EDIT: You know what guys, stop fucking telling me I'm getting ripped off because I choose to pay someone to do a service instead of doing it myself. I am the only judge of what my time is worth that matters to me. You wanna come do my car maintenance for the cost of supplies, warranty your work, and keep electronic records of it for me, be my guest. Otherwise, stop talking shit.
    I'm totally with you, Nuri! I have no time to learn car stuff, so I don't mind paying. Saying we need to learn to do it all ourselves is like saying we all need to be master carpenters and know how to fix everything in our houses/apts, know every intricacy of a computer when something goes wrong (well, some of us here do :-P), or like Ro said, be able to make your own yarn and craft your own clothes. I could go on a soapbox about how I hate people that listen to music and complain about it not being good, so why don't you go learn a musical instrument on a professional level and create your own? I know this is ridiculous, however, bc that takes years of study.

    Sorry naysayers, we have lives. We are very good at certain things because we chose to specialize and spend our time with them. Some people chose cars, some not so much. I do, however, have a smart dad who has warned me of the ways of shady car people (he worked as a mechanic awhile back). We happen to have a family friend who is an honest mechanic.

    Sorry, this really hit home with me, I'm already sensitive about being a bad female driver (yes, I'm stereotyping myself). To say my potential car problems are my fault for not learning every intricacy of my car (beyond faithfully getting my oil changed and whatnot)... well >.<!
    Post edited by Lyddi on
  • Fail: Having to fill out so many tedious bureaucratic forms for my job transition.
    Boo-Yah: I'm ok with it because I'm moving onto a new job.

    Seriously though, government forms. Ugh. So many different abbreviations I have to remember.
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