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What TV Shows Are You Watching?



  • Aye. The prize is the battle itself, and she did not participate.
  • Not to sound outdated but, what is it with How I Met Your Mother and its steady stream of "Ladder Theory is so HILARIOUSLY true" jokes? Yeah, men and women, what a wacky mystery. Other than that I really enjoy the show. It shows that it has a better sense of humor than this.

    This is why I usually steer clear of sitcoms in general, though.
  • Completely agree, the totally botched the finale of KotN. They finally broke out the real science and math competition the episode prior, so I thought they'd continue trending up right through the finale.

    I'm definitely applying to be on this show. I've already got the written application done and finished my second draft of the rough audition video script. Just gotta film it this week and chop it all together. I talk a lot of shit on reality shows but I know I could totally win this, and it's $100k.
  • Caught up on PA's Strip Search. The winner's decision of picking 2 people to go head to head or elimination was brutal. The strip that won was hilarious.

    I'm really digging this show. I thought I was done with reality shows, but this is worth making an exception.

    I'm already invested to all the artists that are competing and don't know who to root for, even though I already know of Maki and enjoy his works.
  • Strip Search is indeed amazing.

    I was trying to think of what comic I would draw involving space and table tennis. I thought I would do a joke about zero gravity.

    Panel 1 - Huge smashing hit
    Panel 2 - guy smirks and acts like he scored the winning point.
    Panel 3 - Guy jumps way up in the air and returns it.

    Alternative joke I came up with that was similar to the winning one

    Guy mowing his lawn on a sunny day
    Suddenly there's an Eclipse
    He looks up and screams with the shocking arm in front of the face pose
    Zoom out to some sort of giant gods or aliens playing table tennis in space with the Earth as the ball.
  • I enjoyed Strip Search, but I can't help but feel that most of the reactions I've read are more positive than my own opinion.

    Typically, I don't put too much stock in production value, b/c I'm all about the niche content, more important to have cheaply-made awesome thing for free on the web for 1,000 fans, etc, etc. However, while I did enjoy the content of Strip Search, it is filmed like shit.

    This might just be the "I know how the sausage is made" TV snobbery of my wife rubbing off on me, but it's painful to watch when they can't get the lighting right to show what's written on a piece of paper. Worse is the dubbed-in audio, when they don't capture background audio to lay in when recording in studio, and then can't even set the levels right. It's like the host is in a bad Godzilla movie and his speech is replaced with the voice of god.
  • Really? I didn't think the production value is too bad. Even if it is, it's a lot like early PA strips. I'm sure that later seasons will improve dramatically, if they happen.
  • edited March 2013
    Started watching Strip Search. It's decent enough. Nothing to really hate, but I'm not really a fan of the game show reality show format in any case. It is interesting though.

    I really didn't get the final panel of Alex's strip though. Was it supposed to be a reference to the Paint the Line story from a couple of years back?

    Also, the "efficiency" response was absolutely hilarious.

    P.S.: I hate Tycho's pimp chain. I think it's awfully gaudy.
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • Marathoned Archer Season 3 last night. Didn't mean to, it just kinda happened. I still hate that show, and still laugh every time.
  • edited March 2013
    Yeah, Strip Search is pretty good.

    Also, Amy seems manipulative; that might be entertaining further down the line.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • Yeah, Strip Search is pretty good.

    Also, Amy seems manipulative; that might be entertaining further down the line.
    I thought Amy was the best even before the show started based on art alone. Maki is my second pick because he seems awesome and also NYC represent!
  • The most recent episode of Archer continues to prove why Pam Poovey has become my favorite character in the series. That scene with her and Cyril and the acting out she does with the gyro had me dying.
  • Finally started watching Breaking Bad. It's a lot different than what I expected, but I'm sufficiently hooked.
  • As of now, my wife and I are only keeping up with three shows: Once Upon A Time, Touch, and Dragons: Riders of Berk. We are also waiting for Doctor Who to start back up.

    I'm also watching Power Rangers MegaForce and various other tokusatsu shows, but I'll spare everyone the lengthy list.
  • Riders of Berk is pretty good.

    I don't know if this counts as a show but I've been watching a bit of NASCAR recently. Good fun.
  • Riders of Berk is pretty good.
    I had forgotten that was a thing. I will need to check it out.
  • Riders of Berk is pretty good.
    I had forgotten that was a thing. I will need to check it out.
    It is full of the awesomeness of "How to Train your Dragon" without the super high quality of the movie. But I am ok with that :P

  • Riders of Berk is pretty good.
    I had forgotten that was a thing. I will need to check it out.
    It is full of the awesomeness of "How to Train your Dragon" without the super high quality of the movie. But I am ok with that :P

    I saw an episode and thought it was adorable! I need to get on board with watching that. Too much media, too little time.
  • I would highly recommend Dragons. It's definitely not as high-budget as the movie (they re-use the same four generic villagers every episode), but it still looks pretty darn good. A lot of the humor is kept in, and the story consistency from one episode to another is very nice to see. I was surprised to see so many references to previous episodes on a week-by-week basis, so I'm pleased.

    And Mark Hamill is the big villain. It's hard to get much better than that.
  • I forgot to mention that aside from starting Breaking Bad, also going through season 3 of Archer and season 4 of Castle. Both are so good in their own ways.
  • The Walking Dead season finale... I was so pumped and I let social media make me feel like this would be the most epic episode ever.
    Now I just feel disappointed.
  • I forgot to mention that aside from starting Breaking Bad, also going through season 3 of Archer and season 4 of Castle. Both are so good in their own ways.
    We are pretty much the same here.

    Also Pam Poovey just keeps getting better and better.
  • Started Game of Thrones. Seven episodes in one day.
  • First Eps of Season 3 Game of Thrones, was pretty good, definitely an improvement on Season 2 so far.
  • The Walking Dead season finale... I was so pumped and I let social media make me feel like this would be the most epic episode ever.
    Now I just feel disappointed.
    Social media has been telling me that last season was bad, this season was worse, and the finale was total bullshit.
  • The Walking Dead season finale... I was so pumped and I let social media make me feel like this would be the most epic episode ever.
    Now I just feel disappointed.
    Social media has been telling me that last season was bad, this season was worse, and the finale was total bullshit.
    I think Season 3 paled in comparison to seasons 1 and 2. I still felt like 2 kept a pretty good balance on everything. Season 3 never really felt all that epic for me, except maybe one or two episodes, and I didn't even particularly dislike/fear/etc the villain of season 3 until about 3 episodes ago. That was too long to show me why I should hate the villain everyone else hated.
  • Yup, finale sucked last night. Best episode of season 3 was when they went back for Morgan.
  • edited April 2013
    It wasn't that bad. It certainly wasn't what I was expecting. But I don't have any jabronies hyping stuff up for me.
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • We finished up Firefly by watching Serenity. So far I've had a 100% (2/2) record with introducing Firefly to girlfriends who then enjoy it far more than I do.
  • Yup, finale sucked last night. Best episode of season 3 was when they went back for Morgan.
    I second that. I enjoyed that episode more than any others in the season.

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