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WTF of Your Day



  • Um... are you sure about this, Disney?
    planes video
    Strange to hear a Rob Zombie song in a Disney movie.

  • Someone from the 206 area code (Washington State, around Seattle) was straight trolling me early this morning. I blame Ro.
  • I'm 253 and I don't have your phone number. Was not me.
  • Someone from the 206 area code (Washington State, around Seattle) was straight trolling me early this morning. I blame Ro.
    How so?
  • Um... are you sure about this, Disney?
    planes video
    Strange to hear a Rob Zombie song in a Disney movie.

  • If there is the same proportion of Top Gun parody in the final movie as there is in the trailer, I will be extremely happy. Actually, can they just make it Top Gun where the characters are also planes?
  • edited January 2012
    Well, it's just that I've seen a lot of the harassing about that, and given that I think that you're a nice guy, just wanted to watch out a bit.
    It's whatever. I'm secure enough in my sexuality to meet homophobia with blatant flirting, which usually shuts 'em up quick. Besides, he had already kissed everyone else at the party, I was practically obligated.
    Post edited by Walker on
  • image

    >Boston Phoenix

    I don't want to live in this state anymore.

  • >Boston Phoenix

    I don't want to live in this state anymore.
    ... dude. You live in the same state as MIT, and you're bitching about nerds?
  • I wanna shake the hand of whoever designed that image.
  • edited January 2012
    Fairly NSFW: TF2 I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream.
    What the actual fuck? I don't know if this is horrifying or brilliant.

    Post edited by YoshoKatana on
  • /____________________\ That was so sad...
  • /____________________\ That was so sad...
  • Indeed it was. I felt bad for him, and I'm not a TF2 fan.
  • edited January 2012
    Post edited by Walker on
  • I am happy to say that I definitely don't know that feel.
  • Today I saw a kid (probably a sophomore) wearing a hoodie with a troll faca in the middle and "u mad, bro?" on the pocket.
  • Pardon the double-post, but:

    "If you would like to upload a picture you can do so here:
    (Please insert your photo as a picture in a word document. Do not upload files of any other type)"
  • I had a history teacher who did entire slide shows in Word.
  • I had a professor a few terms ago who did entire slide shows with SLIDES.
  • I still have lectures who use slides.
  • I still have lectures who use slides.
    But you're a history student.

  • We do have some that have grasped the finer aspects of technology but they are modern historians and I don't really have much to do with them.
  • My History of Art classes used VHS tapes.
  • edited January 2012
    Randall Terry, founder of Operation Rescue, is running for President.


    As a Democrat.

    And he's got music videos.
    Post edited by jtvh on
  • My favorite is Sweet Muslim Crude.
  • At least it is not just crazy Republicans running now.
  • edited January 2012
    Terry's candidacy is pretty much a sham, including his registration as a candidate for the Democratic party (he called himself a "lifelong Republican"). He's running solely in order to get an anti-abortion commercial, graphic images of aborted fetuses and all, on the air during the Super Bowl. He's attempting to take advantage of the equal-time rule to do so.

    Ref 1, Ref 2
    "I want to pummel Obama. I despise this presidency. He is the arch child killer of the Western Hemisphere, so I'm going to go head-to-head with him," Terry said in a phone interview.
    What a fucking disgusting douchebag.
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
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