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What TV Shows Are You Watching?



  • I got my bromance on and watched the three movie-episodes of Sherlock that are out right now. Very fun, a clever modern day retelling that is quite faithful in spirit to the original main characters. Although at times it tends to be a little cheesy, it has some pretty good banter in it. Overall, I would watch more.
    Also, Moriarty is annoyingly fabulous, but about the right amount of nefarious.
  • My roommate and I have been watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer for the first time over the last two months or so. Almost finished. Surprised how good it is (most of the time). Spike's character development has been particularly enjoyable. Is Angel worth watching too?
  • Both Grimm and Fringe are pretty awesome.
  • Grimm is a terrible show. It's disjointed and its internal logic is inconsistent (monsters fear the Grimms because... why? They don't seem to have any special powers other than perception). The tone is fractured (the writers can't decide on a dark tone or a half-comic one), probably because of network producer interference. The main character has no character. It is bad.
  • A few thoughts for this thread:

    My roommate and I have been watching Terra Nova. It's colossally stupid, but still somehow very entertaining.

    Grimm bored the hell out of me.

    Community is still totally awesome. The Office doesn't suck. Modern Family is still awesome. Chuck has been getting progressively more shitty ever since the end of season 2 (and even then it wasn't as good as season 1).
  • My roommate and I have been watching Terra Nova. It's colossally stupid, but still somehow very entertaining.
    True Facts - The parts of that series that are not shot in my city, are filmed about 45 minutes drive away from my city.

  • Catching up on Modern Family slowly.
  • Delaney... did you see Regis this morning?

  • I'm watching Once Upon A Time, mainly because it's from two of the writers of LOST and I love that show for all its faults. It's all right so far, but three episodes in and I'm getting a little bored of the premise already. I'm a lot more interested in the fairy tale flashback segments of each episode than the present day segments. I'm gonna give it a little more time, just because I want to give the LOST writers benefit of the doubt.
  • I'm watching Once Upon A Time, mainly because it's from two of the writers of LOST and I love that show for all its faults. It's all right so far, but three episodes in and I'm getting a little bored of the premise already. I'm a lot more interested in the fairy tale flashback segments of each episode than the present day segments. I'm gonna give it a little more time, just because I want to give the LOST writers benefit of the doubt.
    I want to like that show, I really do, but everytime I see an episode it just reminds me that it's not Fables
  • Underbelly: Razor. So bloody good.
  • I met one of the composers for Once Upon A Time this week, actually. He also did the music for the new Ass Creed and is doing the music for Borderlands 2. He might become one of the professors at my school next quarter.
  • edited November 2011
    I just finished watching Season 2 of "Downton Abbey." I really do love that show.
    Also, Kat Dennings' hotness level is higher than Zoey Deschenel's.
    I find that there is a very large distinction between being hot and being cute. Someone can be hot and cute at the same time, but that's somewhat rare. Kat Dennings is hot, Zooey Deschenel is cute, so of course her hotness level would be higher.
    One, of course someone can be both hot and cute (i.e. Adam). Two, what is appealing is incredibly subjective. Personally, I don't find Zoe Deschenel hot and her public persona seems to be a constant effort to be as "cute" as is possible - it just comes off as fake and off-putting for me.

    That being said, both "New Girl" and "2 Broke Girls" are crap TV. That doesn't mean they can't have appealing aspects based on viewer's taste (I doubt everyone except Scott Rubin would admit to enjoy a crap show or two).
    I got my bromance on and watched the three movie-episodes of Sherlock that are out right now. Very fun, a clever modern day retelling that is quite faithful in spirit to the original main characters. Although at times it tends to be a little cheesy, it has some pretty good banter in it. Overall, I would watch more.
    Also, Moriarty is annoyingly fabulous, but about the right amount of nefarious.
    ZOMG, I am so looking forward to the new episodes next year.
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • I just finished watching Season 2 of "Downton Abbey." I really do love that show.
    I love that they did something with the influenza pandemic, though I was surprised more people didn't get sick or die. I don't think the christmas special will hold me off until it comes back for season 3 though.
  • edited November 2011
    I just finished watching Season 2 of "Downton Abbey." I really do love that show.
    I love that they did something with the influenza pandemic, though I was surprised more people didn't get sick or die. I don't think the christmas special will hold me off until it comes back for season 3 though.
    LOL. I never thought of a Spanish Flu plot device as an audience hook, but it is cool that it can be.

    There are so many TV dramas (and a few comedies) that take place in modern medical facilities. It would be cool to see a period drama set in an historical medical institution.
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • Jason Segel hosted last night's Saturday Night Live and it was honestly one of the funniest shows they have done in a long time.

    Also, it includes Muppets, which definitely helps to colour my opinion.
  • Watching Frasier on Netflix. This show make me laugh so much.
  • So I've been watching Once Upon a Time, and at first I felt kinda meh about it, like the posters before me felt. First few episodes were kinda cheesy, the music is kinda default fantasy cheesy, and it seems to be revolving around the Snow White tale, which I don't like (the Disney version made me not like Snow White so much). So I forgot about it and stopped watching.

    Then this weekend I got bored and caught up with several episodes, and its gotten a lot better! I'm really enjoying it so far. Its introducing more and more fairy tales, and not just the normal princess ones. I love how they're rewriting them and intertwining them all together in one big dramatic story. Its so interesting how they're connecting the characters together. The modern world side of the show is still kinda meh to me, but hopefully it'll get more interesting.

    Anyway, is anyone else still watching this show? I can't wait to see what other fairy tales they add in. :D
  • Watching Frasier on Netflix. This show make me laugh so much.
    I saw it there and wondered intensely if the show would hold up. I enjoyed it greatly when I was younger.
  • I think it still holds up. I enjoyed it when I was younger and now I find myself laughing even more so. I think my favorite things are the reactions of Niles. They are so hoighty-toighty. I didn't think the series went on that long, but it has like 200 some episodes.
  • It's the same jokes over and over and all of the punches are telegraphed so that you spend most of the episode just waiting for the inevitable disaster to happen.
  • It's the same jokes over and over and all of the punches are telegraphed so that you spend most of the episode just waiting for the inevitable disaster to happen.
    Every Sitcom EVER. Still funny though.
  • Jason, I will laugh when you tell that you're watching it because you ran out of stuff to watch on Netflix.

    I also enjoy watching it for the Niles pining after Daphne.
  • edited December 2011
    Anyway, is anyone else still watching this show? I can't wait to see what other fairy tales they add in. :D
    Nuri and her roommate are pretty into it. I was "meh" after the first episode, so I didn't bother watching any more.

    Meanwhile, I'm nearing the end of season 3 of Battlestar Galactica. Fuck you, show. Can you just give me an episode that has closure somewhere?

    EDIT: "New Girl" is entertaining and I am not afraid to admit that. Now, mind you, I've only seen one episode - the Thanksgiving one wherein there are hilarious misadventures in cooking a turkey.

    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • Meanwhile, I'm nearing the end of season 3 of Battlestar Galactica. Fuck you, show. Can you just give me an episode that has closure somewhere?
    Learn to love it, Pete. All of this has happened before, and all this will happen again.
  • Meanwhile, I'm nearing the end of season 3 of Battlestar Galactica. Fuck you, show. Can you just give me an episode that has closure somewhere?
    Learn to love it, Pete. All of this has happened before, and all this will happen again.
    I do love it, it just keeps me up till 3 in the fucking morning. "Oh, I'll just watch one more episode. That should sufficiently answer all of my questions for the time being." And then the show laughs in my face.

    I also love how the characters in the show have really developed a brutal and dark edge as the events of the series have progressed. President Roslin has rapidly become one of my favorite characters.
  • Ah, so it's a good I love you so much "fuck you, show" sort of thing.

    I think we can all agree on that.

    So say we all.
  • Jason, I will laugh when you tell that you're watching it because you ran out of stuff to watch on Netflix.

    I also enjoy watching it for the Niles pining after Daphne.
    Wait, Jason is running out of stuff on netflix? If you want, dude, I can suggest you a bunch of damned good shows you can pick up online that I think you'll absolutely love.

  • Meanwhile, I'm nearing the end of season 3 of Battlestar Galactica. Fuck you, show. Can you just give me an episode that has closure somewhere?
    Learn to love it, Pete. All of this has happened before, and all this will happen again.
    I do love it, it just keeps me up till 3 in the fucking morning. "Oh, I'll just watch one more episode. That should sufficiently answer all of my questions for the time being." And then the show laughs in my face.

    I also love how the characters in the show have really developed a brutal and dark edge as the events of the series have progressed. President Roslin has rapidly become one of my favorite characters.
    Had the exact same problem with late nights watching BSG. Also, I love Roslin despite how infuriating she can be.
    Ah, so it's a good I love you so much "fuck you, show" sort of thing.

    I think we can all agree on that.

    So say we all.
    So say we all.
  • Also, I love Roslin despite how infuriating she can be.
    See, I don't find her to be infuriating. She's quite reasonable and rational, right until you piss her off. Then she puts you out of an airlock.

    She's got that special sort of focused, clear-minded insanity that makes someone amazingly dangerous. I'd be more afraid of her than any number of nukes pointed at me.

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