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What movie have you seen recently?



  • Trolls 2. One of the best comedies I've seen this year
  • edited May 2012
    Trolls 2. One of the best comedies I've seen this year
    NILBOG is GOBLIN backwards.

    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • edited May 2012
    EDIT: Goddamnit, WUB Ninja'd me.
    Post edited by Greg on
  • Watched Avengers in 3D. Hulk really does still the show.
  • Not to pick a fight, but what ones do you find or at the very least acceptable, out of curiosity?
    The only ones I actually enjoyed were the Nolan Batmans. I found the Toby McGuire Spiderman films insufferable and anything else "meh" to "I kinda want to leave". I did enjoy Robert Downey Jr.'s performance in Iron Man, but as a whole the movie was fairly dull.

  • Did you like Kick-Ass? What you're describing is less anti-underwear pervert and more anti-blockbuster.
  • Not really.
  • I like superheroes.
  • Kick-Ass and The Dark Knight weren't blockbusters? Lol.
  • They were, but atypical ones. They were darker and had less traditional takes on superheroes than, say, the Spider-Man movies -- of which I actually like 3 the best because it was different, albeit with the IQ level of a pole with down syndrome.
  • I'm glad I kept my head in the sand with Cabin in the Woods. Kept myself pure as a virgin and when I saw it tonight, it appropriately blew my mind. Even when I hit moments of like "I'm ready for this to end" it keeps showing me a brilliant idea and move.
  • I'm not sure if I have to say this since everyone else has but Avengers was REALLY REALLY REALLY Good. There was so much in that movie, I will need to watch it a few more times to catch everything going on in some of those fight scenes. There were moments of pure comedy gold, lots of super hero on super hero action. Plenty of Hulk Smashing and Iron Man blowing shit up. Why can't Marvel get back the rights to X-men... :-(
  • Avengers just made 200m in the US box office. Beating Harry Potter by about 30 million.
  • Awesome line by the Hulk in The Avengers
    Puny God
  • 5-Year Engagement was a very funny and charming film. I highly recommend it if you liked Forgetting Sarah Marshall.
  • 5-Year Engagement was a very funny and charming film. I highly recommend it if you liked Forgetting Sarah Marshall.
    I haven't seen Forgetting Sarah Marshall. Why is 5-Year Engagement good?

  • Awesome line by the Hulk in The Avengers
    Puny God
    It also had one of the better shoe horning in of a trade mark line.

    Is the Avenger's based off the Ultimates universe?
  • edited May 2012
    It's a romantic comedy that isn't completely bullshit in regards to actual human emotions and interactions. The characters actually drive the story rather than contrived tropes of the genre.

    I will say that it follows the basic romantic comedy story formula, but it does so in a more meaningful way. It's not a perfect movie, nor is it a really great movie. It's just a movie that is entertaining and left me feeling pretty happy after seeing it.

    Also, it's written by and stars Jason Segel, so there are Muppet references throughout.

    Forgetting Sarah Marshall was better, though, so if you're going to see one of them, see that one.
    Post edited by Li_Akahi on
  • Is the Avenger's based off the Ultimates universe?
    Pretty much all of the recent Marvel movies are in one way or anther similar to the Ultimate Universe. That is because they attempt to do the same thing: Update the comic stories for a new audience and provide an entry point without overloading people with things that happened in the past of the continuity. Such as Spider-man being the result of Peter Parker being bitten by a genetically altered spider (hardly-understood science by laypeople of today), as opposed to a radioactive one (hardly-understood science of the 1960s).

    One of the most notable similarities is probably Nick Fury being Samuel L. Jackson. Ultimate Nick Fury was heavily based on the badass character's Samuel L. Jackson plays (including making him black, as opposed to the regular universe Nick Fury who is white), thus it was only logical to cast him as Nick Fury in the movies.

    On the other hand, I haven't seen the Thor movie yet, but I saw Iron Man 2 yesterday and the teaser after the credits is probably more based on an issue of the Fantastic Four at the beginning of the Civil War story line (published around 2006), where Thor's hammer is found in a backwoods area (in Arizona in Iron Man 2, in Oklahoma in F4).

    I don't think the movies are directly based on the Ultimate Universe. Then again, I've only really read Ultimate Spider-man and a couple of issues of Ultimate X-Men so my knowledge may only be limited here. I guess the movies have the same spirit as the Ultimate Universe, but borrow bits and pieces from every comic universe.
  • edited May 2012
    Awesome line by the Hulk in The Avengers
    Puny God
    So that's what he said. I missed hearing the line because half of the audience (including me) was in hysterics, and had been wondering what it was.
    Post edited by Linkigi(Link-ee-jee) on
  • The Hulk is definitely not the Ultimate's version of the Hulk, because he eats people.
  • They pick and choose in regards to the characters. Iron Man is totally normal Marvel universe Iron Man, just time shifted. He doesn't have the stupid disease where his entire body is part of his brain in the movies.
  • Here's a relevant Wikipedia article - All the Avengers movies take place in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, which is based off of different Marvel comic continuities. My favorite part of this whole thing is that they're planning on making comic books that take place in the MCU continuity. Come on, guys, really?
  • Saw two other movies just for the fuck of it.

    I watched Anger Management again, I'm coming to grips as an Adam Sandler fan and how he's sank so badly. I actually still really like Anger Management, but I do see a lot of his annoying tricks within his movies. (Always dating a hot girl, dated musical choices, cast of wacky friends, he plays a successful character). Plus, the last 5 minutes turn it from good to total crap.

    I also saw Eat, Pray, Love which I've always been really curious to see. That movie is so terrible, it's FirstWorldProblems the movie. Not even the cinematography and food porn is worth it, and I have no idea why Julia Roberts is so popular. >_>

    Will see The Avengers at least by Wednesday.
  • edited May 2012
    I watched Anger Management again, I'm coming to grips as an Adam Sandler fan and how he's sank so badly. I actually still really like Anger Management, but I do see a lot of his annoying tricks within his movies. (Always dating a hot girl, dated musical choices, cast of wacky friends, he plays a successful character). Plus, the last 5 minutes turn it from good to total crap.
    Big Daddy was a good Adam Sandler flick precisely because it subverted most, if not all, of the established Adam Sandler cliches.

    EDIT: Before hellfire rains down upon me, note that I said "good Adam Sandler flick," which is an entirely different animal than, "good movie."

    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • edited May 2012
    Here's a relevant Wikipedia article - All the Avengers movies take place in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, which is based off of different Marvel comic continuities. My favorite part of this whole thing is that they're planning on making comic books that take place in the MCU continuity. Come on, guys, really?
    Interesting that the following films are not part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe: All of the Tobey McGuire Spider-man films, any of the X-Men films, both Fantastic Four films, Daredevil, Elektra, Ghost Rider.

    Separating the Wheat from the chaff I guess. I do like it though that they keep the trio of X-Men, Spider-man and Fantastic Four out of it though. There may be a possibility of working in Spider-man, as some sort of up-and-coming guy who is then recruited by S.H.I.E.L.D. into the Avengers initiative, but it always kind of bothered me that so many super-heroes and mutants coexist in one universe. I'll probably check out the Thor and Captain America films soon, maybe tonight even.

    Also interesting that the upcoming Spider-man flick isn't part of the Cinematic Universe. And ho boy, have there been a ton of films based on Marvel IP in the last decade.

    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • The reason is because they were not produced by Marvel, they were made by FOX or Sony.
  • The reason is because they were not produced by Marvel, they were made by FOX or Sony.
    The films are still based on their IP and they are co-produced by Marvel as well. Marvel would probably have the full right to incorporate them into their Cinematic Universe. I simply applaud them that they choose not to.
  • Relevant to these discussions.


    Also I watched the movie over the weekend. I was very pleased it. I went in only having watched one teaser trailer and one regular trailer along with ignoring most internet things about it. At first I didn't like Mark Ruffalo, but he grew on me.

    Hulk definitely stole the show and the scene with him in Thor had me laugh very hard. Most of the other lines I smiled, but didn't laugh like the audience did, but that's because I'm a cynical person.

    I also like how they didn't have Hawkeye and Black Widow kiss. Yeah there was some sort of romance/camaraderie, but they didn't go full into it. I am happy that they didn't make it into a romance. I'm sick of people forcing a romance into a plot when you don't need it.

    I apparently missed the stuff after the credits. I'll definitely catch it next time when I watch it again with friends.
  • The DC animated movie "Doom" was fun for me. I never see these things advertised, I always find out about them months later on Amazon Prime.
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