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  • Can anyone outside the UK recognise the blue headed robot just below the tin man?

    Answer here.
  • They forgot the only robot that matters.
  • The lack of Astroboy or Robita is disturbing :O
  • No Robo from Chrono Trigger, either...

    Then again, I guess you can't please everyone.
  • edited August 2011
    They have Grounder, but they don't have Scratch. How can you have Grounder without Scratch? And I don't see a single Medabot, either!
    Post edited by Yuyuke on
  • You guys bitch too much of what is not there and don't celebrate what is there. That was a fun image.
  • I love the owl from Clash of the Titans.
  • I had more fun recognizing all the other robots.
    I play to win.
  • Guys, there are a zillion robots missing. Pretty much anything bigger than C-3PO is absent. Mechagodzilla isn't there let alone any Mazingers, Getter Robos, Tetsujin 28s, Gundams. I see one Transformer and no Voltrons.

    The point is that there is a Tachikoma and Haro, so whoever did this knows the score.
  • Best comment from the image:
    I can't find the droid I am looking for :(
  • You guys bitch too much of what is not there and don't celebrate what is there. That was a fun image.
    Fangasm @ Seeing Larry 3000, Dot Matrix and the Sweeping Robot from Sealab.
  • edited August 2011
    I want Instro from Big O in that poster. He is probably my favorite robot in anime next to the tachikomas and the AI satellite from Cowboy bebop
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • You guys bitch too much of what is not there and don't celebrate what is there. That was a fun image.
    I will definitely say that I'm glad to see BOTH representations of Marvin the Paranoid Android in it.
  • Ha. The Android mascot is in there.

    Also, not to be "that guy", but the Dalek shouldn't be in there. Daleks aren't robots, but mutants in a tank-like battle shell.
  • My friend helped with another animation. You should watch it.

    The girl in blue looks to be her style.
  • Also, not to be "that guy", but the Dalek shouldn't be in there. Daleks aren't robots, but mutants in a tank-like battle shell.
    Heh, thanks. I was about to be "that guy", but you already did it for me.
  • Got on Equestria Daily. I shouldn't be this happy since everything goes there, but I am!
  • Also, not to be "that guy", but the Dalek shouldn't be in there. Daleks aren't robots, but mutants in a tank-like battle shell.
    Heh, thanks. I was about to be "that guy", but you already did it for me.
    Cybermen are also cyborgs and not robots. The only Doctor Who thing that actually belongs there is K-9.
  • Man, Its scary how many girls I went to high school with got knocked up already.
  • Man, Its scary how many girls I went to high school with got knocked up already.
    I'm 31 and I still say that.
  • Man, Its scary how many girls I went to high school with got knocked up already.
    I'm 31 and I still say that.
    I know, but I'm 20 so it kinda freaks me out.
  • I was listening to music on my tablet this afternoon. Just as I was about to go practice my Japanese, Ai O Torimodose came on. I thought that was pretty random & awesome.
  • I was ready Black JAck Volume 15 and now I know where Black Jack 21 came from. Also, if you haven't picked it up what are you waiting for?
  • edited August 2011
    I had a Zombie nightmare last night. I went to bed at about 1 am and woke up at like 2:40 am and couldn't sleep till close to 4 am. Woke up at 7, all good except for being a little sleepy at work, even rode my bike to work and going to the gym afterwords and going to my Dota LAN at night. Riding my bike to work is really good for production, I have loads of extra energy then before when I always rode my car.
    On another note, there is Kryten! Good memories.
    Post edited by sucrilhos on
  • edited August 2011
    Goddamn. I actually managed to annoy someone so badly on reddit, the silly git has taken the time to write a script specifically to annoy me by posting the same shit at me a bunch of times for each time I post once Correction, To try and block me out, and downvote everything I do. Turns out posting a ton is most likely just his shitful code. So, I figure, Dude needs a new hobby - and reported him for spam. Oops.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Just finished up my first art for the semester (and ever, really). It's a self-portrait in a mirror thingy. Pretty sure it's just to suss out where people are at (I hope). Proportion is hard (I've got a humpback) and so are noses. I came out looking vaguely like an Asian girl. I hope they do actually teach us theory and what have you instead of just giving us things to draw as I would like to improve and I really feel instruction would help. I'd also like to note that it's REALLY awkward to hold a 2'x3' drawing pad in a smallish bathroom.
  • Marvin the paranoid android!

    Epic picture!
  • edited August 2011
    My old cat Sooty (not named related to the kids show, she was black, and I was uncreative with names when I was three) died recently, and I've been thinking about it. I'm not sad, to be honest - she wasn't in pain, and she was well fed, well loved, and generally had a good life. On top of that, I've been prepared for it for the last few years - I mean, she was already eighteen years old when I left for England(For which she got a tiny bit of baileys in her milk to celebrate on her "birthday", since after all, she could legally drink...well, if she wasn't a cat, anyway - but that aside, leaving her for two years was more painful to me than her dying), so she was twenty-one when she died, and honestly just a few days short of twenty-two. Considering cats generally live about 13 or 14 years, that's a pretty fuckin' good run, for a cat. Sure, I'll miss her, but I've got 21 years of memories with the tough old tart, and she had a good life right till the end. It doesn't fill the hole she leaves - as would anything that's been in your life for the vast majority of it would - but it does place a pretty decent memorial plaque right next to it.

    Just, do me a favor, and give your cats an extra hug and a pet for me. Not because it will make me feel better, I'm pretty fine, or any sappy "it's what she'd want"(she was a cat, what she wanted was food, a warm place to sleep, the occasional sunbeam to lie in and an occasional pat), or "oh, you can lose your cats at any time"(you can, but that's the same as yesterday, or last week, or any time), but really just because they'll like it, and you'll feel good too.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • edited August 2011

    Also, I think the best thing about Fucking with Ron Paul fanboys is that you don't need to lie, give out truth in small segments, or even make sensible-but-entirely-false conclusions, all you need to do is to quote Ron Paul's policies and past behavior. They all know he's against the war, and cool with the legalization of drugs but when you mention he wants to pull out of the UN and ban the UN and NATO from US soil? Or that he wants to get rid of Anti-discrimination laws, or that he's one of the co-signers on the Defence of marriage act, or his racist comments from his newsletters, or that he very, very clearly said he doesn't believe in evolution? Or that he refuses to repudiate his more vocal supporters, like David Duke(prominent white supremacist, Prominent leader figure in the Stormfront movement, Ex-Grand Wizard of the KKK, and head of the National Association for the Advancement of White People)? They go absolutely apeshit.

    Seriously, even the polite ones - few and far between - are hilarious. They will try literally anything to excuse the crazy fucker's past behavior and comments, like "I think we can safely assume that 95% of the black males in that city are semi-criminal or entirely criminal" or "We are constantly told that it is evil to be afraid of black men, but it is hardly irrational."

    I've not seen such tenuous, obviously super-strained chains of reason and frantic grasping for any straw available since I was a teenager trying to justify coming home rather drunk.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • In Zoe Saldana's new movie "Columbiana", her lead character is named "Cattleya" after the flower. I'm having fun telling people on a movie review site, there's an anime character with the same name, and most gigantic boobs/ass that you will ever see, and couldn't be further looking like Zoe Saldana.
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