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It's sooo hot (I.E. Weather bitch thread)



  • You're all wusses.
    54F in Brisbane right now, 85F in Chicago. Come at me bro.

    So we can hang out by my pool, drink mojitos, and sweat.

    It's also Winter in Australia.
    I overlooked that.

  • Woke up this morning in NYC and the heat wave had broken, it was beautiful. Drove back to Northern VA and the heat wave is still happening. >_<
  • Saturday was brutal. Fortunately, linen exists. Also, canvas day shades.
  • You're all wusses.
    54F in Brisbane right now, 85F in Chicago. Come at me bro.

    So we can hang out by my pool, drink mojitos, and sweat.

    It's also Winter in Australia.
    I overlooked that.

    I didn't, but I let it pass, because mojitos.

  • It's over 81 degrees in the bedroom. The AC just can't keep up.

    Fortunately the new AC unit in the living room is doing just fine. Because FUCK it is humid.
  • This is one of those times where I'm really happy to have a new car with good A/C.
  • Massive rain showers and thunderstorms. I feel so bad for the people having to wait outside at the Pacific Science Center to go watch The Dark Knight.

    It best not be like this tomorrow when I have to go wait in line and also go to the Bite of Seattle.

    However, my UNIQLO Wake Up had it's first "Stormy Day" alarm! :3
  • It's over 81 degrees in the bedroom. The AC just can't keep up.

    Fortunately the new AC unit in the living room is doing just fine. Because FUCK it is humid.
    A fan moving the air will greatly help that situation.
  • A week on vacation in Tuscany, after a week-long work trip across the Mediterannean. Awesome weather all the way.
  • It's over 81 degrees in the bedroom. The AC just can't keep up.

    Fortunately the new AC unit in the living room is doing just fine. Because FUCK it is humid.
    A fan moving the air will greatly help that situation.
    No, not really. We have several fans. Humidity is the bane of the AC unit in the bedroom, and moving air does not remove the moisture from it.

  • Maybe a dehumidifier could help.
  • WSJ Weather Journal: A Rare Super Storm This Way ComesOh boy.
    That's yesterday's story, it doesn't look like anything significant came of it.
  • It's looking like we can expect reasonably severe thunderstorms starting in half an hour or so.
  • This morning the weather reports were all doom. There was barely a drizzle this morning. Then the sky was blue up until I left work. Just now I can see maybe a handful of clouds coming in, but the weather report is still doom. I hope I didn't refrain from biking for no good reason.
  • This morning the weather reports were all doom. There was barely a drizzle this morning. Then the sky was blue up until I left work. Just now I can see maybe a handful of clouds coming in, but the weather report is still doom. I hope I didn't refrain from biking for no good reason.
    Google derecho.
  • Looking at the doppler, there's a nice line of doom advancing steadily from the northeast.
  • Basically Scott, this is the exact same kind of storm that knocked out power all over the DC region just a month ago. Things went from perfectly fine to end of the world in a very small amount of time.
  • This morning the weather reports were all doom. There was barely a drizzle this morning. Then the sky was blue up until I left work. Just now I can see maybe a handful of clouds coming in, but the weather report is still doom. I hope I didn't refrain from biking for no good reason.
    Google derecho.
    I don't even need to Google that. In Spanish derecha means right, as in the opposite of left. Derecho means right as in Bill of Rights.
  • Looking at the doppler, there's a nice line of doom advancing steadily from the northeast.

  • twitter, right now:
  • Meanwhile, it all went around us (both north and south) in our little fjord through the clouds that is Albany.
  • It is, however, 4558372839% humidity. Fuck that.
  • edited February 2013
    Thanks, Obama.
    Post edited by Greg on
  • Yeah, it's in the 40s and sunny today. Thanks Obama. ^_^
  • Thanks, Obama.
    I have to admit this is one of my most favorite memes of recent.

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