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PAX Prime 2010



  • As a member of the PipBoy Dance Troupe
    Rym is also a member of the troupe, you will probably have to call his understudy. Also, indications point towards Benaroya Hall not having removable seating. That means everyone will be in chairs for every event, including concerts and such. It might be hard to make a dance troupe if everyone is stuck in seats.
  • So noted, thanks for the heads up (on needing to call the understudy ;)

    I am bummed about the seating in Benaroya Hall. I think it will make the Omegathon Final Round a less spectacular (and moving, if I may be so bold) event than in past years. Despite these challenges, we are 9 puppets strong and will do our best. (We over came last years awful music, that was a miracle in and of itself!)
  • Where can one get these puppets? I SO want one.
  • Ebay.

    They were a giveaway at PAX08 for the release of Fallout 3.
  • This makes me a sad panda.
  • This makes me a sad panda.
    Hang around Bethesda and Obsidian this year. I bet there'll be some cool New Vegas swag. Maybe not Vault Boy puppets, but perhaps something comparable to ease your panda sadness.

    As I recall, the puppets were a limited-quantity special prize for people who went to the Fallout 3 event at '08. If there's anything like that going on this time, I'm gonna be there.
  • Ack! I always accidentally say Pipboy instead of VaultBot!
  • Anyone catch the amusing Seattle Craigslist post for, er... unorthodox extra-convention PAX activities? Gabe tweeted it yesterday along with a note that it was not a sanctioned event, and The Stranger (Seattle's alt paper) picked it up on their blog. I hesitate to offer more detail on account of punk kids on the forum, but it's a chuckle, if you want to google it up a bit.
  • I did see that. It generated quite the hilarious conversation at work since all my coworkers know I'm going. =D
  • I hesitate to offer more detail on account of punk kids on the forum
    You shouldn't, this is the Internet, after all. And our punk kids are of a mature and well-behaved breed.

    /doesn't know if he still qualifies as being a punk kid or not
    //is 19 but has been on the forum since he was 15
  • Anyone catch the amusing Seattle Craigslist post for, er... unorthodox extra-convention PAX activities? Gabe tweeted it yesterday along with a note that it was not a sanctioned event, and The Stranger (Seattle's alt paper) picked it up on their blog. I hesitate to offer more detail on account of punk kids on the forum, but it's a chuckle, if you want to google it up a bit.
    Yeah, I heard about the G-A-N-G-B-A-N-G (don't type it normally, otherwise those pesky kids will figure it out)
  • It's not that I'm concerned about any hypothetical minors reading the word "orgy" so much as I don't particularly want to take heat from anyone who thinks they shouldn't have read it on a forum that's not adults-only. I'm of the opinion, in fact, that most punk kids really ought to know what an orgy is, among many other things, just so they're prepared when they hit the real world; but that's neither here nor there, in this thread.
  • edited August 2010
    I hesitate to offer more detail on account of punk kids on the forum
    You shouldn't, this is the Internet, after all. And our punk kids are of a mature and well-behaved breed.

    /doesn't know if he still qualifies as being a punk kid or not
    //is 19 but has been on the forum since he was 15
    Axel and I are the youngest active members on this forum, and I'm pretty sure we're both of age.
    Post edited by Walker on
  • It is our official policy that you can talk about whatever you want so long as the act of posting it or reading it is not specifically illegal for you or us.
  • It is our official policy that you can talk about whatever you want so long as the act of posting it or reading it is not specifically illegal for you or us.
    Or SPAM.
  • Or SPAM.
    Or SPAM.
  • It is our official policy that you can talk about whatever you want so long as the act of posting it or reading it is not specifically illegal for you or us.
    Noted. Still don't really want to talk about orgies here, though.

    Only serious responses plox
  • Still don't really want to talk about orgies here, though.
    What about Mario Kart?
  • Noted. Still don't really want to talk about orgies here, though.
    What's wrong with orgies?
  • Noted. Still don't really want to talk about orgies here, though.
    What's wrong with orgies?
    We could organize an FRC Forum orgy. It'd probably be mostly dudes, but a decent number of dudes here probably wouldn't mind that.
  • Update: Getting too many responses from single males, so will not be accepting any more for now. If you are a single male and you already replied, I need to see what we have for couples and single females before you get an invite. No single males have an actual invite yet.
    This whole thing is beyond amusing.
  • What's wrong with orgies?
    In principle, nothing, but they're so complicated. Too much work. Like a LAN party only everyone's using idiosyncratic protocols and different versions of the game and they might not even all have adequate hardware. It's enough to drive a conscientious host mad.
  • Oh geez, I hadn't seen yet that this very thing was the front-page topic of Penny Arcade itself today. It became an even bigger deal than I thought!
  • Hahahaha. The ad has been deleted.
  • edited August 2010
    Let's do it!

    Post edited by Apreche on
  • ...but I live in Seattle! I can just grill some salmon at my house. For that matter, if you asked nicely YOU could probably just grill some salmon at my house.

    That is some pretty dang cool improvised cookery, though. I are impress.
  • edited August 2010
    Let's do it!

    Alright, hookers. The Gauntlet has been THROWN. I'll be doing this for sure.

    @balderdash - It's the fact it's being cooked in a hotel room that increases the awesomocity. =D
    Post edited by Dromaro on
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