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What movie have you seen recently?



  • edited December 2011
    So, Batman level, or not? Maybe just a bit more powerful than Batman?

    Also, "lacks superhuman strength"? Does bench pressing 1200 pounds fall within the realm of human ability?
    It's conceivable. The world record bench press at the moment is around 1100 pounds, but that's in a perfect environment with support equipment (gloves, lifting shirt, etc).

    The world record "raw" (no supporting equipment at all - done shirtless) bench press is like 800 pounds, I think.

    I suppose Cap's uniform might provide muscle support similar to some lifting equipment. So, it's conceivable.

    However, running a mile in 73 seconds is physically impossible for a human. The fastest sprinter in the world can run 100 meters in 9.58 seconds. That's 95 seconds to run a kilometer - a bit more than half a mile.

    A 73 second mile equates to a sustained speed of roughly 50 miles per hour. That has nothing to do with endurance - bipedal animals simply cannot move that fast.

    EDIT: Also, I don't buy the "immune to disease" thing as part of the human maximum potential. Diseases are binary systems - your immune system reacts to infectious agents, and infectious agents react to your immune system. I'm pretty sure you can get sick no matter who you are. That's super-human.

    But overall, Cap isn't too ridiculous. Honestly, the vibranium shield is more ridiculous than his physical prowess.

    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • But overall, Cap isn't too ridiculous. Honestly, the vibranium shield is more ridiculous than his physical prowess.
    True that. It absorbs practically all vibration and kinetic impact, so why doesn't it just drop to the ground when it hits a wall, instead of ricocheting around the room?

  • Simple the Edges are not Vibranium. :-p
  • edited December 2011
    Simple the Edges are not Vibranium. :-p
    This is the point where I'd grin and give you a dope-slap.

    That said, anyone who hasn't seen this movie, check it out. It's good.

    Post edited by Churba on
  • edited December 2011
    Daryl Surat was 100% correct, GI Joe: Rise of Cobra is totally pro.
    Post edited by Li_Akahi on
  • The Descendants.

    That was definitely a movie, but that's really the only thing I have to say about it.
  • Daryl Surat was 100% correct, GI Joe: Rise of Cobra is totally pro.
    That was one of the most painful movies I've ever sat through.
  • Daryl Surat was 100% correct, GI Joe: Rise of Cobra is totally pro.
    That was one of the most painful movies I've ever sat through.
    You're right, it was painfully awesome.

  • Daryl Surat was 100% correct, GI Joe: Rise of Cobra is totally pro.
    Have you seen the trailer for the Next GI Joe Movie? Looks to be the last one, times two.
  • Daryl Surat was 100% correct, GI Joe: Rise of Cobra is totally pro.
    Have you seen the trailer for the Next GI Joe Movie? Looks to be the last one, times two.
    Summer 2012 is going to be AWESOME. We're getting GI Joe 2 and Expendables 2.

    My body is ready.
  • Daryl Surat was 100% correct, GI Joe: Rise of Cobra is totally pro.
    That was one of the most painful movies I've ever sat through.
    You're right, it was painfully awesome.

  • Saw two movies.

    Our Idiot Brother - Fell in love with the movie. Not as funny as I hoped, but I was really enraptured by the characters. I enjoy Slice of Life type of movies, but you really just kind of have a love of Paul Rudd's characters and everything is very balanced. The movie really makes you hate cops though.

    Crazy, Stupid Love - Surprisingly awful movie. Basically it's a Rom Com/Get Back Together Film with a coat of primer. But without Gosling's charm or some of Carrell's humor, this movie would be completely bad. But it still teaches horrible lessons about love/soulmates, irritatingly entitled women, and would all be solved if people talked and acted like fucking adults.
  • Kate and I watched "Blind Date", but not the one you're thinking of. This one was written, directed, and starred in by Stanly Tucci. Very, very well done movie, a bit on the dense side, great acting.....but horribly depressing.
  • So, Batman level, or not? Maybe just a bit more powerful than Batman?

    Also, "lacks superhuman strength"? Does bench pressing 1200 pounds fall within the realm of human ability?
    It's conceivable. The world record bench press at the moment is around 1100 pounds, but that's in a perfect environment with support equipment (gloves, lifting shirt, etc).

    The world record "raw" (no supporting equipment at all - done shirtless) bench press is like 800 pounds, I think.

    I suppose Cap's uniform might provide muscle support similar to some lifting equipment. So, it's conceivable.

    However, running a mile in 73 seconds is physically impossible for a human. The fastest sprinter in the world can run 100 meters in 9.58 seconds. That's 95 seconds to run a kilometer - a bit more than half a mile.

    A 73 second mile equates to a sustained speed of roughly 50 miles per hour. That has nothing to do with endurance - bipedal animals simply cannot move that fast.

    EDIT: Also, I don't buy the "immune to disease" thing as part of the human maximum potential. Diseases are binary systems - your immune system reacts to infectious agents, and infectious agents react to your immune system. I'm pretty sure you can get sick no matter who you are. That's super-human.
    Yeah, that's what I mean. Even that Wikipedia article is confused about his power level. It says he's not super out of one side of it's mouth, but says that he's capable of superhuman feats out of the other. If you follow the comics, especially the older ones, they often display even worse confusion. As I said, I've read some comics where he's actually bulletproof and I've read others where he's just really, really physically fit.

    Also, as I said earlier, my main problem with that movie was that it missed an incredible opportunity with the Bucky character and it pretty much totally wasted Tommy Lee Jones' talents.

  • Who Framed Roger Rabbit is a really fun movie! I've wanted to watch it since the Geeknights episode about it earlier this year and only just got round to it. After the discussion on the podcast I got a lot more out of it compared to last time I watched it. Also the last time I watched it I was probably about 12.
  • I wonder what it would take to make a movie these days with that kind of cross-licensing going on.
  • I wonder what it would take to make a movie these days with that kind of cross-licensing going on.
    Robert Zemekis has been trying to get a sequel off the ground for years now and obviously, nothing has panned out. They had to jump through all kinds of loops just to get the first movie made (including having Mickey Mouse and Bugs Bunny have the exact same amount of screen time and the same number of lines/words in lines). It's licensing hell and I doubt that it will ever happen again.

    On the topic of Who Framed Roger Rabbit: Disney, get on releasing this movie in Blu-Ray. Seriously.

  • Mission Impossible 4: Ghost Protocol was quite possibly the best of all 4. I then saw that Brad Bird is the director and realized that could be the very reason why I enjoyed it so much. It also has a 95% Fresh rating on Rotten Tomatoes. Seeing in on real IMAX was also very enjoyable with the large overhead views of certain areas.

    The Dark Knight Rises spoiler thing was alright. You really couldn't understand anything Bane was saying. It sounded so distorted. I hope they fix it before the official release.

    However, they has quick flashes of various scenes of the movie. When I saw Joseph Gordon-Leavitt, it made me happy.
  • The A-Team movie was exactly what the A-Team movie needed to be.
  • Watched The Treasure of the Sierra Madre. That's one bitch ass treasure.
  • Just saw Prince of Darkness. It's like The Evil Dead without a hero. There are some genuinely creepy / interesting ideas and visuals and a couple "wait, did I just hear that?" moments. It isn't really a spoiler to tell you that they casually mention "Jesus was an extraterrestrial".
  • edited December 2011
    So Scott, I made a spreadsheet of the AFI top 100 and the IMDB top 250, and have decided to do what you are doing.
    There are a couple of movies on there that I don't think I can deal with, like se7en. I know it is a fantastic film, but I think it will just upset me too much. Rym and I want to watch Downfall. Do you want to come over at some point and watch it with us?
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • So Scott, I made a spreadsheet of the AFI top 100 and the IMDB top 250, and have decided to do what you are doing.
    There are a couple of movies on there that I don't think I can deal with, like se7en. I know it is a fantastic film, but I think it will just upset me too much. Rym and I want to watch Downfall. Do you want to come over at some point and watch it with us?
    You have to watch it anyway. Also Se7en isn't bad at all. You can definitely handle it.
  • Se7en made me more uncomfortable on more occasions than Ichi the Killer.
  • Ninja Assassin is exactly the movie you think it is, and that is not to it's detriment.
  • Attack the Block was pretty good, but I didn't like that it lost it's moral grey area about half way through the film.
  • Finally got around to watching Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance this morning before work. It was really good, it didn't go down the path I expected at the beginning of the film, much to its credit.
  • Se7en made me more uncomfortable on more occasions than Ichi the Killer.
    Seeing the aftermath is often worse than seeing the crime itself.
  • The new Mission Impossible movie is really good somehow??? It's the best straight up action movie I've seen in a while. I wasn't too surprised when I found out it was directed by Brad Bird (The Incredibles, The Iron Giant, Ratatouille).
  • edited December 2011
    The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo is a very well-made film. Quite long but, for the most part, it didn't drag at all. Something interesting was always happening. I can't speak to it's faithfulness to the source material, having not read it, but I expect it's length had something to do with staying close to the novel.

    On a personal note, the eponymous character forcibly reminded me of my ex girlfriend in many unsettling ways. They even look pretty similar.
    Post edited by Walker on
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