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Santa Row Crew (Forum Secret Santa Sign-up)



  • To whomever has me: expect a gift sometime in the middle of January. International shipping + being really, really busy anyway = late gift. I apologize.
  • Mine will be on its way soon. I want my person to know that I toiled long into the night to make it, and I hope they like it.
  • Nuri and I sent out our gifts yesterday. They'll probably be in their respective countries by mid-January.
  • Sorry sorry santee, I totally forgot. However the second I get back home I can buy it for you!
  • edited December 2009
    I got my present today, I will open it today at midnight, pictures will be posted later :D
    By the way I used to be Chronos :P
    Post edited by Erwin on
  • Hey there, Santee! You'll be getting your gift soon. ;)
  • Still waiting for my gift to come.
  • Most of us are, dude. A lot of people aren't going to get their packages until mid-January.
  • Aaaaaaand thanks to my fucking inefficient mail courier I have the gift I sent last week on my hands again. Will be sending it again on Monday, I'll try and make something extra to make up for any delays, sorry.
  • Most of us are, dude. A lot of people aren't going to get their packages until mid-January.
    Mid-January, eh? Quite a while to wait.
  • Mid-January, eh? Quite a while to wait.
    It is, but you'll be waiting for awesome. Also, it's free. Free shit that required virtually no effort on your part to obtain. No bitching!
  • Mid-January, eh? Quite a while to wait.
    It is, but you'll be waiting forawesome. Also, it's free. Free shit that required virtually no effort on your part to obtain. No bitching!
    I'm not, I'm just stating the obvious.
  • I still haven't finished my present. I'm so close to finishing my cross-stitch project, so my motivation is more towards that. >.< However, I will be working on it in a bit and tomorrow.
  • /is really waiting for help...
  • <.< I still have to ship mine. V_V
  • Mine isn't done at all.
  • Haha, seems a lot of us are quite...unreliable at times...
  • At least one of my gifts was delivered.
  • Haha, seems a lot of us are quite...unreliable at times...
    I wouldn't say that we're unreliable! We're all generally busy during the holiday season!

    Think of it as Christmas 2.0!
  • Yeah, Christmas 2.0...

    Next year I'm buying all of my relatives 1 month of netflix. Less than $10 a person.
  • Yeah, it makes the holiday season last longer! Presents for a whole month after Christmas! Pete's and my gift are going internationally, so they will take a few weeks.

    Honestly though, if January is going to be over before your gift is delivered, it might be a good idea to have Neito give your Santee a heads up so they know they haven't been dissed.
  • just wanted to say to my santa-ee that i have yet to mail your gift due to the fact that every post office in a 5 mile radius has a line out the door...still. i will send it asap. so if you signed up for secret santa and havent gotten a gift yet it may be for that very reason.
  • just wanted to say to my santa-ee that i have yet to mail your gift due to the fact that every post office in a 5 mile radius has a line out the door...still. i will send it asap. so if you signed up for secret santa and havent gotten a gift yet it may be for that very reason.
    This is why I should never possess anything that can be set to stun. I would use that goddamn thing a hundred times a day.
  • If people have received gifts, please post so that your Secret Santas know that they arrived. Thanks!
  • If people have received gifts, please post so that your Secret Santas know that they arrived. Thanks!
    I was meaning to do that, I will do it at soon as I get home today :P
  • This is why I should never possess anything that can be set to stun. I would use that goddamn thing a hundred times a day.
    For some reason, I got an image of you driving down the road (smoking a pipe) committing drive-by stunnings.
  • I want to make a joke about Churba's eyes being set to stun, but I don't want to be accused of objectifying him.
  • I want to make a joke about Churba's eyes being set to stun, but I don't want to be accused of objectifying him.
    Maybe his eyes are set to "Objectify Me?"
  • For some reason, I got an image of you driving down the road (smoking a pipe) committing drive-by stunnings.
    I suddenly wish I could draw, so that I could draw this. Instead, I'll work on a picture.
    I want to make a joke about Churba's eyes being set to stun, but I don't want to be accused of objectifying him.
    Objectify away, ma'am, You have my permission.
  • For some reason, I got an image of you driving down the road (smoking a pipe) committing drive-by stunnings.
    I suddenly wish I could draw, so that I could draw this. Instead, I'll work on a picture.
    I want to see this.
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