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Random Comments



  • How come no one ever told me about the the Jesus and Mary Chain?
  • How come no one ever told me about the the Jesus and Mary Chain?
    Better question is how you managed to remain ignorant to The Jesus & Mary Chain for so long.
  • I mean, it's not like I never heard of them. I just wish someone would've told me that I'd like them.
  • Things I hadn't realized I missed about home: being able to see the stars, pissing outside with impunity, southern accents.
  • Turns out - for me at least, hello from the future - today is the 580th anniversary of Joan of Arc's death.
  • This just in: Funeral director given lifetime achievement award.

  • Ran into Shepard Fairey at an art exhibit today.
  • As many scholars of modernist Irish literature know, James Joyce had plans to compose an one word, 900 page novel.
  • New realization: Listening to my own voice on the recordings my band did over the weekend, I sound extremely similar to Garnett Lee, just a little deeper I think.
  • New realization: Listening to my own voice on the recordings my band did over the weekend, I sound extremely similar to Garnett Lee, just a little deeper I think.
    As long as you don't do that weird Cartman-sounding voice like he does in "My shine", that's pretty cool.
  • I just scheduled an appointment to have my cat euthanized. Abigail is nine years old and her kidneys and bladder are failing. She's been peeing blood for a week. The vet wants $1,400 to operate, but we can't justify spending that much on an aging cat. So tonight I will take her to be murdered.

    Lisa is inconsolable. Her uncle died two weeks ago, her childhood friend died last week, and now the cat I bought her for her birthday the year we got married.
  • Man, I can only imagine with all those baby hormones just wrecking her. I'm sorry to hear of your cat, and now I'm bummed.
  • That sort of cold calculus is just one necessary and desperately sad part of having pets. You have my sympathies.
  • I forgot she was pregnant on top of all of this. Oh man that's rough.
  • Abigail is nine years old [...] an aging cat
    Everything ages, you aged several seconds since reading the previous post, you are aging at this very moment. Sad to hear that a cat that could easily still live for half a decade has failing sewage.
  • That sort of cold calculus is just one necessary and desperately sad part of having pets. You have my sympathies.
    Not just when you have pets, whenever anything living is put under your charge.
    @Jason: I have two cats but before them I had one. She lived to be 24 years old before she put herself into a corner and waited to die. You have my deepest sympathies.
  • Who wants to guess what it'll cost to repair my car?

  • Who wants to guess what it'll cost to repair my car?
  • Who wants to guess what it'll cost to repair my car?
    What happened?
  • edited June 2011
    Who wants to guess what it'll cost to repair my car?
    What happened?
    In his attempts to disintegrate the panties of the many foxy ladies of DC, an SUV was too much of a hater and decided to put a halt to that shit and be a cock block.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • $3500.
    You're within $100.
    What happened?
    Statistical probability finally got the better of me.
  • Two discrete body panels requiring full replacement. Looks like the hood will be replaced, or at least color-corrected near the site of impact. $3,900.
  • $3500.
    You're within $100.
  • You're within $100.
    Yup, sounds about right. Lots of panels to replace, custom painting to match the factory job, an alignment, probably one or two hidden internal issues.
  • Two discrete body panels requiring full replacement. Looks like the hood will be replaced, or at least color-corrected near the site of impact. $3,900.
    The hood is actually fine, that's just shadows from the trees.
  • edited June 2011
    Who wants to guess what it'll cost to repair my car?
    Looks like replacing the front, denting the side out, checking and possibly having to fix the suspension and main structure depending on the crash that caused it. Sounds like 3 to 4k.

    EDIT: Dammit.
    Post edited by Zack Patate on
  • denting the side out
    I'm pretty sure that has to be replaced completely.
  • I'm pretty sure that has to be replaced completely.
    Likely the easiest way, but I think it's quite possible to dent it out.
  • I'm pretty sure that has to be replaced completely.
    Don't know, don't care. I wasn't at fault and my car is getting fixed by a reputable shop on someone else's dime.
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