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What movie have you seen recently?



  • Just saw Brazil for the first time...

    Wow...just wow...I was completely blindsided by the scope of that movie...yet I loved the hell out of it. A trailer does more justice than blathering from my end; and even I don't know if that is enough.
    Did you watch the British version or the American cut?
    The British Cut, though I did also see the "Love Conquers All" bullshit version; it's hilariously awful.

  • The Avengers was absolutely everything I wanted in a superhero film, right down to the tease in the credits. Holy shit, just...Wow. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go change my pants.
  • The Avengers was absolutely everything I wanted in a superhero film, right down to the tease in the credits. Holy shit, just...Wow. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go change my pants.
    Now that it has the WUB seal of approval, I will make it my mission to see it this weekend.

  • edited May 2012
    Yeah, you guys were totally right about Cabin in the Woods.
    Fuck the clown, though. Seriously, fuck it with a 20 feet spiked cattle prod and a tactical napalm strike.
    Also, the guy getting impaled by the unicorn? BRILLIANT!
    Post edited by Li_Akahi on
  • Cabin in the Woods
    [spoiler] had more social commentary that "The Hunger Games"[/spoilers]
  • The Mechanic was okay.
    Death Race was more than okay.
  • Saw the new Pirates movie from the Wallace and Gromit guys. Totally enjoyable and funny.
  • Pirates! Band of Misfits felt like it was made specifically for me.
  • Pirates wins the awards for:
    -- Best Travel by Map Sequences
    -- Best Use of a Clash Song
    -- Best Entrance Using a Whale
    -- Best Supporting Monkey
    -- Best Re-Imagining of Queen Victoria
  • edited May 2012
    So since I saw The Avengers last weekend I've been watching some of the Marvel movies of the last couple of years I've missed. Iron Man was pretty fucking awesome. Robert Downey Jr. is pretty much the perfect cast for Tony Stark.

    Also watched the Edward Norton Hulk, which was also good. Much better than the Ang Lee Hulk, but that is pretty much a given. I do like Norton, and he doesn't do a bad job, but I think I like Mark Fuffalo's portrayal ofBruce Banner in The Avengers better.

    And then today I watched "X-Men Origins: Wolverine", and ho boy. I already knew the movie was bad coming into it, but it surpassed my expectations of terribleness. The writing is horrible, the plot twist is absolutely retarded, and the movie is riddled with cliches and stupidity. The worst offender is probably Wolverine walking away from an explosion. Then there are characters in the film for absolutely no reason whatsoever (Emma Frost, Gambit, Cyclops) and they absolutely ruin one character in Deadpool, giving him powers he doesn't have and taking away his most important character trait after doing a piss poor portrayal of it in the first place.
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • Yeah, there's definitely a reason they rebooted X-Men with First Class.
  • X-Men First Class is the best X-Men movie of them all.
    Also, Captain America was pretty great!
  • I have a copy of Wolverine where the effects are only half-finished. It's a little hilarious.
  • The only good thing I can say about the Wolverine film is that Liev Schreiber was good, and the film made him more known. Very underrated actor. He was also fantastic in Goon.
  • Ummm.. No X-men 2 is the best X-men Movie, First Class and the first one are tied, United and Wolverine are the worst.
  • If you don't like the Avengers movie, it just means that you hate fun.
  • edited May 2012
    The Avengers was pure awesomeness all the way through. There were so many awesome moments throughout that just made me (and the rest of the audience) cheer and root for the actions on the screen, like
    when the Hulk beat the ever-loving shit out of Loki and used him like a rag doll and when and when he sucker-punched Thor and when Thanos showed up at the end after the first credit sequence, I had a nerdsplosion in the middle of the theatre.
    Post edited by Li_Akahi on
  • I have a copy of Wolverine where the effects are only half-finished. It's a little hilarious.
    Can you put that somewhere for us to download? I couldn't find it.
  • I went and saw Marvel's The Avengers at a midnight showing. It was pretty good, i'd say an 8 out of 10 based on first viewing, but that may be skewed to the constant nerdgasms brought on by the film itself.

    It was a little long, and the storyline was predictable, but it captured the charecters and thier unique quirks very well. Interaction between the hero's was spot on, with Robert Downey Jr and Mark Ruffalo in particular putting in great performances.

    The action seens were fantastic, with quick cuts used only durring specific scenes to indicate confusion rather than as a crutch to obscure bad choreography. Even durring the more scattered fights you had a clear idea as to where the charecters were in relationship to eachother and i never felt confused as to what was going on.

    The biggest drawback to my viewing was how active the croud was. The cheers and clapping obscured several bits of dialog. I guess i'll have to watch it again now. Darn.
  • I hate the vast majority of super hero movies.
  • I hate the vast majority of super hero movies.
    Not to pick a fight, but what ones do you find or at the very least acceptable, out of curiosity?

  • It's a shame Ed Norton isn't Bruce Banner anymore
  • It's a shame Ed Norton isn't Bruce Banner anymore
    I think Mark Ruffalo was waaaaaaaaaaaay better than Norton.
  • edited May 2012
    Pirates wins the awards for:
    -- Best Travel by Map Sequences
    -- Best Use of a Clash Song
    -- Best Entrance Using a Whale
    -- Best Supporting Monkey
    -- Best Re-Imagining of Queen Victoria
    Post edited by Ruffas on
  • It's a shame Ed Norton isn't Bruce Banner anymore
    I think Mark Ruffalo was waaaaaaaaaaaay better than Norton.
    I wouldn't go that far, I think they handled "The Hulk" better than any previous movie, but Bruce Banner still hasn't been done well in any of the movies.
  • X-Men: First Class was awful.
  • X-Men: First Class was awful.
    You are one of the few people I have seen say that. What didn't you like about it?

  • It's a fun enough film, but only in very few ways is X-Men: First Class a good film. The first time I watched it I turned it off after less than 5 minutes. The second time I watched it I only did so because it was playing on the screens on a plane, and I could either watch it with the sound off or on, so I plugged in my headphones.
  • The Avengers is a pretty amazing experience :D
  • edited May 2012
    X-Men: First Class was awful.
    You are one of the few people I have seen say that. What didn't you like about it?

    Bland characters, bland exposition, dull plot structure, corny writing, often-below-average special effects, and dialogue that treated it's audience like a throng of nitwits.
    Post edited by Walker on
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