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Santa Row Crew (Forum Secret Santa Sign-up)



  • I started working on my present finally! Should be mailed out by the end of the week.

    I am also curious to wonder how many whispered comments are on this thread. I can imagine there are quite a few. ^_~
  • We'll never know, Ro. We'll never know what they've been whispering to each other behind our backs....
  • I have three things done. I will look for something else after work :P
    I think I will package and mail it tomorrow :D
  • Well, now I have 2 cases of empty beer bottles. Now I have to juggle cleaning, laundry, baking cookies for work, finishing the gift, and brewing 5 gallons of beer.
  • I'm working on my second present. It shalt be done soon enough.
  • I sent out my gift today, but I couldn't send it out non-electronically because of complications. That makes me upset because I planned on sticking a letter that has to go along with the gift. The gift won't make much sense without it, I think maybe I'll use the package tracking feature of Amazon and send an e-mail on the day it gets there.
  • Entering the final stages of gift crafting. On track to have it sent out this week. I hope.
  • My present is being annoying due to Amazon-related complications.
  • My present is still in the works, taking a bit longer than expected, however I think it's coming out quite nicely.
  • I just finished my present yesterday. I will be mailing it today at night or tomorrow during lunch :P
  • I still have to contact the company who makes my gift to see if they can ship it to my recipient without a receipt.
  • INB4 gifts are in boring paper and not in an awesome wooden tank and without proper poem.
  • INB4 gifts are in boring paper and not in an awesome wooden tank and without proper poem.
  • Intriguing...
    Saint Nicholas, December 5th. People draw a name from a container and get a present for that person. Often these presents are accompanied by a (hilariously cheesy/badly) rhyming poem setting out several things that happened to the gift-receiver that year. Often these presents are (besides being individually wrapped in normal paper), put in a larger 'gift', like a cardboard boat (on which St. Nick comes from Spain to here), or something relevant to the receiver. For example, in middle school my (then) best friend drew my name, and he (and his parents) made a life-sized Zwarte Piet (Black Peter, St. Nick's helpers) head out of straw (and some paper for details iirc). The next year he drew my name again. They made a wooden tank about the same size as that head that year. I still have it. It's still awesome.

    So, awesome gifts with awesome poems for awesome hilarity please.

    Also, another thing, isn't Secret Santa redundant? Isn't Santa, like St. Nick, always a mystery, ergo, the gifts are from Santa Claus/Saint Nicholas.
  • Dear Secret Santa,

    Here are some notes to make your life easier. I am a fan of the following:
    Yu Yu Hakusho* Inuyasha*, Full metal alchemist*, Ghost in the Shell, Wolfs Rain, Anime in general, Xena, Hercules, x-men, justice league, Batman and super hero’s alike, poetry (not contemporary), art, opera, phantom of the opera*, Vanessa Mae, Labyrinth*, anything beauty or fashion related, vampires (not twilight unless it has something to do with Dr. Cullen - the father. I’m more an Anne Rice vampire type.) I love non salted almonds and cashews.
    *=do not have the movie

    Basically I figure I’ll throw a bunch of stuff out there for you. But I’m not that hard to please so don't worry too much about it. And please don't spend a ton of money! It's the thought that counts!

    Thank you and have a very merry Christmas!
  • vampires (not twilight unless it has something to do with Dr. Cullen - the father. IÂ’m more an Anne Rice vampire type.)
    What about the crazy, frizzle-haired pseudo-lesbian vampire? She seemed like a nice character for a while, before Meyers realized what she was writing and stopped making her interesting.
  • So, my gift arrived today...but I was not home to receive it. -_________-
  • Dear Santa,
    I like Nintendo (expecially Pokemon (not the show), Zelda, and Metroid), Disney, comics (not underwear pervert ones), and Gundam model kits (mostly from Gundam 00, but not Exia or Dynames because I already have them).

    Thank you!
  • edited December 2009
    I just realized I am going to be away from the address I put in here for about a month, with only one short stop-in during that time. I guess I can ask my landlady to look out for our mail...she's going to need to anyway.

    My Santee's gift will probably be mailed out next week, since I still have to go to the store and get a few things. I'll have an abundance of free time during the days though, so the work will go quick. :)
    Post edited by Nuri on
  • I'm working on mine, I still need a chance to get out to certain stores. Please forgive me for being late. :(
  • I just got mine in the mail today, but like everyone else I am slow in sending one out.
  • edited December 2009
    We should restrain from posting pics and talking specifically about the stuff we got until the very end so that even the last person to receive their gift still gets to be surprised about who sent it to them.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • I'll be sending mine Monday.
  • I was shooting to have mine ready to send by today, but that won't happen. It's getting there; I need to do a few hours of work on it yet. I'm hoping to have it sent out by this coming Monday.
  • I'm waiting to get my secret santa gift so I can ship it to my recipient. Stupid UPS taking fucking forever.
  • I'm waiting to get my secret santa gift so I can ship it to my recipient. Stupid UPS taking fucking forever.
    Why did you have it shipped to yourself first instead of directly to the person?
  • I guess he wanted to wrap it personally. A waste of time and money, really.
  • edited December 2009
    I'm waiting to get my secret santa gift so I can ship it to my recipient. Stupid UPS taking fucking forever.
    Why did you have it shipped to yourself first instead of directly to the person?
    Possibly to wrap it, package it with other gifts, or to ensure that his name wasn't on any documentation with the gift.
    I sent mine directly from the stores and I think my name will show on at least one of them. It is a minor fail, but only a minor one.
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • or to ensure that his name wasn't on any documentation with the gift.
    That's a good point; anonymity is an important part of the whole "Secret Santa" thing, at least.
  • I sent mine directly from the stores and I think my name will show on at least one of them. It is a minor fail, but only a minor one.
    So you are upset that someone on this forum might know your name when it's clearly in your profile?
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