I like to think that there's two different levels of guys into that; the ones actually buying the dolls and making the vids, and then the even weirder group who just watches the videos/pics and wishes they could do that but they can't afford the dolls and dont have cameras.
Oh please, what do you guys cum on thats so much better?? "OOh I'm so much better than these freaks cause I shoot my wad on a pile of tissues or yesterdays newspaper" or whatever. Some friggin people will find anything to judge other people on.
So.. I really don't get those. Presumably, these guys lack some sort of social skills, or otherwise need a synthetic mate because they can't handle or don't desire the real live interaction of a breathing person... so... why have meetings?
Also, what if you're trying to set up your money shot so that you can share your pride of craftsmanship and accomplishment on reddit, and then your aim is a bit off? Do you just call it a day and better luck next time, or do you make careful, manual adjustments?
Is it that it's dolls that they're interested in? Or do they pretend that the dolls are tiny people?
Or do they pretend that the dolls are people turned into tiny dolls?
Penises are soft tissue and filled with nerves. That can't possibly be comfortable in close contact, as in some of those examples... ugh.
2) The Internet
And on a related note (NSFW/C)
Or lots and lots of sexual frustration.
Don't ask me how I know this.