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What TV Shows Are You Watching?



  • edited February 2013
    US political drama is absolutely my shit so that's probably also a huge reason I like it so much. It really is extremely about politics and stays that way the whole show. I mean its really good character development/establishment, but if you don't like to watch old people get really pissed about reform bills then yeeeahhh there's not much reason to keep watching.

    I dont think I'd even watch the original BBC series, cause I doubt I'd like all this stuff if it was about Parliaments and Prime Ministers and all that
    Post edited by johndis on
  • For reals. House of Cards is my jam. Episode 2 was great. Watched it last night. I'm trying to not go on a full bender and take my time by at least only watching one episode a day.

    I was wondering why the congressman from PA was even a part of the show. It's like Game of Thrones but for US Politics. I just overall enjoy the interaction and relationship of Mr. & Mrs. Underwood. They really know each other and don't play games.
  • edited February 2013
    Have you not seen Yes Minister?
    Don't forget The Thick of It, which is also excellent, and in somewhat the same spirit. It's also the source of the word "Omnishambles."
    Post edited by Churba on
  • I've watched the first five episodes of House of Cards, and I like it. It reminded me why I lost interest in News Room so quickly.

    House of Cards is good for these reasons:

    1. It is about the game of politics, but not the actual policies themselves. It's basically irrelevant what party/bill is involved, and is just the inside baseball.

    2. It focuses on the Dexter/Walter/Tyrion character primarily, not all the people around him about whom I don't care.

    3. The personal drama is limited, tight, and actually unpredictable.

    4. Kevin Spacey is a monstrously good actor.

    This show did what a GOOD anime does: it reminds me what it's like to watch something good as opposed to something that's OK.

    Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones, News Room: they were fun, but couldn't hold my interest. House of Cards, I keep watching the next episode.
  • edited February 2013
    1. It is about the game of politics, but not the actual policies themselves. It's basically irrelevant what party/bill is involved, and is just the inside baseball.

    2. It focuses on the Dexter/Walter/Tyrion character primarily, not all the people around him about whom I don't care.

    3. The personal drama is limited, tight, and actually unpredictable.

    4. Kevin Spacey is a monstrously good actor.
    In that case, check out In The Loop. I think you'll dig it, it's a different style, but it shares many of those traits. No Kevin Spacey, but it does have the monstrously good Peter Capaldi.

    Also, it's the only show I've ever heard of that had a full-time swearing consultant.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • I really enjoy the moments where Kevin Spacey breaks the fourth wall.
  • I really enjoy the moments where Kevin Spacey breaks the fourth wall.
    What's funny about those is that they have so much potential to feel awkward and forced, but Spacey totally sells it.
  • I finally got around to watching the first two episodes of House of Cards and it is indeed as awesome as everyone says it is.

    Not that I really care about this, but it's interesting that it won't be eligible for any Emmys, unless they change the rules, because it's not technically airing on TV.
  • What's funny about those is that they have so much potential to feel awkward and forced, but Spacey totally sells it.
    That's funny, because I interpret most of them as -incredibly- awkward and forced, especially compared to the way they were handled in the original. There's one in the middle of the show where he's coming out of the meeting with the president about the educational bill and literally recaps what just happened in the scene. It was one of the worst cases of

    I've seen in recent memory.
  • I've been watching second part of season 3 of Workaholics. That show is great.

  • How is Kate Mara 30 years old? I felt vaguely guilty this morning jerking off to her because she looked so young.
  • Finally got around to watching Sherlock and was very underwhelmed. I found Sherlock's mannerisms took away from what the show should have been about. I felt Like every scene I had to sit though his pointless silliness, then get to what the scene was actually about. I will say that Watson's character and Martin Freeman's performance made the show worth watching.
  • How is Kate Mara 30 years old? I felt vaguely guilty this morning jerking off to her because she looked so young.
    Jason, I would hate for Rylin to ever find this post from you when she's old enough to know of the internet.

    So, I'm making a screen capture and reminding myself to post this on your Facebook wall several years from now.

    At least I know you're finally keeping up with the cool kids and watching HoC.
  • edited February 2013
    Ro - How about annual posting to FB or whatever the social media site of the moment is and establishing an over/under betting pool to see when Rylin does find out?
    How is Kate Mara 30 years old? I felt vaguely guilty this morning jerking off to her because she looked so young.
    Brah, she isn't even the hot one of the family, IMO. Rooney is MUCH hotter. Kara is no slouch, let me tell ya, but Rooney? WHOA!

    Post edited by Dromaro on
  • House of Cards is a fine watch, but goddamnit I just finished episode 10 and it pissed me off to no end. Not in a "the complexity of this drama has affected me emotionally" sort of way, I mean in a scream "OH COME ON" kind of way.

    And the fourth wall thing just reminds me of Ferris Bueller, for better or worse. Also Dave, clearly you must be avoiding The Office and Parks and Recreation.
  • Well, after episode 9, I'm not sure I like where this plot is going, but I'm hoping it's just setting things up for some epic conclusion. Spacey is still acting his balls off, and I wasn't expecting the Russo character to grow on me.

    Personally I have no issue with the fourth-wall breaking. They might not all be necessary but I think they've done more good for the show than harm.

    I'm also liking that the episodes are not a fixed length. I like to think that the directors and editors are getting some more creative freedom w/o having to fill an exact amount of time. I don't remember specific episodes but there was one that was at least 8 minutes shorter than the one after it. Less filler?

    Someone mentioned that this show wouldn't be eligible for Emmy awards, but that is only partially true. There are actually "new media" categories set up for shows just like this, but they're separated from the big boys and put into the ghetto w/ the creative services and daytime TV awards. I'm not sure if the individual actor's performances are split out from the main categories either, but I suspect they are.

    Funny "Matt's wife works in TV" anecdote: she has been an Emmy judge for children's educational programming and the new media categories in the past, and once your name is in that pool, people just start mailing you shit. During those years, we got all sorts of awesome "for your consideration" mailers from HBO, NBC, etc. They go all out in making these things. Deluxe packaging and plenty of goodies. Wish she was still involved with that!

    In general I find this is in line with some PR firms being lazy and/or overpaid. Just because I got some paying gigs writing about board games and got my info on the media list for certain conventions, I'll still get random ass mailers with free stuff that has absolutely zero relation to what I write about. It's carpetbombing.
  • How is Kate Mara 30 years old? I felt vaguely guilty this morning jerking off to her because she looked so young.
    You should always feel guilty after jerking off, as it is a mortal sin.
  • edited February 2013
    Getting farther into House of Cards. The borderline hilariously ham-fisted product placement is way more distracting than the 4th wall breaking.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • It does get better. Episode 4 is a low point for product placement. I actually laughed out loud at how bad the placement was during that one scene, so distracting? Yes.

    Watched 10 and 11 last night and happy with where it's going. Prepared for a good 1-2 punch tonight or tomorrow to finish out this season.
  • What you didn't know it was based on a British show?
  • Wait till he finds out about the books the British show was based on. I imagine the title must have been extra punny if it was about the House of Lords.
  • Actually, if Americans remake something, then only the American version exists/matters. Sorry but that's just the way things are.
  • Actually, if Americans remake something, then only the American version exists/matters. Sorry but that's just the way things are.
    More so for American technology companies.

    It's like when Whitney Houston covered a Dolly Parton song and claimed she made it great. Entire time ignoring how famous Dolly made the song in the first place. Yeah, we have become Whitney...

  • Actually, if Americans remake something, then only the American version exists/matters. Sorry but that's just the way things are.
    More so for American technology companies.

    It's like when Whitney Houston covered a Dolly Parton song and claimed she made it great. Entire time ignoring how famous Dolly made the song in the first place. Yeah, we have become Whitney...
    Well, it's just like they say, taking from other countries and claiming it as your own is as American as Baseball and Apple Pie.

  • Actually, if Americans remake something, then only the American version exists/matters. Sorry but that's just the way things are.
    Sorry, my head just exploded.

  • Actually, if Americans remake something, then only the American version exists/matters. Sorry but that's just the way things are.
    More so for American technology companies.

    It's like when Whitney Houston covered a Dolly Parton song and claimed she made it great. Entire time ignoring how famous Dolly made the song in the first place. Yeah, we have become Whitney...
    Well, it's just like they say, taking from other countries and claiming it as your own is as American as Baseball and Apple Pie.

    It's not truly American until the one who copies sues the original creator/owner. now THAT is American!
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