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What TV Shows Are You Watching?



  • edited July 2011
    And I'm caught up with Game of Thrones. Didn't think THAT was going to happen. I definitely want to listen to the audiobooks to see what happens.

    I wanted to scream and rage at the end of episode 9. Instead I held it all in and didn't breath for a few seconds. It was a good thing I was alone at the time.
    Post edited by Rochelle on

  • I wanted to scream and rage at the end of episode 9. Instead I held it all in and didn't breath for a few seconds. It was a good thing I was alone at the time.
    Did you feel like this?
  • Did you feel like this?
    Yes very similar. There were a few tears of rage.

    Oh that was hilarious.
  • Currently halfway through season 1 of The Walking Dead. I remember when it was coming out, I only saw episodes 4 and 5, just because I happened to be at a friend's when they were watching it, and I wasn't that impressed by it. But now having seen the episodes leading up to that point, it makes a lot more sense, and I'm much more into it.
    1. Currently halfway through season 1 of The Walking Dead. I remember when it was coming out, I only saw episodes 4 and 5, just because I happened to be at a friend's when they were watching it, and I wasn't that impressed by it. But now having seen the episodes leading up to that point, it makes a lot more sense, and I'm much more into it.

    I have a question for you. If the season was longer than 6 episodes, do you think it would really hold your attention or would you get bored? I remember finishing the season and thinking "if this show is longer than 6 more episodes, it's going to lose me as a viewer." I just don't see any of the characters or the plot really keeping me watching for too much longer.
  • I have a question for you. If the season was longer than 6 episodes, do you think it would really hold your attention or would you get bored? I remember finishing the season and thinking "if this show is longer than 6 more episodes, it's going to lose me as a viewer." I just don't see any of the characters or the plot really keeping me watching for too much longer.
    From what I've seen and remember from earlier watching, I'm kind of in agreement with you. I'm not going to give it some arbitrary number and say that six episodes is just right, or that seven would have turned me off of it, but I don't know if I'm in it for the long haul. Everyone says that the show is about the characters. Well, I don't give a crap about any of the characters save the main guy (Rick) and the father/son he met in the pilot episode. So, since I don't really care about any of the other people in the camp, the plot is going to have to make up for it, which it hasn't thus far.
  • edited July 2011
    Everyone says that the show is about the characters. Well, I don't give a crap about any of the characters save the main guy (Rick) and the father/son he met in the pilot episode. So, since I don't really care about any of the other people in the camp, the plot is going to have to make up for it, which it hasn't thus far.
    Yeah I think that's my biggest problem with it. I didn't find the characters to be anything special. If pretty much any of them died, except for maybe Rick, I probably wouldn't care.

    Edit: I probably should have said significantly longer than 6 episodes. I personally would never watch this show if season 1 was over 12 episodes.
    Post edited by thehollow89 on
  • edited July 2011
    I wam watching The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes.
    Yea I enjoyed the first eps, I'm going to watch more.
    I know right? So far my favorite character is Wasp, maybe because most of her lines are hilarious.

    Also, I am currently trying to watch "Spider-Man: The '67 Collection" some episodes made me remember of "The Spirit", and I am not sure why?
    Post edited by Erwin on
  • I know right? So far my favorite character is Wasp, maybe because most of her lines are hilarious.
    The Hulk is sooo awesome in this show, it's pretty much the best version of the Avengers in cartoon form ever. Sorta like a Wolverine and The X-men and not cancelled (second season starts in October)
  • Breaking Bad Season 4 starts in 8 hours. :DDDDDD
  • I know right? So far my favorite character is Wasp, maybe because most of her lines are hilarious.
    I wholeheartedly agree, but Thor is second best. I want more Wasp/Thor episodes.
  • So, I just watched the first two episodes of the Avengers cartoon too. Not really sure it's for me. I don't really have any Marvel knowledge to speak of, and I think that was what made the first episode so damn confusing. There were a lot of ludicrously dressed dudes hitting each other for 20 minutes. But, I honestly couldn't tell who was with who, or who I should be cheering for, or why anyone was doing their punching, other than that the other guy was punching them. There were a few "Oh shit The Big House, DUN DUN DUH" moments, but its hard to build suspense when I don't know what the hell that is.

    For the second episode, it was a little more clear what was going on. The guys from the intro song were doing most of the stuff, so I'm guessing what they were doing was what was supposed to be happening. Still, the villain is the only one with any kind of backstory or motivation so far. It seems like he got screwed over pretty hard. After waking up from 7+ years of being in a purposefully induced coma, I think he has the right to be a little angry. Why was the first protocol to start punching him in the face while yelling "Calm down or else!"?

    Other observations
    -The Hulk seems like a fairly normal guy, just kinda big and strong. Why was he locked up? He seems to actively avoid killing/unduly harming people.
    -All the Marvel stuff exists in the same "universe", right? Why are the X-men being oppressed when dudes like fucking Thor are flying around and everyone is okay with it?
    -What is the Iron Man suit made out of, that it gets damaged via some light punching, but is just fine for both re-entering the atmosphere, and not cooking the pilot in the process?
    -I find it hilarious that a superhero named "Wasp" was entirely less effective at harming the primary antagonist than an actual wasp, which was his ultimate downfall. Although, to be fair, an actual wasp seemed to harm him slightly more than getting hit by a oil tanker, and slightly less than a lightning bolt.
    -Speaking of the gravity man, its hard to take him seriously when his total body count for the entirety of his time as an antagonist is a whopping zero, and at one point they actually show him incapable of breaking a pane of glass.
    -Nick Fury has some pretty rockin' eye liner. This is a legitimate non-sarcastic compliment. He is a handsome fellow.
    -Thor causes more widespread destruction than everyone else in the first two episodes combined. I can't see myself taking any of the villains they fight seriously when Thor is around.

    Dunno whether to keep watching this or start watching Band of Brothers, which has been collecting dust on my shelf for a few months now.
  • Yea, the first episodes slowly introduce each character, the Avengers don't come together till like eps 3 or 4 if I remember correctly.
  • The Whitest Kids U Know.
  • Me and my brother finished Archer Season 2 on Sunday. Holy damn, that show is hilarious and it increased in every level in the second season. The jokes and moments really were not afraid to go that far or be that offensive or insane. Love it.

    Also liked the callbacks to SeaLab 2021. (934TXS)
  • Me and my brother finished Archer Season 2 on Sunday. Holy damn, that show is hilarious and it increased in every level in the second season. The jokes and moments really were not afraid to go that far or be that offensive or insane. Love it.

    Also liked the callbacks to SeaLab 2021. (934TXS)
    Me and my brother are working through S2 of Archer as well. It's fan fucking tastic.
  • All the Marvel stuff exists in the same "universe", right? Why are the X-men being oppressed when dudes like fucking Thor are flying around and everyone is okay with it?
    Because Thor is one of the strongest beings in existence. Seriously, there is a major reason that Thor and Hulk had to be removed from the Civil War storyline.
  • Seriously, there is a major reason that Thor and Hulk had to be removed from the Civil War storyline.
    Ummmm... Thor was in Civil War...
  • edited July 2011
    -All the Marvel stuff exists in the same "universe", right? Why are the X-men being oppressed when dudes like fucking Thor are flying around and everyone is okay with it?
    Mainly because of theme, X-men is about Racism, people born with powers because of their genes while the Avengers and other superheroes are made through some other event. It's a slight but significant difference. Though more and more the comics (I've been ready A LOT of underwear pervert stuff lately) has been focusing on the roles of superheroes in Society and how the public and government deals with them. So just because you're Captain America doesn't mean you get a free pass, you just get a better deal then the X-men.
    Post edited by Cremlian on
  • Seriously, there is a major reason that Thor and Hulk had to be removed from the Civil War storyline.
    Ummmm... Thor was in Civil War...
    That was a clone of Thor. It doesn't count.
  • All the Marvel stuff exists in the same "universe", right? Why are the X-men being oppressed when dudes like fucking Thor are flying around and everyone is okay with it?
    Because Thor is one of the strongest beings in existence. Seriously, there is a major reason that Thor and Hulk had to be removed from the Civil War storyline.
    Ooh, have you seen Hulk vs Thor yet?

    By the way, which Avengers are you talking about? I just started watching Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes and Iron Man sounded different than you described. I've only seen the 1st episode, but it's presentation feels to lack more of the issues you described.
  • edited July 2011
    Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes
    That's the one we're talking about.

    Has anyone else noticed that Black Panther is easily the most competent member of the team?
    Post edited by Li_Akahi on
  • Has anyone else noticed that Black Panther is easily the most competent member of the team?
    That's always the case, the Black Panther is awesome.

  • Dunno whether to keep watching this or start watching Band of Brothers, which has been collecting dust on my shelf for a few months now.
    Band of Brothers, of course! How has that not burned a hole in your shelf yet?! Don't expect anything big the first episode, though.
  • I just finished Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes and X-Men: Evolution is on NetFlix Streaming, so there's that.
  • I just finished Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes and X-Men: Evolution is on NetFlix Streaming, so there's that
    I'm working on X-men: Evolution (and already finished Avengers)
  • X-men: Evolution
    I watched this when it aired on TV, and it wasn't bad. For some reason, it gets a lot of flack from Marvel purists.
  • I watched this when it aired on TV, and it wasn't bad. For some reason, it gets a lot of flack from Marvel purists.
    I actually liked this show a bit more then the original X-men show only because once people showed up they usually stuck around instead of disappearing like in the older cartoon. It was only surpassed when Wolverine and the X-men came along and was superior to all.
  • I watched this when it aired on TV, and it wasn't bad. For some reason, it gets a lot of flack from Marvel purists.
    I actually liked this show a bit more then the original X-men show only because once people showed up they usually stuck around instead of disappearing like in the older cartoon. It was only surpassed when Wolverine and the X-men came along and was superior to all.

    Also, I feel like they did a much better job at setting up characters and actual conflicts besides the very surface oriented mutant VS mutant or mutant VS human battles.
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