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What TV Shows Are You Watching?



  • You really think they could condense PoN down to a movie? That's why TV works so well for Game of Thrones. Each book is going to get an entire season (at least), and some of the later books might even be longer than a single season.
    If they weren't sissies and made long 3 hour movies, they could do a movie per book.
  • Maybe, but in today's Hollywood, no one is going to finance 3x 3hr movies on a relatively unknown IP. The Lord of the Rings is an exception. As much as I, and generally most people on this forum, love the Prince of Nothing, it's still relatively unknown in the fantasy world.

    Even if some studio would be willing to finance this, I'd still prefer 10 or 12 one hour episodes over a 3 hour movie.
  • ".... I’ve been hearing murmurs from Hollywood once again. I’ll fill you all in on the details if the volume approaches ‘rumbling.’ Apparently all we need is an investor with several million dollars… Anyone?"
  • ".... I’ve been hearing murmurs from Hollywood once again. I’ll fill you all in on the details if the volume approaches ‘rumbling.’ Apparently all we need is an investor with several million dollars… Anyone?"
    If this project dies like Mountains of Madness, I will spend an entire day weeping.
  • If I win a lottery, I'll make it happen.

    I never buy lottery tickets.
  • Community just had one its greatest episodes ever.
    It felt as if I were watching "Scott Pilgrim vs TV"
  • edited May 2011
    Wait, was that most recent episode the season finale of 30 Rock? That was, like, the weakest season finale ever :/
    Post edited by Sail on
  • edited May 2011
    Captain Picard is quite possibly the best character ever. It also helps that he's being played by Patrick Stewart. I seriously can't get enough of TNG and am still in season 1, even though Jason says they are bad compared to seasons 3-5.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • Captain Picard is quite possibly the best character ever. It also helps that he's being played by Patrick Stewart. I seriously can't get enough for TNG and am still in season 1, even though Jason says they are bad compared to seasons 3-5.
    I am so happy right now I could cry.
  • Everyone knows Picard > Kirk > Archer > Janeway.
  • Everyone knows Picard > Kirk > Archer > Janeway.
    Sisko's gonna bust come caps.
  • Everyone knows Picard > Kirk > Archer > Janeway.
    Sisko's gonna bust come caps.
    Sisko's in a league of his own, as commander of a fucking Space Station.
  • Not to mention he pushed the Federation's only dedicated war ship, hand built his own one man space ship and punched Q (who is basically a god) in the face.

    I ask you this:

  • Gotta love Sisko rendering that planet uninhabitable.
  • Captain Picard is quite possibly the best character ever. It also helps that he's being played by Patrick Stewart. I seriously can't get enough of TNG and am still in season 1, even though Jason says they are bad compared to seasons 3-5.
    I have to second this. I dont think I can think of another character that I like as much. I'm gonna feel so empty and weird when I finish TNG.
    Is this normal?
  • edited May 2011
    Captain Picard is quite possibly the best character ever. It also helps that he's being played by Patrick Stewart. I seriously can't get enough of TNG and am still in season 1, even though Jason says they are bad compared to seasons 3-5.
    I have to second this. I dont think I can think of another character that I like as much. I'm gonna feel so empty and weird when I finish TNG.
    Is this normal?
    Not really. That's how I felt when I finished Bebop. And TTGL. And Baccano!. And Harry Potter. Etc., etc.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • I just finished watching an awesome series. Its called Party Down. It is only two seasons but very very good. It was on Starz from March 2009 to June 2010. It had Jane Lynch in season one and guest staring in season 2 and it also stared Adam Scott who you may have seen in Step Brothers and is currently on Parks and Recreation plays the protagonist. Lizzy Caplan is the main love interest for Adam's character. She has been in several things but the only thing that stands out for me is her role of Janice Ian in Mean Girls (she is much much hotter in Party Down then Mean Girls). Well the premise of the show is that all of these people work for this catering company. And all of them are either struggling actors or comedians or trying to escape their past of being in Hollywood. Each episode shows the absurdity of SoCal life and the craziness of the people who can afford to hirer these caterers. Of course there are wacky and zany hijinks, but nothing too "out there" or unbelievable. It only lasted two seasons due to Adam Scott leaving for Parks and Recreation. I was happy to come into this show after it ended because I was able to see all of the episodes in one sitting. But I was pretty sad that it was only 2 seasons. It was hysterical and sooo enjoyable. Oh and another super cool awesome thing is that the god-like J.K. Simmons guest stars in a few episodes.

    Has anyone else seen this show? Any thoughts? Well check it out on the flix of Net. It is streaming there. Enjoy it you will.
  • Has anyone else seen this show? Any thoughts?
    Yeah. It's hysterical. "Celebrate Ricky Sargulesh" is one of my favorite episodes of anything, ever.
  • Has anyone else seen this show?
    I watched the pilot a few days ago on the ol' Netflix and am interested in the rest of the show. Is Enrico Colantoni a regular? He doesn't make the cast list at all, but he was in the first episode. I like that guy.
  • I dont know who he is....
    So it took me 3 days but I just watched every single episode of Arested Development. Loved it.
  • So it took me 3 days but I just watched every single episode of Arested Development. Loved it.
    There's always money in the Banana Stand.
  • So it took me 3 days but I just watched every single episode of Arested Development. Loved it.
    There's always money in the Banana Stand.
    No touching!
  • "That's my hand chair."
  • Party Down was an awesome fucking show. It's just a shame that it died from other shows taking their stars, that cast just had such a fun dynamic to it all. I'm not sure which season I like better, but they are both wonderful. Watching that, really got me back into The State, because each episode had one of it's members as a guest characters and Dan Marino having his crazy moments. It's so damn fun to watch shows with actors who've you been following and made you laugh.
  • Last night's Parks and Rec episodes were fucking amazing. It featured the return of Bert Maklin, FBI and DANCING SWANSON!!!
  • Since quitting my job (crappy supermarket 8 years) I have manage to watch all of Eureka, Burn Notice, The Unusuals, Life and Daria along with weekly viewings of NCIS normal and LA, CSI NY, Castle, Bones, The Mentalist,Breakout Kings Hawaii.Five-0.2010, The Defenders,Fairly Legal plus all the Fox animated shows family guy American dad etc
    HOW DO I DO IT ???? you may ask
    I have NO Life
  • I believe tonight was the season finale of Blue Bloods. I think what makes it such a great show is the acting. Proof of it tonight, as Tom Selleck, playing NYPD Commissioner Frank Regan, finds the group of rouge cops responsible for his son's death. He asks once: "Which of you killed my son?" When no answer is forthcoming, he walks over to the bar table and with an arm, knocks over all the liquor bottles. Then, with the hint of righteous fury underneath his voice he asks: "I'll ask again, who shot my boy?"
  • Two points: First, was he painted red?
    rouge cops
    Second, I think it's spelled T♥m Selleck.

  • Well, not counting any anime that I am watching, I am currently watching:

    Walking Dead (Well, I will continue watching it when the new season is on)
    Game of thrones (I just watched the first eps yesterday, and liked it, so I will continue on)
    Umm... wow, I guess no watching anything else... :P

    Thinking about watching:
    Falling Sky (I will give it a try at the first eps, but I didn't like much the trailer)
    Terra Nova (It is not on yet, but I will at least give it a try when it is)

    Cartoons I am watching:
    Sym-Biotic Titans (I watched the first eps on TV a week ago by accident, and I kind of liked it. I laughed a lot at a few scenes)

    That’s about it... :P
  • So I'm on season 3 of Star Trek: The Next Generation. I just watched episode 4: Who Watches the Watchers and I really enjoyed its commentary on logic/reasoning vs religion/superstition.

    Perhaps Jason might be right. Perhaps. I admit NOTHING!
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