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What TV Shows Are You Watching?



  • Those specific episodes are great? Or are you just saying it would be awesome to be able to fly around and shoot lasers out of your face? =P
    The episodes with Rooster and Pig are the best. They have so much fun flying around with heat-beam eyes. And yes, it would be awesome.
  • Finished watching both seasons of Misfits. This was how Heroes should have been. Great UK show and I'm really looking forward to season 3 now.
  • I'm about four episodes into that. The show is ridiculous. I started it, sort of wondering when it would be getting interesting, and then halfway through that first episode, everything just started going crazy and it hasn't stopped.
  • Introduced flatmates to Archer. Soon they'll understand the seriousness of the Daaaanger Zone.
  • Introduced flatmates to Archer. Soon they'll understand the seriousness of the Daaaanger Zone.
    Wait, I had something for this.
  • Finished watching both seasons of Misfits. This was how Heroes should have been. Great UK show and I'm really looking forward to season 3 now.
    I've watched through that whole series nearly 4 times now through watching it with different friends. Have you seen the short clip that shows Nathan after the last episode?
  • Finished watching both seasons of Misfits. This was how Heroes should have been. Great UK show and I'm really looking forward to season 3 now.
    I've watched through that whole series nearly 4 times now through watching it with different friends. Have you seen the short clip that shows Nathan after the last episode?
    No, what short clip? I am intrigued...
  • I was about to post the link to youtube for the video but I can't find it, you might have to find it through other means. However you're able to find it look for "Vegas Baby" it's a 10 minute clip, only watch it if you've seen all of the series up to date.
  • Been watching Strike Back, a Cinemax show, based on a UK Sky show.

    It's interesting going from the first season, shown only in the UK, which is much more 'serious' and realistic, to the second season, shown on Cinemax, which has injected a lot more nudity, sex, and generally made the show much more 24-ish and Die-Hard-ish.

    Both seasons are good, but the show is almost entirely different now. The cast is completely different, the focus has changed, and the mood and tenor of the show is now different. Honestly, I don't even know why they bothered to call it Strike Back. It's not like anyone in the US has seen the UK season anyway.

    Good fun show though, if a bit mindless. I hasn't replaced Spooks (MI-5) as my go to for espionage-y goodness though. If you haven't seen Spooks (MI-5), it's like 24 for smart people. It's like they turned the excellent comic Queen and Country into a TV series.

    That reminds me, one of these days, I really need to watch Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy
  • How come no one told me about Community? I just devoured the first two seasons over the last week and a half. Not sure where they can take it after season 2's finale, as it is kind of hard to top. It has a sense of of self awreness that isn't necessarily always in your face, but nonetheless is always present.
    I really hope it stays fresh and doesn't jump the shark like The Office did after season three.
  • How come no one told me about Community?
    LOLz what? don't we even have a thread on this show somewhere?
  • Yeah, I recall seeing it on here somewhere, maybe even poked my head in there. I obviously didn't pay much mind to it (big mistake) for whatever reason. Glad I finally snapped out of it and watched this show.
  • edited October 2011
    I like not finding out about a good show until several years after it starts. Now you have 40 some-odd episodes that you can watch any time you want.
    Post edited by DevilUknow on
  • I like not finding out about a good show until several years after it starts. Now you have 40 some-odd episodes that you can watch any time you want.
    Depends on the show. I think I enjoyed LOST more because I saw it as it was coming out, leading to many fun discussions about theories, guessing what would come next, reading LOST wikis. I can't imagine having fun doing that if you watch the show after all the info on it is out there.
    Then again this is coming from a guy who listens to a weekly Dragonball podcast.
  • After watching two seasons, I'm giving up on Mad Men. Just don't like any of the characters, and I don't care about what happens to them.

    So instead, started watching Dexter with my girlfriend, and liking it much more. I also intend to start Archer, plus Castle season 3 will be watched soon.
  • Parks and Rec.
  • WALKING DEAD!!!!!!
  • WALKING DEAD!!!!!!
  • WALKING DEAD!!!!!!
  • WALKING DEAD!!!!!!
    This show is stressing me out so good.
  • Deep Space Nine.
    So good. So good.
  • Walking Dead Premier: 45 minutes of content crammed into a 90 minute slot of commercials.
  • In the same vein, Talking Dead: 30 of commercials.
  • I'm into the third season of Breaking Bad now. Oh man, did shit just get real.
  • Been watching Strike Back on Cinemax. Fun action/special-ops show, but boy have they changed it from the UK Season one.
  • Wolverine and the X-Men is decent.
  • Just watched the Walking Dead webisodes! One thing I'm not sure about, the critter at the end, adult or child?

    Since I don't have cable I'm wondering if I should pony up and buy a season pass on the console, torrent/watch online or just wait for the DVDs?
  • Wolverine and the X-Men is decent.
    Wolverine and the X-men is the best X-men cartoon ever made.
  • Wolverine and the X-Men is decent.
    Wolverine and the X-men is the best X-men cartoon ever made.
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