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WTF of Your Day



  • edited December 2011

    In short, a pair of brothers are arrested on drug charges, and one of them convinces the other to eat the cocaine that he has hidden up his rectum.

    Three guesses as to what happens, and the first two don't count.
    Haha, I posted that around 1:00 AM. Pretty scary what some people will do to not get caught.
    Post edited by canine224 on
    Damn you. I just spent two hours reading through that thread.
    Damn you. I just spent two hours reading through that thread.
  • Am I the only one impervious to these sorts of things?
  • The worst part about that whole thing is that the person who wrote it obviously thought it through exceptionally well.
  • edited December 2011
    They took the time to figure out so many specific laws and technicalities but somehow they still can't spell and are bigoted, ignorant, and don't seem to grasp how things work in the real world.
    Post edited by ninjarabbi on
  • You know what I really love about that?

    "Non-discrimination - race, color, gender..."

    followed almost immediately by:

    "People not qualified for jobs: Homosexuals and blacks."

    I mean, come the fuck on.
  • I really hope they're just a really well thought-out troll.
  • This has to be a troll. If not the line "Mentally Ill (sic) people will be taken off all over thier (sic) psychotic medications/pills/Injectionss. (sic)" explains a lot.
  • I really hope they're just a really well thought-out troll.
    That is what I was thinking (hoping) too. Too much of it seems like a failed attempt at humor.
  • Who the fuck invites people over for Christmas dinner and then makes them plan and cook it? Not feeling a lot of seasonal good will right now.
  • Meanwhile, while I was cooking a dinner I didn't fucking plan to make, my mom was in New York making bacon jam. Yeah, that's right. Jam made out of bacon, brown sugar, onion, garlic, and some other things.

    Fuck you, Christmas.
  • I wonder if Bacon Jam can be shipped through the mail. It's meat...yet it's jam which is high up there in terms of shippable edibles. Maybe freeze it?
  • She better be careful. She's messing with powerful forces.
  • No offense, but the bacon cult in the USA kinda freaks me out. The only place where I allow bacon in my food is in spaghetti carbonara.
  • No bacon and eggs? Bacon wrapped scallops? Bacon on potato skins?
  • Nope. No bacon for me. To be honest, I can't eat very fatty foods. It makes me throw up.
  • edited December 2011
    No offense, but the bacon cult in the USA kinda freaks me out. The only place where I allow bacon in my food is in spaghetti carbonara.
    Not to be that guy, but you should really be using pancetta in spaghetti carbonara. It makes the delicious 1000% moreso.

    EDIT: On second thought, you're probably talking about pancetta anyway (Sudamericanos that I've met definitely know their cured meats), so I guess this is just a PSA for everyone else. Eat some pancetta, it's delicious. (I recommend pasta with zucchini and pancetta)
    Post edited by YoshoKatana on
  • Indeed. I'll try that next time. But pancetta isn't easy to get down here. It's pretty expensive.
  • So I read an article on about former Flyers goalie Bernie Parent, and what it means to him to play in the Winter Classic Alumni game tomorrow. Then I scroll down to the end of the article, the comments section appears, and with it the following:

    Chris Martel, 25 minutes ago
    I just read this article (http://campaign2012.washington... with great interest and I am shocked. The DHS has worked into the American culture a system of citizen spies reminiscent of Nazi Germany, East Germany, the Soviet Union, and the People's Republic of China. Citizen spy networks are a method of control over a population and are merely a way to drive paranoia into the hearts of everyday people. The DHS has attacked veterans of our armed forces, supporters of Ron Paul, people who believe in the Constitution, gun-owners, people who pay with cash, photograph buildings, and many other mundane things and labeled them as potential terrorists. We live in a country that has put fear into everyone and then labels ordinary people as a threat. Ben Franklin said it best, "Those who would trade essential liberty for temporary security deserve neither." If this infringement upon the rights of hockey fans is allowed to continue I cannot, in good faith, spend any more money at an NHL game or on NHL merchandise. I will also not watch a single telecast nor support sponsors of the NHL.
    Please stop working for the DHS and let the fans enjoy the game again, fermenting paranoia is not my idea of a good hockey game.

    Err, what?
  • Um... are you sure about this, Disney?
  • Um... are you sure about this, Disney?
    Another franchise for them to make buttloads of cash off selling merch to 3 year old boys? Yeah, they're sure.

  • edited January 2012
    This has been the weirdest night of my life. I got really drunk, smoked (tobacco) like a chimney, went through a massive manic-depressive episode, reconnected with a friend I hated 24 hours ago (to the point that his girlfriend called it a "gay moment"), kissed a man, became best friends with two completely unexpected people, used a fire staff for the first time (and kicked ass), learned many new things about martial arts, and ate a lot of cold potatoes. To cap it off I made out with my ex girlfriend, who then told her current boyfriend, and then the whole party sang Bohemian Rhapsody acapella together and we ended the night unhappy but perfectly okay with one another. Happy goddamn motherfuckin' new year, everyone.
    Post edited by Walker on
  • kissed a man
    No Katy Perry jokes about this, guys. Spare him.

  • kissed a man
    No Katy Perry jokes about this, guys. Spare him.

    Nothing wrong with a little of the ol' man kissing. You will come to know that many of us here are quite comfortable in our sexuality and even have man crushes.
  • Well, it's just that I've seen a lot of the harassing about that, and given that I think that you're a nice guy, just wanted to watch out a bit.
  • Um... did anyone else watch the CNN coverage of New Years Eve last night? It involved Anderson Cooper being kidnapped by the Green Goblin and Cathy Griffin stripping down to her underwear. She also had gems like "I've had a one night stand in Dubai. I have one night stands as often as possible. Quick. Easy. I'm a role model, you know. Role model. Bottoms up." "It's for people who want to date Christians. Have sex with Christians. Christian sex." and "I'm taking the walk of shame on a date with David Gerkin I didn't even know I had."
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