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Video Game Offers



  • I'll play some Torchlight 2... when I'm done with all the games I'm currently playing and it hopefully goes on sale for super cheap like I expect it to.
  • I can verify that direct2play works, despite the weird russian thing. I bought Battlefield 3 from them.
  • Have they resolved the level disparity thing in Borderlands 2? I'm only level 11, and I'm afraid to hop into other people's games because they are all level 17+.
  • Nope. It's mostly the same. You will level up quickly still as well.
  • Would you guys mind if a Level 11 hopped into your game every once in a while?
  • I still need to finish Torchlight 1 before I even purchase Torchlight 2.
    Scott if you buy a copy for me I'll play with you.

    Until that time I am finishing BL2.

  • I still need to finish Torchlight 1 before I even purchase Torchlight 2. Also it will be a lot easier for me to get a game of Borderlands 2 going with Jason and Omar. Omar has been sending Jason and myself angry Steam messages on how he hates us whenever we are in game.

    No one wants to play with you Scott because you don't share your crayons with the other children. :P
    You don't have to share in Torchlight 2. It spawns separate loot for everybody.
    Also, no you don't have to finish Torchlight 1. If you care about the story, they are both standalone. If you don't, they're both Diablo.
  • I know. I just like to go in order. I've only cleared the first dungeon in Torchlight 1. I probably won't get back to the game anytime soon. I just want to play Borderlands 2 for right now. During Jeremy's stupid WoW:MoP time, I can always finish up other games I haven't completed: Bastion, Portal 2, and many many more.
  • Borderlands 2 apparently $25.

    I already have the game, and the "Russian" thing sounds odd, but it's interesting either way.
    Can this be purchased then gifted on Steam? I cannot access this website at work. If someone could let me know, I would greatly appreciate it.
  • edited September 2012
    Could not be steam gifted I believe. Well... wait...

    Yeah it could. Buy it, get the steam code, then send the friend the steam code and they can unlock it on their steam account (instead of you unlocking it on your own). If that's equivalent to you.
    Post edited by Anthony Heman on
  • edited September 2012
    Sweet. Because our friend, who lives on that island of heathens, for some reason can't get the payment to go through.

    As my friend would say in his native heathen tongue, Muchas gracias.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • So, I'm being told it's out of stock? How is a download out of stock? Does this site just buy Steam keys and resell them?
  • It buys keys... and resells them... yes. In this case it was Russian licenses of the game that included a Steam key.

    Seems to be a thing lately. That Green Man Games had a similar deal going.
  • It buys keys... and resells them... yes. In this case it was Russian licenses of the game that included a Steam key.

    Seems to be a thing lately. That Green Man Games had a similar deal going.
    Ah, that'll do it then. Looks like the ship has sailed, oh well.
  • One of us needs to become a games wholesaler/resaler or something.
  • Be warned - their site is down right now. Also, I suspect they've run out of stock on that one. And as a bonus, the code they've sold me doesn't fucking work.
  • Good to know. So much for that idea.
  • Codes are working for other people, so I don't know what the fuck is up with this one. I've tried every permutation possible, to account for mistaken letters, and literally nothing works. I've been trying for about four hours to get it to work, I'm starting to get slightly miffed.
  • You have to be really careful buying Steam game activation codes from third parties. Technically, it's a violation of the Steam EULA, from what I understand. And I've also read there's a great deal of corruption with re-selling used codes. I got mine from Green Man Gaming and it's working just find, but I've seen a bunch of tweets about various resalers with bunk crap.
  • I'd email them or something and complain. I bought an Xbox live code for cheap a few weeks back, and at first it wouldn't work because it said it had already been used. When I emailed them he sent me a new one and it worked just fine. It was probably a mix up or something. Still gotta be careful though.
  • edited September 2012
    Well, I'm pretty much down to facebook messages at this point, since their site was down, then up for about ten minutes, and now it's down again. An SQL error, if you're interested.
    You have to be really careful buying Steam game activation codes from third parties. Technically, it's a violation of the Steam EULA, from what I understand. And I've also read there's a great deal of corruption with re-selling used codes. I got mine from Green Man Gaming and it's working just find, but I've seen a bunch of tweets about various resalers with bunk crap.
    True that. I trusted these guys for two reasons - Pegu thought they were legit(along with a number of other testimonials I've seen across dozens of websites saying they received working keys), and second, I can dispute the payment if they try to screw me, and get the money back. Considering they're having site trouble, I'm giving them a little more slack for fixing the problem rapidly, but I'm growing concerned. It's a small gamble, all in all, but that doesn't mean I'm happy about the situation.

    Update - they just emailed me the clarified code, and said that they're seeing quite a few issues of this nature, because apparently the steam activation server is a bit crushed right now.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Alright, problem fixed - The clarified key they sent me worked fine, and after switching regions in steam, it worked perfectly.
  • I probably should have said I don't have experience using them with steam. I bought Battlefield 3 for Origin from them. Glad to hear you got it working though.
  • edited September 2012
    I probably should have said I don't have experience using them with steam. I bought Battlefield 3 for Origin from them. Glad to hear you got it working though.
    I think they might have been right, that whatever auth server I was using was simply slammed, considering how it worked once I switched regions. Honestly, they could do with better pictures of the keys is my only complaint - hell, they handled my problem before they even fixed the website.

    Post edited by Churba on
  • You have to be really careful buying Steam game activation codes from third parties. Technically, it's a violation of the Steam EULA, from what I understand. And I've also read there's a great deal of corruption with re-selling used codes. I got mine from Green Man Gaming and it's working just find, but I've seen a bunch of tweets about various resalers with bunk crap.
    I would think there's some kind of end around violating the EULA because Amazon has literally sold me Steam keys, and that would get shut down right quick if Valve didn't want it done.

  • edited September 2012
    I would think there's some kind of end around violating the EULA because Amazon has literally sold me Steam keys, and that would get shut down right quick if Valve didn't want it done.
    Yeah, it's really not that big a deal. I've bought several games from grey-market key resellers, they've all worked on Steam or Origin, and there have been no repercussions so far. One thing I will not do is use a VPN to unlock a game that is region locked to, for example, Russia. That's asking for trouble.
    Post edited by thaneofcawdor on
  • I would think there's some kind of end around violating the EULA because Amazon has literally sold me Steam keys, and that would get shut down right quick if Valve didn't want it done.
    Yeah, it's really not that big a deal. I've bought several games from grey-market key resellers, they've all worked on Steam or Origin, and there have been no repercussions so far. One thing I will not do is use a VPN to unlock a game that is region locked to, for example, Russia. That's asking for trouble.
    I did check on that first, give me some credit. It's region free, comes with the global version as well as the Russian version.

  • Half Minute Hero is on steam, and it's 10% off. At $8.99, it's a great deal for pretty damn good game.
  • Half Minute Hero is on steam, and it's 10% off. At $8.99, it's a great deal for pretty damn good game.
    Dangit. I really gotta stop buying games on XBLA.
  • Half Minute Hero is on steam, and it's 10% off. At $8.99, it's a great deal for pretty damn good game.
    Dangit. I really gotta stop buying games on XBLA.
    I JUST bought Borderlands 2, and now I've got Half Minute Hero, Castle Crashers, and Jet Set Radio knocking on my door. Fuuuck.

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