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What movie have you seen recently?



  • I don't think I've heard an audience so loud during a movie, me being among them.
    Yes. One of the best times I've had in a movie theater. Right up there with Jackass 3D.
  • Last night I watched Black Swan. It was more crazy than I imagined it would be, having never seen a trailer or knowing much about it. Also, for a movie with lesbian sex scenes, it was very un-sexy.

    Today, on my latest long flight, I had chance to watch a number of movies. But I only watched one, because I've seen all the rest I wanted to see already, and so many others looked sooo bad.

    So I watched Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol. It was good fun. I think I'd watch an entire movie of Tom Cruise and Simon Pegg doing crazy shit together. Who knew that that matchup would work so well? Once the good looking agents show up... yawn... boring.
  • Yeah, Black Swan creeped me out. I had the same thought about the lesbian sex scene, but I think it was supposed to be un-sexy. If so, they succeeded, I guess.
  • The wife and I are re-watching the pre-avengers movies, starting with Hulk. It was even worse than I remembered it.
  • Was it the first Hulk, or the do-over with Edward Norton?
  • Was it the first Hulk, or the do-over with Edward Norton?
    Yea, because one is the pre-avengers movie and the other is done by the crouching tiger hidden dragon person.
  • We watched both. I hadn't seen the Ed Norton one until last night, but I had thought that it was supposed to be a sequel to Ang Lee's Hulk. Sam Elliott wanted to reprise the role, but they just recast everyone.

    The Ang Lee Hulk is the one that was worse than I remembered; I saw it in theaters when it opened and never went back until my wife decided that she needed to see it to get context for the sequel(she's a big comic book reader, but all books like Preacher, Y, Sandman, etc. and has never followed mainstream comics). I hadn't seen the second one until last night. It's not as bad as the first.
  • Rewatching LotR trilogy. Finished Fellowship. I haven't seen it in so long, it's like the first time. And because I'm not in a theater all ooooh and ahh, I can really pay attention.

    Rym always says the extended edition added scenes are bleh, and were removed for a reason. I can't recognize which scenes were extended, because I don't remember. Though I could make some guesses. I have to say that if my guesses are correct, then those scenes probably shouldn't be there. But any scene I don't guess should have probably stayed in. Even so, none of the scenes really hurt the film, they are just sort of like an appendix. You could remove it, and you would be fine. It's also fine to leave it in. Just don't get punched in the gut.
  • The Incredible Hulk has absolutely nothing to do with the Ang Lee Hulk whatsoever.
  • Cabin in the Woods was great. I tried not to read any of the stuff people were saying about it.

    I laughed so much throughout that movie.

    The gorge scene completely reminded me of the classic The Simpsons where Homer goes over Springfield Gorge. I was laughing so hard from the outcome.

    I was the only one laughing from that in the theater. I could hear people saying, "OMG, she's laughing." It still makes me giggle thinking about it.

    The bong was quite impressive and ingenious. I really want see stills of all those monsters to see what they added.
  • edited April 2012
    I can't wait for the DVD release so I can watch that shot
    where all the monsters jump out of the elevators
    in slow motion. It happened so hysterically fast that I couldn't even comprehend everything that was going on.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Man, the scene

    after the RV crashes into the lake, when Dana was getting the shit beat out of her on the dock while everyone partied was definitely one of the best moments of my life.
    My friend and I had gone to the first showing on a weekday, so we were the only ones in the theater. When that scene was happening, I sat there completely awe-struck. I think I might have shouted the words "jesus-fucking-christ" while laughing really, really hard.
  • Forgetting Sarah Marshall: Jason Segel is adorable. This movie is very good.

    The Five-Year Engagement: Jason Segel is adorable. This movie is just okay.
  • Forgetting Sarah Marshall: Jason Segel is adorable. This movie is very good.

    The Five-Year Engagement: Jason Segel is adorable. This movie is just okay.
    Jason Segel is always adorable.


  • FUCK! I clicked on a spoiler accidentally.
  • Just saw Avengers, all the best bits of Marvel and Joss Whedon combined, so good.
  • Oh I can't wait, I'm a big fan of Joss Whedon AND Marvel.
  • Safe was exactly what I wanted it to be. Go see that.
  • Just saw Avengers, all the best bits of Marvel and Joss Whedon combined, so good.
    Can confirm that. Saw it tonight and it was pretty good.

  • I really enjoyed Eyes Wide Shut, but I'll need a little while yet before I can say that I fully understand what I watched.
  • The Pirates! Band of Misfits was very entertaining. Those guys sure know how to write a movie.

    I do wish we had gotten it's UK title, though: The Pirates! in An Adventure with Scientists. I love it.
  • I do wish we had gotten it's UK title, though: The Pirates! in An Adventure with Scientists. I love it.
    Slightly related, the German title of Monty Python translates to The Knights of the Coconut.
  • Slightly related, the German title of Monty Python translates to The Knights of the Coconut.
    Sounds appropriate.
  • I don't think I can emphasize how fucking excited I am for this movie.
  • Cabin in the Woods
    I never thought I would cry nostalgic happy tears at a horde of different creatures and monsters kill a swat team. Oooh~!

  • Just saw Brazil for the first time...

    Wow...just wow...I was completely blindsided by the scope of that movie...yet I loved the hell out of it. A trailer does more justice than blathering from my end; and even I don't know if that is enough.

  • Just saw Brazil for the first time...

    Wow...just wow...I was completely blindsided by the scope of that movie...yet I loved the hell out of it. A trailer does more justice than blathering from my end; and even I don't know if that is enough.
    Did you watch the British version or the American cut?
  • The Italian Job was pretty enjoyable. My favorite part was in the beginning, when Jason Statham decides it's time to drive into a lake.

    The Bank Job was very enjoyable. My favorite part was near the end, when Jason Statham decides it's time to throw a brick at someone's face.
  • edited May 2012
    Forgetting Sarah Marshall: Jason Segel is adorable. This movie is very good.

    The Five-Year Engagement: Jason Segel is adorable. This movie is just okay.
    Jason Segel is always adorable.


    That movie is a liar. It takes place in Los Angeles, but theres a dunkin Donuts Munchin Box in his apartment. THERE ARE NO DUNKIN DONUTS' HERE IN L.A. .

    This makes me Sad/Mad.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • I don't think I can emphasize how fucking excited I am for this movie.
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