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What TV Shows Are You Watching?



  • Game of Thrones was great. I've read the first 3 books. I wonder what it would be like to watch without having read them.

    Anyway, Archer season 2, locked and loaded on the iPhone.

    Also about 10 episodes into Cowboy Bebop, having never seen it before.
  • I'm okay with that.
    Yeah, I don't expect riveting performances or great story. I just want sexy vampires.
    My problem is that after watching (and loving) Six Feet Under, I think that True Blood is such a colossal waste of Alan Ball's talents. But maybe I just enjoy serious dramas more than campy vampire soap-opera.
  • I started watching Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip. It is entertaining, but I think that 30 Rock does it better.
    Studio 60 has one deadly problem: Aaron Sorkin doesn't know how to write comedy sketches. However, the show has several scenes where people marvel at the genius of certain sketches. If people in the show are talking about how genius something is, it can't not be genius.
  • edited June 2011
    The problem with Studio 60 was that everyone was so serious and so concerned with their job, which is fine if your job is working in the West Wing (see what I did there?) but when you're working on a comedy show, the audience isn't as heavily invested in the latest comedy sketch as it is when the President of the United States suddenly gets shot or has to get reelected or whatever.
    Post edited by jabrams007 on
  • I feel like the return of Angel in season 3 was just a cynical ploy towards the fangirls and the fanboys who like boys. Also, Faith looks alarmingly (and pleasently) like Heather Graham.

    Oh God. He's on about Heather Graham again.
  • While I enjoy True Blood, going from Game of Thrones last week to True Blood this week has really made me realize just how bad it is. Yeah, it's fun, and there are plenty of hot bodies for members of both genders to oogle over, but in terms of quality, True Blood is just a campy B-movie of a TV show.
    Can't agree more, I've opted out of Trueblood now, it went from a watchable good show to absolute shithouse teen TV.
  • Its biggest problem is that it has a totally unrelated story for every single character in a show with like 10 characters and like 10 episodes per season. My wife and I realized that the first three seasons take place over the course of like a month. Sookie, allegedly the main character of the show, isn't even in the town for two entire seasons. Even with a year of lost time they could have figured out some way of keeping things together. Instead we have:

    1. Sookie dealing with faerie queens and a (probably) abusive relationship with Eric
    2. Terra two states over having lesbian MMA
    3. Lafayette and co dealing with a amature resurrection cult
    4. Sam dealing with anger by having (probably) horse orgies with other shifters
    5. That waitresses evil baby from a dead murderer from the first season (who she didn't even know impregnated her until the middle of the third season)
    6. Vampires are having a PR crisis (oh yeah, this show used to be about Vampires)
    7. Hoyt and Jessica are on hard times with their human / vamp relationship
    8. Sam's bro is trying to steal Hoyt's mom or something
    9. The pretty, retarded (or just pretty retarded) bro of Sookie (who's name escapes me) is kidnapped by hill billy werewolf meth dealers
    10. The town sherrif is a vampire blood junkie now

    It took the an entire 55 min episode in a series of 10 just to establish all that and so each will have an average of 5 to 6 min per episode.

    On the bright side, sexy people will be killing and fucking.
  • Summer shows have started! Along with True Blood, I'm watching Leverage, Burn Notice, Royal Pains, and Eureka. They aren't the greatest shows, but are entertaining to me.
  • edited June 2011
    Boardwalk Empire Season 2 trailer

    HBO constantly puts out the best fucking TV shows today. It's worth the $10 extra on my internet/cable to support them and get access to HBO GO. Every show, every episode, streaming at will.
    Post edited by Andrew on
  • Its biggest problem is that it has a totally unrelated story for every single character in a show with like 10 characters and like 10 episodes per season. My wife and I realized that the first three seasons take place over the course of like a month. Sookie, allegedly the main character of the show, isn't even in the town for two entire seasons. Even with a year of lost time they could have figured out some way of keeping things together. Instead we have:

    1. Sookie dealing with faerie queens and a (probably) abusive relationship with Eric
    2. Terra two states over having lesbian MMA
    3. Lafayette and co dealing with a amature resurrection cult
    4. Sam dealing with anger by having (probably) horse orgies with other shifters
    5. That waitresses evil baby from a dead murderer from the first season (who she didn't even know impregnated her until the middle of the third season)
    6. Vampires are having a PR crisis (oh yeah, this show used to be about Vampires)
    7. Hoyt and Jessica are on hard times with their human / vamp relationship
    8. Sam's bro is trying to steal Hoyt's mom or something
    9. The pretty, retarded (or just pretty retarded) bro of Sookie (who's name escapes me) is kidnapped by hill billy werewolf meth dealers
    10. The town sherrif is a vampire blood junkie now

    It took the an entire 55 min episode in a series of 10 just to establish all that and so each will have an average of 5 to 6 min per episode.

    On the bright side, sexy people will be killing and fucking.
    This post is SO spot on. To the degree that I don't even want to watch this show anymore :(
  • Wow looks like I have to start watching Boardwalk Empire, I was recommended it by my Mum but didn't realise it was good.
  • Wow looks like I have to start watching Boardwalk Empire, I was recommended it by my Mum but didn't realise it was good.
    I have the first season but have yet to watch it. I still can't figure out why.
  • Watched an episode of Cowboy Bebop - the one with the chess master. It took me about 14 episodes but now I'm bloody interested. That episode was pure gold. Will marathon the rest very shortly.
  • Going though QI archives. I'm starting season D now. It's really entertaining and a bit educational.
  • edited June 2011
    I just started watching IT Crowd.

    How have I never watched this show before?
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • edited June 2011
    Does every episode of The X-Files end with Mulder being Mr. Righty McRightypants and with Scully being Ms. Wrongy McWrongster?
    How have I never watched this show before?
    So you like it?
    Post edited by progSHELL on
  • Does every episode of The X-Files end with Mulder being Mr. Righty McRightypants and with Scully being Ms. Wrongy McWrongster?
    Yes and no. It makes you think Mulder is right, but since Scully is all "I want evidence/burden-of-proof/science", technically then the answer would be 'no'.
  • How have I never watched this show before?
    Because it's not that good?
  • Because it's not that good?
    I'd call it actually bad.

    Stale sitcom jokes with stereotypical "zaniness" mixed in, but all the proper nouns are replaced with stereotypical "nerdy" ones, and a setting that on the most superficial level almost resembles something that could conceivably be mistaken at a glance through a fogged window into sun glare as IT: awesome!

    The show is actively un-funny. The Andy Griffith Show is a better show. I Love Lucy is a better show. I'd rather watch Carrot Top. I'm not joking.

    It is, to be fair, funnier than Biodome. I'll give it that much credit.
  • edited June 2011
    I'd call it actually bad.
    Oh, come off it Rym. The show is pretty funny if you can stop sipping your fancy wines and take off your tophats and realize that it can be pretty funny.

    Post edited by Cremlian on
  • Oh, come off it Rym. The show is pretty funny if you can stop sipping your fancy wines and take off your tophats and realize that it can be pretty funny.
    I watched a bunch of it. It's just not funny. The jokes are really, really lame. The show's got nothing going for it.

    Believe you me, I am quite the fan of low-brow humor. The IT Crowd isn't high or low class, it's just poorly executed and not funny.
  • I watched a bunch of it. It's just not funny. The jokes are really, really lame. The show's got nothing going for it.
    To each it's own, it must be sad living in that ivory tower all alone with like two comedies to like. I mean you also said Community was "ok" instead of "awesome" "best thing since Arrested Development" or other phrases that should describe out good of a comedy that is. If your bar is so freaking high that Community is just watchable, I can understand how IT Crowd or Big Bang Theory wouldn't rate, but that world that you live in is not one I myself would want to live for it is one where the sun almost never shines on you. :-p
  • Bah, I'm with Rym; The IT Crowd and Big Bang Theory are both incredibly lame. You don't have to be a snob to hate played out sitcom formulas.
  • Bah, I'm with Rym; The IT Crowd and Big Bang Theory are both incredibly lame. You don't have to be a snob to hate played out sitcom formulas.
    Picture of Gunter
  • The IT Crowd and Big Bang Theory are both incredibly lame.
    I can handle people not liking The IT Crowd but COME ON; don't lump it in with Big Bang Theory.
  • RymRym
    edited June 2011
    I mean you also said Community was "ok" instead of "awesome" "best thing since Arrested Development" or other phrases that should describe out good of a comedy that is.
    Community is just OK. It definitely is the best TV comedy since Arrested Development. But it's forced.
    ut that world that you live in is not one I myself would want to live for it is one where the sun almost never shines on you. :-p
    Or I just only consume the best media and spend the rest of my time pursuing more stimulating interests. Why even watch a B-level show when there exists A-level entertainment I have not yet consumed? Why watch something even moderately bad when I can run, ski, or play a good game?

    I refuse to even bother with the mediocre. I guess I just value my time much more than some people. ;^)
    Bah, I'm with Rym; The IT Crowd and Big Bang Theory are both incredibly lame. You don't have to be a snob to hate played out sitcom formulas.
    This is my main beef with the show. It's tired. It has a veneer of "nerd" over what is possibly the most played-out and exhausted comedy fomula in the world. The jokes are so formulaic, and the pauses after punchlines so obvious, that it's impossible to enjoy unless you've never seen another sitcom in your life.
    Post edited by Rym on
  • I can handle people not liking The IT Crowd but COME ON; don't lump it in with Big Bang Theory.
    I find them equally funny.
  • edited June 2011
    Odd. The English have dumped awards on it with a shovel, and in England, Australia, and similar places, it's lauded as one of the best comedy shows on TV. And while I can't speak for england, but over here, the shitty Charlie Sheen Vehicle two and a half men - one of america's favorite shows - was dumped in the post 9PM sitcom wasteland where you shove something in before the late night movie, and is only vaguely popular with baby-boomers and bogans.

    Litmus test - Try watching "The Thick of It", and if you think it's another typical sitcom(Not "In the loop", the sorta-kinda movie adaption - which while also hilarious, is also made with a worldwide audience in mind), then I think we've found the problem, which is simply the difference in humor between the English and Americans. It's kinda like if you took West Wing and The Wire, let them mate, and then raised the child on comedy and cursing.

    Here's the first part of the first episode.

    Also, I should note, fuckin' hell Peter Capaldi can put out an aura of menace.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • I watched a bunch of it. It's just not funny. The jokes are really, really lame. The show's got nothing going for it.
    To each it's own, it must be sad living in that ivory tower all alone with like two comedies to like. I mean you also said Community was "ok" instead of "awesome" "best thing since Arrested Development" or other phrases that should describe out good of a comedy that is. If your bar is so freaking high that Community is just watchable, I can understand how IT Crowd or Big Bang Theory wouldn't rate, but that world that you live in is not one I myself would want to live for it is one where the sun almost never shines on you. :-p
    Comedy in general has gotten better over the years because it's willing to be experimental. That's why I still enjoy Modern Family, which may be more in the vein of Arrested Development because they really like to set you up for those roll-on-the-floor laughing mishaps and farcical moves. I can agree to Rym that some of the humor from The IT Crowd is dated, but it actually has really likable actors playing likable characters. And being British, it's willing to be a bit more insane and adventurous.

    Just curious, what's your opinion on Married...With Children? Because that show is formulaic and low-brow to the highest level, yet funny as hell because of how far they are willing to take things and the great one-liners.
  • Just curious, what's your opinion on Married...With Children? Because that show is formulaic and low-brow to the highest level, yet funny as hell because of how far they are willing to take things and the great one-liners.
    As a young child I loved it.

    Older and wiser, I find it mildly enjoyable in its earlier episodes, edging toward unwatchable as the show progresses. It lampoons a culture that I have never been a part of. It's vaguely sexist, predictable, and reminds me quite a bit of a particular terrible/offensive comedian we saw in Atlantic City some time ago. The one-liners don't hold up to more modern comedy, and I can only watch so many "fat woman wants to try on shoes ten sizes too small" jokes before I tire of them.

    So, to answer your question, from my current perspective, it's unwatchable.
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