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Santa Row Crew (Forum Secret Santa Sign-up)



  • Dear Sol Invictus,

    How are you? I am fine.

    What to get for the dude who has everything? How about you get me something that you think is cool. But don't stress over it: I trust your judgement, oh Unconquered Sun.


    P.S. If all else fails, chocolate.
  • Dear Joe Pesci,

    You just keep doing what you're doing. You look like a guy who gets things done.

  • Dear Joe Pesci,
    Best. Obscure. Reference. Ever.

    At least, I hope it's a reference to what I think it is.
  • I'm a jew. A lonely jew...
  • Oy kvetch!
  • These letter are hilarious. I already started the gift for ________. ...OMG THIS IS GONNA SUCK PANIC!

  • At least, I hope it's a reference to what I think it is.
    It is.
  • edited December 2009
    Dear Robot Santa,

    For Christmas, I obviously want for you end your inherent destruction of killing everyone in your path, however I would also like to inform you that I adore the following:

    Cutesy Japanese prints on cloth
    Anything that is has Tare Panda, Yoshi, or Yotsuba
    Delicious medium roast coffees

    Still believing in you,

    Dear Secret Santa Recipient,

    My internet stalking honestly didn't take long at all. My memory is awesome, so I already knew many of your interests. Prepare to be dazzled.

    I expect pictures of your reaction.

    Maniacally laughing,
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • Dear Santa,

    It's been a while, huh? I know I'm old now, and sometimes I mouth off to my folks, but I try to be a good person and help people when I can. What I want for Christmas would be too expensive and I don't want to put that burden on you. Here's a list of things I like and maybe you can figure out something that you can send me.

    *remote controlled stuff
    *Stuff that I can connect via USB
    *anything I could use to make my '92 civic cooler
    *Anything handmade and/or geeky.
    *Programmable microcontroller kit (arduino, basic stamp, etc.)
    *anything dangerous
    *computers/ computer peripherals

    Any one of those things would be great, buy If you can find a way to combine two or more of them...Oh manz...

    Merry Christmas!


    Dear Secret Santa Recipient,

    You are hard as FUCK to find gifts for, but I think I found one. you will be pleased.

    P.S. I want to see a picture of your with it when you get it.

    Resentful as always,

  • Hello...well i found out about this secret Santa thing the day after it was all decided. So I'm kinda sad because I've always wanted to do secret Santa. so I'm basically volunteering to be a non-secret Santa to the first person who replies who ISN'T doing secret Santa.

    P.S. If i find out you lie just to get to gifts your going on the naughty list forever!
  • Hi, BlackVelvet. Sorry, but I'm already en-secret-ed.

    Dear Secret Stalker,

    If you got me as your Secret Santee(?), what fortuitous circumstance you must have! I am easily amused, and my interests are varied. Though, if you haven't found anything yet, might I suggest taking into account this fine bulleted list?
    • Furnishings, Wall-things, art
    • Home/hand-made things are AWESOME!
    • Seeing as I live in the past, I adore OLD SHIT. (glass, brass, tubes, ducts, etc)
    • I'm trying to improve my culinary skills, so weird/geeky/awesome/old kitchen-y things are cool. (HINT I DON'T HAVE A HAND-POWERED BLENDER HINT HINT)
    Good night, and good luck.

    To Whom it May Concern,

    We may or may not know each other, and I'm still trying to find the perfect gift, but I know my efforts will not be in vain. I think you'll appreciate what I have in mind.

    Your Secret Santer (opposite of Secret Santee)
  • *Programmable microcontroller kit (arduino, basic stamp, etc.)
    The Arduino starter from the Maker Shed made my own Christmas list. That's a gift with almost infinite value.
  • edited December 2009
    Dear Robot Santa,

    For Christmas, I obviously want for you end your inherent destruction of killing everyone in your path, however I would also like to inform you that I adore the following:

    Cutesy Japanese prints on cloth
    Anything that is has Tare Panda, Yoshi, or Yotsuba
    Delicious medium roast coffees

    Still believing in you,

    Dear Secret Santa Recipient,

    My internet stalking honestly didn't take long at all. My memory is awesome, so I already knew many of your interests. Prepare to be dazzled.

    I expect pictures of your reaction.

    Maniacally laughing,
    I wish I had you as a Secret Santee, you live in an easy to ship to area and want coffee!
    Post edited by ElJoe0 on
  • @ Judith: Adam is a Jew, but he still reaps the benefits of Christmas.
  • edited December 2009
    Dear White Bearded Dream Maker:

    I do not have many desires when it comes to the physical realm. I enjoy almost anything that can be done in groups but I love spend time with myself. I love poems, and things that make me smile. I like small things that make think, the smaller the better.
    I enjoy reading but most of all I enjoy writing. I have ink and pen but most of the time I lack the inspiration that comes from white papers.
    But most importantly I would like to know something from you, a special gesture that would make that present comes from you also a present for you.


    A Child of Earth.

    To the other Child of Earth:
    I just want to say thank you, because it was due to your request that I was able to unveil my old forgotten artistic skills in order to make your present. It might be sucky but it has the answer to the question of all questions :P
    Post edited by Erwin on
  • Anyone else interested on getting in on this? If so, whisper to me.
  • Best. Obscure. Reference. Ever.
    But it's not obscure at all.

    Hey there santa claus,
    As you already know, your good friend Saint Nicholas has already come and gone here. No need to send me gifts this year either, I'm swell. Good luck delivering presents to all these Christian heathens that desire gifts on their religious days.
    That Forum Asshole.

    Dear Secret Santee,
    That Forum Asshole.
  • Anyone else want to take part? If so, don't forget to whisper to me.
  • Any sending deadlines?
  • Any sending deadlines?
  • edited December 2009
    Mine will be sent around next week to the person that is getting it. Hope you enjoy!
    Post edited by Alan on
  • I'm hoping to send it by the end of next week.
  • Mine should be there sometime next week.
  • I still have to take a trip to the craft store, which I'll do as soon as finals are over.
  • You will get the (digital) goods on the 20th, the only reason it is taking me so long is that I need to go wait for my paycheck (paypal is at £00.5)
  • If more people want to do it, I would be willing to organize it for you. Please whisper me with the information by 12/14/2009 at 11:59 p.m. E.S.T.
    Just a reminder.
    We could really use at least one more person!
  • Grr. The store I went to didn't have what I was thinking of. My search continues. You'll probably get it after Christmas.
  • I am letting you know in advance, person-who-I-will-not-reveal-but-is-my-target, that your gift will in all likelihood not be arriving until after the holidays sometime. I am extremely busy this week and it just won't happen quickly, by nature of international shipping.
  • Is it cool if we all aim to get it there before the New Year?
  • Sounds good to me. I still have to pick up a little something from the store. Finally figured out what to do for someone whose shirt size I don't know.
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