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Video Game Offers



  • I also tolerate a minimal amount of shit after I go to the bathroom. No need to wash my hands of that, it wastes water!
  • It is just one extra click, now. When I first received Anno 2070 it was the first UbiSoft game I had in some 4 or 5 years. I had a very principled no Ubisoft and I got Anno 2070 as a gift. So I went through all of this stuff for Steam to install it, and then Uplay, and making an Uplay account and then find out Steam just launches Uplay, so I can then log in and navigate to the game and then launch it from inside Uplay.

    That was way too much bullshit for me to deal with just to play one game. I seriously don't play the game because I have a ton of other games to play that don't require that one extra click. One extra click after Uplay loads up.
  • I'm not sure why anyone would convince me that uplay isn't bad THE DAY AFTER THEY GET HACKED.
  • Uplay may be a huge pain in the ass, and they did just get hacked, but Anno 2070 is an amazing game and should be played.
  • well, if you go through uplay then it will just work. I don't really get why people get so butthurt about one extra click.
    It's unnecessary. Also, it was used for evil in the past, so people don't trust it.

    It's certainly unnecessary but it takes like a couple more seconds. You've probably lost more time doing something even more unnecessary in life. Uplay is definitely bullshit but I don't really care if a game has it or not.
    well, if you go through uplay then it will just work. I don't really get why people get so butthurt about one extra click.
    I have lost major progress in AC2 because if its rather poor save syncing with the cloud. It's a good idea, potentially, but thry should just ude Steamworks
    I don't understand how this would happen. The game lost the save? Or you were playing somewhere and then went to another computer and the save was lost?

    Maybe I just don't understand.
    It somehow lost the save or I closed uplay too quickly after my session, I'm not sure what. It was on one PC, though.
  • Uplay seems to start straight into the game now, doesn't get in the way. Can't say much for any of the other issues, I've not had them, so I can't judge if they've been fixed or not.
  • Uplay may be a huge pain in the ass, and they did just get hacked, but Anno 2070 is an amazing game and should be played.
    Speaking of Anno 2070, it's actually on sale right now on Steam. It's still a bit expensive by Steam standards at $20.09, but it's an amazing game.

  • edited July 2013
    Edit: This is not the thread I'm looking for....
    Post edited by DevilUknow on
  • The Free Bundle Is pretty nice. They games were all free anyway but it seems to be a decent collection.
  • Somewhat of a deal. This game Gun Monkeys changed from $10 to $6 and now you get a free extra copy. This game has a cool style but doesn't look very substantive. Also the price change comes from not having many online players so take that as you will.

    Also KR0 half off currently. Also all Persona games half off on PSN and P4G is $20. Those are probably the most significant deals currently.
  • I'm going to preorder "Papers Please" for the full price of $10 because it's so good.
  • Glory to Arstotzka!
  • Although that is not a deal, I'll do the same.
  • So, it's Gift a Game to an Aussie Day. Churba, what do you want?
  • Ah, I'm easy. If something's on my wishlist, then that's a start, but really I'm good for anything you're up for. Also, don't forget Cheese, Casavino, Thane, and the one other aussie or so that's around here. Spread the love.
  • Question: If I hold Australian citizenship does this count? :P
  • edited August 2013
    No, Off to Christmas Island with you!

    Nah, Of course! You're Australian by my measure, and that's enough.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • edited August 2013
    Haha just to be clear I'm not looking for someone to buy me a game, I'm just goofin' around.

    But if you're so inclined I wanna play Papers Please full version so there's that.
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • Wow Penny Arcade never ceases to be cool.

    I'm fine for games I bought all the stuff I wanted during the Steam sale.

    All the same publishers keep the prices the same.
  • There's a humblebundle with EA games in it.
    Paying above average gets you Battlefield 3 and I'll probably go for that.
  • Dead Space 1 and 3 but not 2?
  • Dead Space 1 and 3 but not 2?
    Considering that I already have Dead Space 2, but not 1 or 3 that suits me fine. But yes, it's a little funny.

  • Finally a bundle where I own none of the games!
  • edited August 2013
    Checking if these are tradable..

    Can't find whether you get one key for the lot or separate keys for each.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • edited August 2013
    I will know soon.

    Each game has its own key. Outstanding!
    Post edited by HMTKSteve on
  • The only game I both dont have and am interested in is Dead Space 3, but after 2 I don't really care that much.
  • Only want Crysis 3 and Sims 3.
  • edited August 2013
    Well, I can give you Crysis 2. Unless you actually mean Crysis 3, which I don't have.

    I also have Mirror's edge and the Burnout Paradise Ultimate Box for anyone who wants it. I don't know if I can give it to two people, if a steam code is used and an origin code isn't, but I have done similar things between my own two accounts in the past, so I don't know.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • I have Xcom: Enemy Unknown and both DLC's to give away. Got them for pre-ordering The Bureau.
  • Are they package deal or split up? I would like the DLC if it is split up as I have the game already.
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