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What TV Shows Are You Watching?



  • Damn you Game of Thrones for being such a good show. I've read all the books and knew what happens in the episode yet I looked down and my left hand was clenched in a fist. I love this show for not only throwing crazy twists at its viewers (not treating them like idiots) but also for throwing them in episode 9 of 10, not the typical season finale, to catch viewers even MORE off guard.
    I just finished watching the latest episode, although I haven't read the books as you stated it does keep the viewer on his toes and does require them to be aware of what is transpiring in the world of the show.
    Spoiler conversation if you haven't watched episode 9 -
    I thought there was a possibility but I didn't realise beheading Ned would be something that Joffrey had done without his mother's control.
  • Spoiler for Episode 9 of Game of Thrones:

    Too funny!
  • That is somewhat what I felt like, however I didn't get that upset lol.
  • They did foreshadow it in the second or third episode (which I don't remember from the book) so it wasn't TOTALLY out of the blue. But still - they killed my African-American friend Ned.
  • In case anyone is interested, the second season of Luther has started. I haven't seen the first episode yet, but I plan to in the very near future.
  • edited June 2011
    GoT + Arrested Development = Greatest jokes know to mankind.
    Post edited by Andrew on
  • edited June 2011
    I'd like to premier a new series of posts in this thread called "progSHELL watches the TV shows of the decade he was born." or PSWTTVSOTDHWB. This time: Buffy Season 2 Episode 8: "The Dark Age"

    Plot: Giles gets cock blocked by a crazy demon.
    Most dated thing: "How are we going to use computers in real life?"
    Most creepy thing: The demon had these holes in it's face that played to my deep seated fear of holes in skin.
    General thoughts: While my favorite episodes of the series have been written and directed by Whedon, I really enjoyed this one, mostly because I really like Giles.

    Next time: Twin Peaks Season 1 Episode 3 (Episode 2 if you don't count the pilot): "Zen, or the Skill to Catch a Killer"
    Post edited by progSHELL on
  • holes in skin.
    We call them pores.
  • holes in skin.
    We call them pores.
    Visable/unnatural holes.
  • Have you watched Buffy before?
  • Have you watched Buffy before?
    Nope. For all these 90's series, this is the very first time I'll be watching these episodes.
  • Nope. For all these 90's series, this is the very first time I'll be watching these episodes.
    Are you watcing the whole series', or just certain episodes?
  • Kate and I started watching Misfits, a BBC show about a bunch of youth offenders who get superpowers that are based on their insecurities. I was wary at first because of the pretty low quality of similar super-power shows in the past, but this one is actually quite good. It's on Hulu.
  • Saw the season finale of The Killing. While in and of itself, it was a good episode, as a finale, it was horrible. I wasted nearly 13 hours on this show and at the end, we're no closer as to who killed the girl than we are in the first episode.
  • Nope. For all these 90's series, this is the very first time I'll be watching these episodes.
    Are you watcing the whole series', or just certain episodes?
    I'm working through all the series, but I will only post about certain episodes.
  • I've been watching The Wire recently and realized this is probably one of the greatest scenes ever filmed.
  • I've been watching The Wire recently and realized this is probably one of the greatest scenes ever filmed.

    When I was teaching English in Japan, I actually used that scene in one of my adult conversation classes to demonstrate "nonverbal" communication.

    It was always a big hit each year I did it.
  • Man I just got all 5 seasons for my birthday. I need to get on this shit.
  • So... True Blood happened. And suddenly I don't mind Tara again. Also, HELLO JESSICA.
  • So... True Blood happened. And suddenly I don't mind Tara again. Also, HELLO ERIC.
  • The Wire's second season is kinda oddly paced but it feels like they're expecting a third season so they don't tie up so many of the loose ends.
  • So... True Blood happened. And suddenly I don't mind Tara again. Also, HELLO JESSICA.
    I wonder if it's possible to hate fuck a TV show.
  • So... True Blood happened. And suddenly I don't mind Tara again. Also, HELLO JESSICA.
    I wonder if it's possible to hate fuck a TV show.
    I guess you could buy it on DVD and hate fuck the hole. Be sure to use extra lube. That hole can get chafey.
  • Just finished the first episode. I like where things are going. So many questions to be answered.
  • While I enjoy True Blood, going from Game of Thrones last week to True Blood this week has really made me realize just how bad it is. Yeah, it's fun, and there are plenty of hot bodies for members of both genders to oogle over, but in terms of quality, True Blood is just a campy B-movie of a TV show.
  • While I enjoy True Blood, going from Game of Thrones last week to True Blood this week has really made me realize just how bad it is. Yeah, it's fun, and there are plenty of hot bodies for members of both genders to oogle over, but in terms of quality, True Blood is just a campy B-movie of a TV show.
    This should be the theme song:

  • While I enjoy True Blood, going from Game of Thrones last week to True Blood this week has really made me realize just how bad it is. Yeah, it's fun, and there are plenty of hot bodies for members of both genders to oogle over, but in terms of quality, True Blood is just a campy B-movie of a TV show.
    I'm okay with that.
  • I started watching Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip. It is entertaining, but I think that 30 Rock does it better.
  • I'm okay with that.
    Yeah, I don't expect riveting performances or great story. I just want sexy vampires.
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