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What TV Shows Are You Watching?



  • I finished watching The Avengers: Earth's Mighties Heroes. I really enjoyed, and I specially liked that they made Hank Pym a way more likable character than his persona in the comics both normal and ultimate series. I also enjoyed that through the whole series all the story lines intercalated to complete a whole ark. Well, except the one when Captain America woul bring the destruction of Earth, but I guess we will see on what it looks like it will be their version of "Secret Invasion". It was a good show and I will definately will be catching it when it comes back in October.
  • I watched the third, fourth, and fifth episodes of Earth's Mightiest Heroes today. They were all extremely better than the first two, and I can't help but wonder why they didn't go first.
  • I watched the third, fourth, and fifth episodes of Earth's Mightiest Heroes today. They were all extremely better than the first two, and I can't help but wonder why they didn't go first.
    Because Iron Man is the most well known and popular character in the Avengers show at this point.
  • I'm nearing the end of the season now. Pretty much every episode has been awesome, excepting the first two that made me want to claw my eyes out. I'm surprised that I like all the characters. The Hulk is probably my favorite so far. I kinda wish we got a tiny bit more of Banner, though. I really liked the part where he just popped out for a few minutes to help in the Gamma World episodes.

    Also, Modok is a boss.
  • I concur, after the first two each episode is better than the last one. I can't wait to see how the foreshadowing of this season will be executed on the next one.
    I also hope they get a new opening.
  • I like the action in the opening but the song sucks, BUT it did grow on me by the 20th or so time I saw it.
  • Currently for Summer...

    -Futurama (When I see an episode on occasion, still funny)
    -Men of a Certain Age (It got cancelled, but I still wanna watch it)
    -Misfits Season 2
    -Top Gear

    There's a lot of shows I want to continue, but because my brother doesn't have TV, he'd prefer to wait until we can get the season as a whole instead of wait from week to week.
  • Wilfred. Enjoying it immensely. I wonder if Ryan will ever be commited for being batshit crazy.
  • Wilfred. Enjoying it immensely. I wonder if Ryan will ever be commited for being batshit crazy.
    Okay, I love the shit outta Wilfred, but who the fuck is Ryan?
  • The American version. It has Frodo playing a guy named Ryan.
  • The American version. It has Frodo playing a guy named Ryan.
    The American version.
  • It has the orginal dog. Frodo is actually quite a good actor, well for a hobbit. You can almost believe he is people!
  • edited August 2011
    It has the orginal dog. Frodo is actually quite a good actor, well for a hobbit. You can almost believe he is people!
    If it's tailored for American audiences, I doubt it will be quite as good or funny to me, that's all. For a start, the Australian version is all about Sarah, Adam and Wilfred, and is about the much more complex concept of Mateship in Australia, but the US version is straight Buddy Comedy all the way, with a tinge of american-dream-land-of-opportunity "down on his luck guy makes good" (Though admittedly, I had to go and read the Episode summaries for the american version to get that).

    I saw one episode, and gave up on it, and forgot about it - I'd genuinely forgotten the characters and such from the American version, and really only vaguely remembered it was even a thing.

    However, I'd suspect that you might not enjoy the Australian one as much as the American one, just like how y'all would probably not like Pizza, Swift and Shift Couriers, The Librarians, Small Time Gangster or Laid.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • The american version has Ryan, who used to be a lawyer, but quit because of stress. He had a nervous breakdown. He his soo in love with His neighbor Jenna, whom he babysits her dog while she works. The show has alot of spots where it is outright saying Ryan is crazy. In the most recent ep he tries to break up Jenna and her bf.
  • Did the ozzy show say Adam was bonkers?
  • edited August 2011
    Did the ozzy show say Adam was bonkers?
    Ozzy show?

    Okay, that joke out of the way, Not really - He just accepts that he sees Wilfred a little differently, and that's about it. It's sometimes implied that other people think he's a bit wierd, because he sometimes forgets about how he seems him differently, but it never really says outright one way or the other. Other than seeing a talking dog, he's portrayed as being pretty normal, if a little bit hopeless - And he's in a relationship with Sarah(Who isn't his neighbor, either) from the very start of the show, pretty much - First episode is him being invited back to hers from a Powderfinger Concert and getting into said relationship - And Wilfred often helps as much as he sabotages, sometimes simultaneously. For example, in the first episode, after he gets his clothes dirty and washes them, Wilfred loans him some clothes, but later on, he can't find his own clothes, and thus Sarah invites him to stay another night, cementing their relationship - and you later see Wilfred burning his clothes.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Sew eye sea. The american version is alot darker.
  • edited August 2011
    Sew eye sea. The american version is alot darker.
    I can't really say, I gave up on it too fast. I might watch it again some other time, I might not. The Australian version does get pretty crushing, though, like In season 2, where Adam's marriage proposal goes horribly wrong, and Wilfred gets his heart broken at the same time.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Now I am watching Whites. It is pretty funny, but there are absolutely no good looking people on that show.
  • I can not fall asleep! I am fighting a losing battle against insomnia! Woke up at 9am Thursday, been awake for 67 hours now :( I started watching "Mad Men" 7 hours ago with a vain hope that it would help me fall asleep. I am kicking myself for not watching this show earlier! It is SOOOOOO GOOD! Well I am off from work today. Perhaps, I will sleep later
  • I watched the entire first season of Rookie Blue in a single day, and I've also been watching Combat Hospital.

    Canadian TV fuck yeah!
  • Combat Hospital? You mean M.A.S.H: The New Class?
  • More or less. Ain't nothing wrong with that.
  • Finally started watching Mad Men.
  • Torchwood: Miracle Day.
    Shit just went down.
    Gwen blew up a concentration camp.
  • Top Gear. Lots and lots and lots of Top Gear.

    I've also been watching a little Weeds and might pick Jericho back up. We also have been rewatching Doc Martin, a great BBC Drama.
    The Other Person In The House is watching Mad Men, which I can't stand because of how awful every single character is. Not that they're badly acted, they're just terrible human beings being terrible to each other. the world.

  • The Other Person In The House is watching Mad Men, which I can't stand because of how awful every single character is. Not that they're badly acted, they're just terrible human beings being terrible to each other.
    I have trouble watching Mad Men and the Tudors for a similar reason. I seriously respect both shows, especially Mad Men, which is basically an excuse to remind everyone how much the Good Old Days sucked, but I can't really watch them without them filling me with rage at the characters.
  • Yeah, I can agree with that. It's interesting to see a darker side to the "good old days". But it's the sort of show where I always expect something absolutely terrible to happen to every character, all the time, perpetrated by another character. And generally, something bad DOES happen.

    If I want to watch people being awful to each other I'll generally just watch Fox News.
  • I don't think the characters in Mad Men are evil or even awful. I think they're portrayed pretty realistically considering the time period, their profession, and their social status and cultural norms.
  • I think that's a fair assessment.
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