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Video Game Offers



  • edited September 2012
    Sean told me to contribute and I will because peer pressure is so difficult to overcome.

    Whomever he chooses, I will take a game from your Steam Wishlist and and purchase it for you. Up to $10.

    Maybe not. Instead, I'll give you the Steam code for Containment: The Zombie Puzzler from Bootsnake Games. :3
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • Well let me tell you about the day Jesus and Super King went to the carnival...

  • Haha, pretty hilarious. Send me a friend request or whatever on Steam, and I'll hit you up with FTL.
  • Just added you I believe. Thank you sir!
  • Borderlands 2 is on Greenmangaming for $36 if you use a voucher code, GMG25-1BW0K-K1A3G, before checking out.
  • Thanks Oz,

    That was conveniently timed. :P
  • New Humble Bundle. Torchlight, Shatter, Rochard, Vessel, and Space Pirates and Zombies. Don't care.
  • edited September 2012
    New Humble Bundle. Torchlight, Shatter, Rochard, Vessel, and Space Pirates and Zombies. Don't care.
    And dustforce.

    I'm actually more interested in this one than the last considering it has at least three games that I want whereas I almost had all the games that were in the last one. Although I already own SPAZ, which is pretty fun.
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • Shut up and take my money equivalent to $1 above what is needed for Dustforce.
  • Once again it's a bundle where I own all the games I know about and don't know anything about the games I don't own. Well, at least this time there is three new games instead of last times one. Rochard, Shatter and Vessel are unknown names for me.

    Also Dustforce is pretty awesome if you have controller.
  • Shatter is a pretty decent Breakout clone who's main redeeming factor is it's snazzy graphics and pumping music. Beyond that, it's pretty straight Breakout.
  • edited September 2012
    There's a new humble bundle, Spellforce 2 is on sale, and Torchlight 2 comes out in 2 days...

    ...ouch, my wallet.

    As a small saving grace, the new Indie Royale is negligible. If Tony Hawk HD had split screen, I'd have bought that too, but I guess Activision didn't want my money...
    Post edited by Schnevets on
  • edited September 2012
    I have most of the "bigger" games, but I'll almost always throw a few bucks at the Humble Bundle anyway.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Guild Wars 2, Confirmed for Mac! Already in Beta Stage! :D
  • I've got Dustforce, it's pretty good, and the Devs live in my city, I've met them, they're pretty cool, a real stand-up bunch, all three of them.
  • edited September 2012
    If you're gonna buy FTL, but it on the developer's website, not on Steam. The reason is that it comes without DRM, it works on ALL OSs, it's cheaper (internationally), it comes with more payment options, and most importantly, it comes with a steam code.
    Post edited by Bronzdragon on
  • Also Dustforce is pretty awesome if you have controller.
    Really? I'm trying to play it on my 360 controller and it just feels... clunky... It's possible that I'm too used to the speed of Super Meat Boy (I've been playing that a lot lately), though.
  • Battlefield 3, along with most other Battlefields are $10 right now on Origin. I don't know if I'd buy the others since they're on steam, but its a good deal for BF3.
  • Battlefield 3, along with most other Battlefields are $10 right now on Origin. I don't know if I'd buy the others since they're on steam, but its a good deal for BF3.
    Yet Back to Karkand is still $15.

  • Battlefield 3, along with most other Battlefields are $10 right now on Origin. I don't know if I'd buy the others since they're on steam, but its a good deal for BF3.
    About sixty bucks, for the game, plus every expansion.

  • There's that many expansions? Jebus.
  • edited September 2012
    There's that many expansions? Jebus.
    No, that's the premium pack - the game, plus each of the five $15 expansions. Karkand, Close Quarters, Armored Kill, Aftermath, Endgame. Plus whatever other shit you get with premium.

    Post edited by Churba on
  • Battlefield 3, along with most other Battlefields are $10 right now on Origin. I don't know if I'd buy the others since they're on steam, but its a good deal for BF3.
    So wait a year and get game plus all DLC for launch price? Very tempting.
  • edited September 2012
    Borderlands 2 apparently $25.

    I already have the game, and the "Russian" thing sounds odd, but it's interesting either way.
    Post edited by Anthony Heman on
  • Omar, get that shit.

    Jeremy is going to ditch me to play WoW:MoP. We need some ATW9K Borderlands 2 action.
  • hmmmm... maybe I should get this...
    This is exactly the news I wanted to hear after listening to Fast Karate talk about Mark Of the Ninja on their latest podcast. Yay.
  • Stop your Borderlands 2 and get some Torchlight 2. If you're going to play a grinding leveling looting game, at least go all out! I need meat shields to stand there while my wizard blasts magic from afar.
  • I still need to finish Torchlight 1 before I even purchase Torchlight 2. Also it will be a lot easier for me to get a game of Borderlands 2 going with Jason and Omar. Omar has been sending Jason and myself angry Steam messages on how he hates us whenever we are in game.

    No one wants to play with you Scott because you don't share your crayons with the other children. :P
  • I still need to finish Torchlight 1 before I even purchase Torchlight 2. Also it will be a lot easier for me to get a game of Borderlands 2 going with Jason and Omar. Omar has been sending Jason and myself angry Steam messages on how he hates us whenever we are in game.

    No one wants to play with you Scott because you don't share your crayons with the other children. :P
    You don't have to share in Torchlight 2. It spawns separate loot for everybody.
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