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What TV Shows Are You Watching?



  • That doesn't mean they aren't totally dicks by 21st century standards.
  • I've also been watching a little Weeds and might pick Jericho back up. We also have been rewatching Doc Martin, a great BBC Drama.
    Nice selection. If You Liked Those, You Might Like Survivors (BBC Show).
  • For a start, the Australian version is all about Sarah, Adam and Wilfred
    This is definitely more about Wilfred and Ryan, though Jenna does play a very prominent role as well.
    and is about the much more complex concept of Mateship in Australia
    Hm. I don't know about the concept of "mateship." The "buddy comedy" that is being portrayed in the American show is decidedly different than virtually any other "buddy comedy" I've seen. Can you elaborate on this idea?
  • edited August 2011
    Hm. I don't know about the concept of "mateship." The "buddy comedy" that is being portrayed in the American show is decidedly different than virtually any other "buddy comedy" I've seen. Can you elaborate on this idea?
    As a similar thread on reddit pointed out to me, apparently not very well - to me, it's a little like trying to explain the colour blue to someone who has been blind since birth. You could say it's equivalent to "very good friend", but it loses a very big something in the translation, it's not really an equivalent - I mean, I have friends, sure, and I'd do a lot for them, but I also have mates, and that is a lot more. If necessary, I would Die or Kill for my mates, without hesitation, and then probably spend my last breath brushing off any praise for it saying "don't worry about it, it's what mates do."
    When my mates back home heard about the threats coming from my Ex-Fiancee's new fella, I actually had to convince them not to take the time off work and fly over, and go down to Aberystwyth to have a gentle word to the cunt. For perspective, one of the mates in question is about half my size, and in no way a fighter, and he was dead-set on flying to another country and helping beat the shit out of a bloke who fancied himself a hard lad, and was at the very least was a Rugby half-back. Getting seriously malicious towards somone's mate is quite literally enough to earn you enmity for life.

    Despite, as written by J.F Mortlock, " In Australia, silent composure under suffering is strictly prescribed by etiquette", losing a mate is one thing where nobody will say a goddamn thing if you displaying some genuine sorrow or pain, especially if they died.

    With Exclusive Mateship(the other kind is inclusive, which applies to groups, rather than between individuals) It's a term that implies an extremely close friendship, along with a fierce loyalty, Shared experience and often shared hardships, unconditional assistance with no thought of reciprocation(because you don't even need to think about it, you just know as naturally as heat feels hot, cold feels cold, and water is wet that they'd do the same for you). There is even a strong component of almost sibling-like love implied - your mates are on practically the same level as family, though obviously not the same thing.

    It's hard to say where it truly arose - the people immigrating(being very much an immigrant nation) without any family to speak of, and thus, friends becoming their substitute for family. Or in the early history of Australia, as societal bonds can be formed and strengthened through extreme hardship. Or even as a military tradition, since all of our wars have been fought on foreign soil, with family a long, long way away. In the world wars, it was common for a dying Australian soldier to have one of his mates from his unit bought to his side, rather than just any random soldier, because it was considered among the troops that a random person being there instead of your mate would be only marginally better than dying alone.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • It's a term that implies an extremely close friendship, along with a fierce loyalty, Shared experience and often shared hardships, unconditional assistance with no thought of reciprocation
    OK, I think I get it. It's like the difference between the friend who will bail you out of jail and the friend who'll be sitting there next to you saying, "Fuck me, that was awesome." It's an intangible thing around or slightly beyond what most people think of as "best friend." I have lots of good friends and very very very few best friends.

    I think the American show does evince some of that latter type of friendship - the guy sitting with you in jail. The relationship between Wilfred and Ryan is a complex one that is held together by a shared sense of loyalty and belonging. They struggle with it but always seem to stick through it. Like I said, it's not really the typical "buddy" setup that I get from a lot of American shows. It's more than just going through wacky hijinks together.

    Fry and Bender from Futurama have more of the stereotypical "best buds" type of relationship. I'd definitely say that the American Wilfred is portraying something beyond that.
  • OK, I think I get it. It's like the difference between the friend who will bail you out of jail and the friend who'll be sitting there next to you saying, "Fuck me, that was awesome." It's an intangible thing around or slightly beyond what most people think of as "best friend." I have lots of good friends and very very very few best friends.
    That's close enough, yeah. What you're saying does make sense.
  • edited August 2011

    I think the American show does evince some of that latter type of friendship - the guy sitting with you in jail. The relationship between Wilfred and Ryan is a complex one that is held together by a shared sense of loyalty and belonging..
    I definitely think you hit the nail on the head with that statement. I think it's not as friendly a best-buds relationship, but truely one that's important because you watch Ryan constantly evolve as a person. I enjoyed that Wilfred is willing to be much more devious and cunning about his personality and views on life, but it's strangely rather balanced. There's definitely a history to learn about Ryan and Wilfred, and it's slowly being taught to one another to make Ryan a better person and give Wilfred more meaning.

    I'll also say this, the episode "Anger" had a really heartwarming ending.
    Post edited by Nukerjsr on
  • I have found a rather effective (or terrifyingly detrimental depending on my 'to do' list) combination: Terraria + Star Trek TNG streaming on Netflix. I've blown through about 70% of the first season in one weekend. Wow, shut up Wesley! ;)

    Nostalgia mixed with filling in the gaps of missed episodes AND in order since I only ever watched them inconsistently when they were on TV and at the time didn't understand the concept of TV seasons and episode order.
  • I think it's not as friendly a best-buds relationship, but truely one that's important because you watch Ryan constantly evolve as a person.
    I think that's one of the main differences between the Australian and the US version - Ryan starts the show at rock bottom, and climbs his way up. Adam starts out already doing alright, and then has ups and downs as the series progresses. Both, however, grow as characters, but obviously in different ways.
  • Just watched Avatar and loved it (Iroh is one of my favorite characters ever). I'm now following Adventure Time and Thundercats.
  • Re-watching Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares on Netflix...I'm so gay for that man. >_<
  • Boston Legal is a show were James Spader and William Shatner are total cunts at being lawyers which I find wonderfully entertaining.
  • Adam starts out already doing alright, and then has ups and downs as the series progresses.
    I do think I'd prefer this. Ryan being in a near-constant state of failure gets tiring, and while it happens, it eventually damages believability. It's more realistic to have a guy who's doing alright and then have good and bad days.

    Maybe Ryan will get there eventually.
  • I do think I'd prefer this. Ryan being in a near-constant state of failure gets tiring, and while it happens, it eventually damages believability. It's more realistic to have a guy who's doing alright and then have good and bad days.

    Maybe Ryan will get there eventually.
    I've been watching more of the American version, and I gotta agree. I'm interested to see where it goes with the US version, but I definitely feel the Australian version is a little more believable, because while adam has some enormous failures, he doesn't just hover at the lowest level possible like a 3 day old helium balloon. I also feel it has a little more life, and spark, it's a little more hopeful, and fun. Not that I'm biased or anything.
  • edited August 2011
    Boston Legal is a show were James Spader and William Shatner are total cunts at being lawyers which I find wonderfully entertaining.

    I'm seeing a trend develop. I tell Ro to watch a show, she resists for a short time feigning disinterest, then watches it and OMG IT'S TEH BEST SHOW EV4R. I'm giving myself a pat on the back.
    Post edited by Jason on
  • Boston Legal is a show were James Spader and William Shatner are total cunts at being lawyers which I find wonderfully entertaining.

    I'm seeing a trend develop. I tell Ro to watch a show, she resists for a short time feigning disinterest, then watches it and OMG IT'S TEH BEST SHOW EV4R. I'm giving myself a pat on the back.
    Is this on netflix streaming?
  • edited August 2011
    Boston Legal is a show were James Spader and William Shatner are total cunts at being lawyers which I find wonderfully entertaining.

    I'm seeing a trend develop. I tell Ro to watch a show, she resists for a short time feigning disinterest, then watches it and OMG IT'S TEH BEST SHOW EV4R. I'm giving myself a pat on the back.
    Is this on netflix streaming?
    Nope. I own the DVDs. I have no idea where you could find them.
    Post edited by Jason on
    I'm seeing a trend develop. I tell Ro to watch a show, she resists for a short time feigning disinterest, then watches it and OMG IT'S TEH BEST SHOW EV4R. I'm giving myself a pat on the back.
    I admit NOTHING!

    I just need a break from TNG and recently finished watching Friends again. I needed something else. BL seems to fill that need.
  • I love, love, love, love, love Boston Legal.
  • I was chatting with Jason and told him how I noticed during the intro they separate the B and L from Boston Legal to just show "BL". I said I immediately thought it was a reference to "Boy Love" because James Spader and William Shatner have his bond between each other. Also I pointed out that Jason has a serious "man-love" hard-on for his show.

    Coincidence? I think not.

    Jason said I was weird.
  • I said I immediately thought it was a reference to "Boy Love" because James Spader and William Shatner have his bond between each other.
    Ro, you have no idea how far they will run with this. It reaches untold levels of hilarity.
  • I said I immediately thought it was a reference to "Boy Love" because James Spader and William Shatner have his bond between each other.
    Ro, you have no idea how far they will run with this. It reaches untold levels of hilarity.
  • Did I hear you say... ?
  • ReBoot holds up shockingly well.
  • ReBoot holds up shockingly well.
    Really? Isn't it all 90's humor?
  • edited September 2011
    ReBoot holds up shockingly well.
    Really? Isn't it all 90's humor?
    Yes, but it's actually a good show. The storytelling is executed well, and while the puns are painful, you sort of just get used to it eventually.

    Also, I was sentient in the early 90's. I remember them vividly. So, y'know, 90's humor isn't lost on me. You goddamn kids.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • Halfway through season 3 of Boston Legal. I'm loving my 3 day weekend of BL marathon. This show is simply marvelous. I enjoy the commentary about politics, morals, social issues, but at the same time the show does not take itself seriously.

    The show breaks the 4th wall so many times and is always amusing. I find myself just bursting out with loudly with laughter late at night hoping I wasn't too loud for the neighbors to hear.

    Highly recommend this show.

    (Jason, you can stop beaming with proud now.)
  • I love ReBoot so much I'm subscribed to the newsletter still.
  • You can't stop me from beaming with proud.
  • Breaking Bad is alright. It doesn't have a lot of "Y U DO DIS" moments until the end of the second season, and is has just enough BADASS SCIENCE to keep me interested, but it's not fantastic.

    Also, not to spoil anything, but the newest Doctor Who needed a lot more Hitler, and seemed kinda rushed.
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