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Video Game Offers



  • All of Kohan is ~$7 on steam or just Kohan 2 for $3.40.

    I loved these game when they were new: sort of a 4x RTS with elements of WC3.
  • The Ticket To Ride Pocket App is free for the next 5 days on iOS devices.
  • Dammit, board game makers, Y U NO PORT TO ANDROID?!
  • edited September 2012
    I haven't checked this forum since May. However, I do have a Video Game Offer:

    I have 2 copies of To The Moon to gift to some people on Steam. The rules of the gift are as follows:

    1) Whoever furnishes the forum with the saddest real-life story wins one copy.

    2) Whoever can find the most awesome picture of a spaceship ever wins the other copy.

    C'mon, forums. Let's do this (and by this I mean boundless sobbing).
    Post edited by SquadronROE on
  • edited September 2012
    I think this qualifies for one and two.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • Addendum made. Possibly a contender for 2. The contest ends tonight whenever I end up getting home.
  • Dammit, I really want a copy of To The Moon.
  • I don't know how that ship would work and I don't care. That is awesome.
  • edited September 2012

    If this doesn't work I'll go to 4chan. Bound to come up with something there.
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • TARDiS
    You win.

  • I would pay $100 for that kit.

    Sadly I bet it costs way way more.
  • Holy poop, these are some good spaceships. It's gonna be a tough competition. I have yet to cry though.
  • Can that I want those legos and don't have them qualify as a sad?
  • I'm talking "Fry's Dog" sad.
  • image
    It is pretty hard to find something to top the previous ones.
  • It truly is best when enlarged.
  • edited September 2012
    You win.
    That's not a spaceship. That's a time machine that just happens to go into space. It's like skimming across a lake with a snowmobile: technically, it can be done, but that's not what it's for.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • TARDiS
    You win.
    That's a time machine that just happens to go into space. It's like skimming across a lake with a snowmobile: technically it can be done, but that's not what it's for.
    If your technicalities cause me to lose I will be pissed.
    Holy poop, these are some good spaceships. It's gonna be a tough competition. I have yet to cry though.
    Why exactly do you want a sad story? Why not the coolest story you've ever heard, or funniest?

  • Holy poop, these are some good spaceships. It's gonna be a tough competition. I have yet to cry though.
    You want a sad story? Consider this then. There is no chance that you will ever during your lifetime, or in time after that, fly among stars with a spaceship glorious as in these pictures. Or in any spaceship at all.

  • Consider this then. We are actually already on a pretty awesome spaceship hurtling at a ridiculous speed comfortably spinning around a star also hurtling around at a ridiculous speed, in a galaxy spinning around at a ridiculous speed. And all you have to do is chill and relax on this soft warm ball of water with all your friends till you die.
  • Holy poop, these are some good spaceships. It's gonna be a tough competition. I have yet to cry though.
    Why exactly do you want a sad story? Why not the coolest story you've ever heard, or funniest?

    Wait I got it, because the game is a sad story! And he wants to go to space, which is why spaceships!

  • You did figure it out! Yaaaay! don't get the prize though. The most awesome spaceship prize goes to...


    ...and you guys really suck at sad stories. Not even losing a pet that stayed with you throughout your most difficult portion of life? Geeze. However, Apsup did manage to encapsulate my greatest sadness.

    So Omnutia, Apsup, either friend SquadronROE on Steam or shoot me a message with your Steam names so I can shoot you a copy. Or if we're already friends just remind me of it.
  • Hey! The days not even over yet! It's alright though I assume it will be in an indie bundle sometime in the near future.
  • I meant my work day, sorry. Also, I'll probably feel generous again in the future when there is a bundle to be had.
  • edited September 2012
    You win.
    That's not a spaceship. That's a time machine that just happens to go into space. It's like skimming across a lake with a snowmobile: technically, it can be done, but that's not what it's for.
    Not true. The TARDIS is specifically meant to travel through both time and space, and it would be significantly less useful if it was only a time machine.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • Nice! but I can't find SquadronROE on Steam.
  • edited September 2012
    Looks like you eventually found it, because I believe I sent it to you. If not, some random person is going to be getting To The Moon.

    If you're still having problems, hopefully this helps:

    Post edited by SquadronROE on
  • edited September 2012
    Double post because why not:

    I hate money, and I love people playing good games, and college kids like you guys (some of you at least) can't afford these things. I will buy you, somehow, a copy of FTL: Faster Than Light. Here's the contest:

    Tell me (via words, drawing, image, whatever) of the most epic starship adventure ever.

    Alternatively, describe (via the above mediums) the most epic adventure you have ever been on. Bonus points for losing a limb or digits at some point. Or cool scars.

    The most best adventure story/drawing/interpretive dance, as judged by me (and possibly Rym and Scott if they want to help) will win FTL. Second prize will be a random Steam game of my choosing (MYSTERY).

    Entries must be submitted by Sunday morning, whenever I wake up and meander to a computer.
    Post edited by SquadronROE on
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