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Fail of your Boo-Yah (and vica-versa)



  • Boo-Yah: Kate and I discovered that there are two animated Discworld mini-series.
    Fail: Oh god, they were unwatchable. Horribly. As in "That one Zelda game no one talks about" bad.
  • I've never played a zelda game before. Which one is the one no one talks about?
  • I've never played a zelda game before.
  • I've never played a zelda game before. Which one is the one no one talks about?
    Why would you want to play the one no one talks about?
  • edited February 2012
    I've never played a zelda game before. Which one is the one no one talks about?
    The CD-i games.
    Post edited by Axel on
  • edited February 2012
    I've never played a zelda game before. Which one is the one no one talks about?
    The CD-i games.
    Lol, nope. Super Metroid. Maybe Super Mario World.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • edited February 2012
    As much as I like Super Metroid, no way that's the best video game ever.

    Aaaaand cue ten page tangent discussion.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • I just have opinions. I'm not really gonna argue that I'm right. XD
  • Especially considering things like, y'know, Half-Life. Or Portal 2.
    But yeah, play some Zelda games some time.
  • Half-life and Tetris are what come to mind for me.
  • I just have opinions. I'm not really gonna argue that I'm right. XD
    Guys, he's finally figured it out!
    (I kid, of course)
  • I wasn't thinking basic enough. Tetris is probably my pick. Either that or Megaman 2.
  • Link's Awakening, best Zelda game.
  • Anyways, back to topic:
    Boo-Yah: was browsing an academic bookstore, and discovered a book called Vanished Kingdoms. It's about a bunch of states in medieval and early modern Europe, some of which were major players in history, who have basically entirely been forgotten about by history. (Yes, it is about forgotten realms).
    Fail: It was $60 in the bookstore and I couldn't justify buying it.
  • edited February 2012
    Whoa, I think that's the one that Rym just finished reading. My mom gave it to him. There is no way she paid $60 for it, though. College bookstores like to jack up the price, it seems. Apparently it is good and if you can find it for cheaper, you should.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • It's $25 on Amazon, but considering that it'll be months before I even have time to read it, I can't really justify buying it now.
  • Hahaha you think that is expensive for history books? The cheapest one for one of my modules comes in at £56. I came across one that was £1,000 and it isn't even one of the fancy reproductions. History books, proper academical studies, cost an arm and a leg.
  • Hahaha you think that is expensive for history books? The cheapest one for one of my modules comes in at £56. I came across one that was £1,000 and it isn't even one of the fancy reproductions. History books, proper academical studies, cost an arm and a leg.
    Really? because the most I ever payed for a book while I was at uni was £25.
  • Hahaha you think that is expensive for history books? The cheapest one for one of my modules comes in at £56. I came across one that was £1,000 and it isn't even one of the fancy reproductions. History books, proper academical studies, cost an arm and a leg.
    Really? because the most I ever payed for a book while I was at uni was £25.
    How the fuck did you get away with that? I had to buy three $100+ math textbooks just last semester.
  • AmpAmp
    edited February 2012
    When was that and what where you doing? Some stuff you can get cheap for some modules. Most of the time its over £30. I know my girlfriends course books cost so much that it isn't worth buying. Even when she does buy them they are out dated by the next year. Man fuck uni and the books.
    Post edited by Amp on
  • It was true of both my undergrad and post-grad. I graduated in 2007 and then got my MA in 2010 and I did history. Which I think is the important thing in all of this, since in maths and the sciences, I may be wrong here, but I believe you have set text books that you have to use as what your module is based around.
    This isn't the case with history, at least in my experience. Say I was doing an essay on the evolution of submarine warfare or Monty's role in Operation Husky. There are lots of sources on these subjects, in the library, journals (JSTOR is a brilliant resoruce for stuff like this) and if needs be I would buy a book but very rarely unless it was for my dissertations or for something like Theories of War, which is really the closest thing we ever got to having set texts.
    I think the most expansive book I got was the Oxford Companion to Military History, which was around £25.
  • Booyah: Zombie, Run is out
    Fail: Android version won't be out for 3 monthes
  • Boo-yah: Made salsa with my new food processor for the first time.
    Fail: Forgot all kinds of ingredients so it did not taste right at first.
    Boo-yah: I added it in after the fact, which fixed the taste for the most part.
    Fail: Since it say overnight without cilantro in it I cannot tell if the amount I added was appropriate so I am still a little lost on how much to add the next.

    Once I get the recipe right for plain salsa I think I will experiment with chipoltle and habanero.
  • Boo-yah: I got my first bonus from my big girl job!
    Fail: The government stole 39% of it.
    Boo-yah: Whatev, I still have extra moneys $_$
  • That's how it always works with bonuses. I wish they would give the amount they say they are going to give at net vs gross.
  • Establish a dummy corporation for yourself in the Cayman Islands. Funnel all your bonuses there by direct deposit so they can't be taxed.
  • Establish a dummy corporation for yourself in the Cayman Islands. Funnel all your bonuses there by direct deposit so they can't be taxed.
    Yeeeaah... pretty sure that's called tax evasion.
  • Establish a dummy corporation for yourself in the Cayman Islands. Funnel all your bonuses there by direct deposit so they can't be taxed.
    Yeeeaah... pretty sure that's called tax evasion.
    How cynical. I prefer to think of it as "pushing the envelope into the grey area."
  • Establish a dummy corporation for yourself in the Cayman Islands. Funnel all your bonuses there by direct deposit so they can't be taxed.
    Yeeeaah... pretty sure that's called tax evasion.
  • Establish a dummy corporation for yourself in the Cayman Islands. Funnel all your bonuses there by direct deposit so they can't be taxed.
    Yeeeaah... pretty sure that's called tax evasion.

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