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What movie have you seen recently?



  • If Black Dynamite isn't in the IMDB top 250, I wouldn't trust that list's credibility.
  • If Black Dynamite isn't in the IMDB top 250, I wouldn't trust that list's credibility.
    I will also watch all the movies on other important lists. For example, the AFI top 100, and Daryl Surat's top 100 most dangerous movies of all time.
  • Yeah, because I've only seen 149 movies in my entire life. Go watch Ebola Syndrome, then you can talk to me about seeing something weird or different.
    I think I bought that at the weird booth in the Portcon dealers room that seemed to be some 23-year-old's stuff after they cleaned out their dorm or apartment or whatever but then was too afraid to actually watch it so we gave it away at the Schlock panel. Was it Chinese?
  • Yeah, because I've only seen 149 movies in my entire life. Go watch Ebola Syndrome, then you can talk to me about seeing something weird or different.
    I think I bought that at the weird booth in the Portcon dealers room that seemed to be some 23-year-old's stuff after they cleaned out their dorm or apartment or whatever but then was too afraid to actually watch it so we gave it away at the Schlock panel. Was it Chinese?
    That is not a safe movie to be giving away.
  • Not the same movie, thank God. What we gave away included engrish zombies.
  • edited January 2012
    That is probably SARS Wars?
    Not that I have seen either. The penchant for disgusting violent movies those two have is beyond me. You could argue that while Miike is a decent director, most of those late night Con movies have no redeeming qualities. Perhaps they are like the non-men and are just watching more and more extreme films as they become inured to regular cinema experiences.
    "Wristcutters: A Love Story,".
    My parents recommended that one. I kinda want to see it. Quirky dark humor indie love story about purgatory.

    Post edited by gomidog on
  • "Wristcutters: A Love Story,".
    My parents recommended that one. I kinda want to see it. Quirky dark humor indie love story about purgatory.
    With Eugene Hutz! PARTY!

  • That is probably SARS Wars?
    Not that I have seen either. The penchant for disgusting violent movies those two have is beyond me. You could argue that while Miike is a decent director, most of those late night Con movies have no redeeming qualities. Perhaps they are like the non-men and are just watching more and more extreme films as they become inured to regular cinema experiences.
    The thing that bothers me the most about those movies is that it you cannot really enjoy or have a proper cinematic experience with those thoughtless movies, it's more of an endurance than anything else. How can you derive enjoyment from something that is little more than a test of endurance?

  • That is probably SARS Wars?
    Not that I have seen either. The penchant for disgusting violent movies those two have is beyond me. You could argue that while Miike is a decent director, most of those late night Con movies have no redeeming qualities. Perhaps they are like the non-men and are just watching more and more extreme films as they become inured to regular cinema experiences.
    The thing that bothers me the most about those movies is that it you cannot really enjoy or have a proper cinematic experience with those thoughtless movies, it's more of an endurance than anything else. How can you derive enjoyment from something that is little more than a test of endurance?
    It's not endurance if you're amused by the over-the-top madness of them. I refer you to the cinematic epic "Hobo With A Shotgun." Though, HWAS has a lot of subtle social critique, pop culture references, and satire of the film-making process, so there's that.

  • That is probably SARS Wars?
    Not that I have seen either. The penchant for disgusting violent movies those two have is beyond me. You could argue that while Miike is a decent director, most of those late night Con movies have no redeeming qualities. Perhaps they are like the non-men and are just watching more and more extreme films as they become inured to regular cinema experiences.
    The thing that bothers me the most about those movies is that it you cannot really enjoy or have a proper cinematic experience with those thoughtless movies, it's more of an endurance than anything else. How can you derive enjoyment from something that is little more than a test of endurance?
    It's not endurance if you're amused by the over-the-top madness of them. I refer you to the cinematic epic "Hobo With A Shotgun." Though, HWAS has a lot of subtle social critique, pop culture references, and satire of the film-making process, so there's that.

    Oh I'm not talking about movies like Hobo With A Shotgun (which I actually liked much to my surprise), I'm talking about movies that are clearly exploitation titles, and exist for no other reason other than for shock value, to show how gross or insane they can be, or have no thought or care put into them.

  • That is probably SARS Wars?
    Not that I have seen either. The penchant for disgusting violent movies those two have is beyond me. You could argue that while Miike is a decent director, most of those late night Con movies have no redeeming qualities. Perhaps they are like the non-men and are just watching more and more extreme films as they become inured to regular cinema experiences.
    Also not right, but now that's on my list. I don't watch much terribly violent. The most vulgar I've seen is Lady Terminator, and that's not that bad, given the scope of everything that exists, even commercially.
  • That is probably SARS Wars?
    Not that I have seen either. The penchant for disgusting violent movies those two have is beyond me. You could argue that while Miike is a decent director, most of those late night Con movies have no redeeming qualities. Perhaps they are like the non-men and are just watching more and more extreme films as they become inured to regular cinema experiences.
    The thing that bothers me the most about those movies is that it you cannot really enjoy or have a proper cinematic experience with those thoughtless movies, it's more of an endurance than anything else. How can you derive enjoyment from something that is little more than a test of endurance?
    It's not endurance if you're amused by the over-the-top madness of them. I refer you to the cinematic epic "Hobo With A Shotgun." Though, HWAS has a lot of subtle social critique, pop culture references, and satire of the film-making process, so there's that.

    Oh I'm not talking about movies like Hobo With A Shotgun (which I actually liked much to my surprise), I'm talking about movies that are clearly exploitation titles, and exist for no other reason other than for shock value, to show how gross or insane they can be, or have no thought or care put into them.

    My solution for that is to never watch those movies without at least two other friends with you. Three is the optimal number to enjoy those types of movies.

  • Daryl Surat's top 100 most dangerous movies of all time.
    Oh my god, I wish that was a real thing.

  • The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo was really, really great.
  • Just bought Hobo With A Shotgun and Attack the Block. Gonna get Ebola Syndrome and Black Dynamite off of Amazon soon.
  • Just bought Hobo With A Shotgun and Attack the Block. Gonna get Ebola Syndrome and Black Dynamite off of Amazon soon.
    Do not get Ebola Syndrome. Seriously.

    Do get SARS Wars and Attack the Gas Station.
  • Already seen Attack the Gas Station. Might still get it for the sake of showing my friends. SARS Wars looks amusing. Why not Ebola Syndrome? I push the envelope into the grey area.
  • Already seen Attack the Gas Station. Might still get it for the sake of showing my friends. SARS Wars looks amusing. Why not Ebola Syndrome? I push the envelope into the grey area.
    Go for it.
  • Already seen Attack the Gas Station. Might still get it for the sake of showing my friends. SARS Wars looks amusing. Why not Ebola Syndrome? I push the envelope into the grey area.
    Go for it.
    See, now I'm wary.
  • edited January 2012
    Already seen Attack the Gas Station. Might still get it for the sake of showing my friends. SARS Wars looks amusing. Why not Ebola Syndrome? I push the envelope into the grey area.
    As a guy who loves pushing the envelope, turning it up to 12, wrapping it in bacon, and quadruple kick bass, I can assure you that Ebola Syndrome is none of these things. It's just bad.

    Sir, I wash my hands of this affair.

    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • Alright. I'll get something else instead.
  • Alright. I'll get something else instead.

  • Alright. I'll get something else instead.
    Pete y u do dis. One copy of Ebola Syndrome, and one copy of Cannibal Holocaust, added to cart.

  • Already seen Attack the Gas Station. Might still get it for the sake of showing my friends. SARS Wars looks amusing. Why not Ebola Syndrome? I push the envelope into the grey area.
    As a guy who loves pushing the envelope, turning it up to 12, wrapping it in bacon, and quadruple kick bass, I can assure you that Ebola Syndrome is none of these things. It's just bad.
    Like The Room "just bad" or like A Serbian Film "just bad"?
  • A Serbian Film crosses the line. I won't watch it. I will not admit that it is cinema. 2G1C is more elegant and artistically relevant than that piece of trash.
  • Alright. I'll get something else instead.
    Pete y u do dis.
    Because I derive enjoyment from other people's suffering.

    You would've done it anyhow.

    It's more like The Room in terms of being "just bad." But it's not even "so bad I can still derive ironic enjoyment from it." No, it's really just not good at all.

    Now, see, Tokyo Gore Police, that's some high-quality "just bad" filmmaking. A rocket jump leading to a chainsaw duel in the first 5 minutes? Awesome. That's also the best 5 minutes of the movie.

  • Oh, I also just watched Fast Five. Yeah, I'm pretty sure cars don't work like that. I was fine up until they ripped the bank vault out of the wall. And then towed it while in a high-speed car chase.
  • REDLINE is still the greatest movie ever, and the dub actually isn't too bad.
  • I have begun watching all of the James Bond films in order, many for the first time, hopefully in time for Skyfall. So far I've seen Sean Connery's first four films. Next up is You Only Live Twice. I'm kind of scared, because it's written by Roald Dahl. I don't think he's a terrible writer, it's just that I find it odd. I don't think spy when I think Roald Dahl. I'm also terrified of what I'll find in Roger Moore's era.
  • I have begun watching all of the James Bond films in order, many for the first time, hopefully in time for Skyfall. So far I've seen Sean Connery's first four films. Next up is You Only Live Twice. I'm kind of scared, because it's written by Roald Dahl. I don't think he's a terrible writer, it's just that I find it odd. I don't think spy when I think Roald Dahl. I'm also terrified of what I'll find in Roger Moore's era.
    Man, I've seen every single James bond movie. Even the dodgey comedy version of Casino Royale. I just sat down one week when I was sick, in front of a James bond Movie marathon, and watched them all pretty much back to back.
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