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  • They a right fucking menace they is.
  • In episode 060131, Scott admits to having never been curling. In another episode, when asked by Rym when he has been curling, he claims that he has been.
    In episode 060220, the game Bug Room is brought up. Bug room is played on n chessboards by 2n people on two teams of size n. Each team sits on one side of the line of chessboards, with the players in each row alternating black/white/black/white... When a player takes an opponent's piece, he can hand it to either of the players adjacent to him (who are playing the appropriate color) who can use a move to place it on the board in such a way that it doesn't put their opponent in check. There are other rules about placing pawns so they aren't too far forward, but I can't think of them now.
  • In episode 060131, Scott admits to having never been curling. In another episode, when asked by Rym when he has been curling, he claims that he has been.
    I have not been curling, but I have been TO curling. The father of one of my high school friends was into curling, had his own stone/broom and everything. One time I went to watch curling with them, but I did not personally curl.
  • Was up all night with baby/labor false alarm. Also, dog shit on the living room floor at about 3:30 a.m. Lisa took the day off because she thinks her uterus might be ready for action. Probably not, though -- we're still three weeks out. I think it's just Higgs boson contractions. Still, very tired.
  • I think it's just Higgs boson contractions.
  • she thinks her uterus might be ready for action
    How many people have started to ask her how dilated she is?
  • edited September 2011
    How many people have started to ask her how dilated she is?
    None, to my knowledge. Also, as of three minutes ago, she says she's downgraded from vermilion to teal alert.
    My online peeps are the only ones who get that joke, so I'm trying to get a lot of mileage out of it. My mother-in-law stared at me like I was from another planet.
    Post edited by Jason on
  • One day I will organise an amateur dramatization of Victorian Romance Emma.
  • One day I will organise an amateur dramatization of Victorian Romance Emma.
  • I don't think there was any fainting in Victorian Romance Emma. Lots of awesome though.
  • edited September 2011
    I tell you guys, I keep telling you guys.
    [Scary-ass koalas]
    And now I will forever think that koalas are MONSTERS.
    Post edited by P_TOG on
  • And now I will forever think that koalas are MONSTERS.
    Not really, they're pretty chill. You just need to learn to leave shit alone. Seriously, I don't get why, but when Americans come down here, they just gotta touch and hug and pet and mess with everything.
  • Has anyone else ever noticed that Julian Assange looks like Mr Humphries from "Are you being Served?"
  • And now I will forever think that koalas are MONSTERS.
    Not really, they're pretty chill. You just need to learn to leave shit alone. Seriously, I don't get why, but when Americans come down here, they just gotta touch and hug and pet and mess with everything.
    But they're so damn cute!
  • It's because Koalas are pretty much the one non-insta death animal on the entire island.
  • edited September 2011
    Has anyone else ever noticed that Julian Assange looks like Mr Humphries from "Are you being Served?"
    A great show, but I don't see the resemblance.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • I just read through all 79 pages of this stuff without realizing what thread it was ... I would like to announce that I actually said "What the Fuck?" out loud before I understood. :)
  • Turns out this guy I passed clubs with a few weeks ago is the world champion club passer. He is now friends with a grad student at Tufts who is in turn teaching me. Today she taught me a trick in which ever club is thrown across to the other person. It felt so good.
  • Turns out this guy I passed clubs with a few weeks ago is the world champion club passer. He is now friends with a grad student at Tufts who is in turn teaching me. Today she taught me a trick in which ever club is thrown across to the other person. It felt so good.
    Where do you live, and who are these jugglers? I super curious now, as I didn't know there was a world championship of club passing!
  • I wonder what Xzibit's view on virtual machines is. ;D
  • edited September 2011
    Turns out this guy I passed clubs with a few weeks ago is the world champion club passer. He is now friends with a grad student at Tufts who is in turn teaching me. Today she taught me a trick in which ever club is thrown across to the other person. It felt so good.
    Where do you live, and who are these jugglers? I super curious now, as I didn't know there was a world championship of club passing!
    I live in Medford, near Boston. I was at an event called Spinjam (which takes place all over the Boston area but was at MIT this time) which is mostly poi people but has a bunch of clubs jugglers. I introduced a grad student at tufts to the fantastic juggler I was passing with and they immediately became friends and were doing some impressive passing together (they had 9 in the air briefly). At Thursday's Spinjam meeting at Tufts (my university) she mentioned that he had held an IJA record for club passing for many years.

    On the note of juggling, I practiced for 3 hours tonight on various partner stuff. Kevin and I have a rudimentary club routine.
    Post edited by jmerm on
  • I live in Medford, near Boston.
    Sup, masshole buddy? My dad used to run the Men's Wearhouse in your town.
  • Nice, I've barely expolore - there is always so much going on here on campus. Some friends and I just explored the goodwill in Davis for the first time which was pretty sweet. My roommate and I got a $7.50 TV for his Xbox and another friend of mine got a ninja turtles skateboard.

    Any advice on cool places to go and/or cool places to take ladies.
  • Any advice on cool places to go
    Newbury Comics in Boston is one of my favorite comic and record shops in all of the United States. You can go and get a copy of The Incal and Aphex Twin's "Selected Ambient Works 85-92" in a single trip. It's great.
  • Any advice on cool places to go
    Newbury Comics in Boston is one of my favorite comic and record shops in all of the United States. You can go and get a copy of The Incal and Aphex Twin's "Selected Ambient Works 85-92" in a single trip. It's great.
    Make sure you go to the one ON Newbury Street though, the other one's not nearly as cool. The Harvard bookstore has some pretty good comics too.
  • Any advice on cool places to go
    Newbury Comics in Boston is one of my favorite comic and record shops in all of the United States. You can go and get a copy of The Incal and Aphex Twin's "Selected Ambient Works 85-92" in a single trip. It's great.
    Make sure you go to the one ON Newbury Street though, the other one's not nearly as cool. The Harvard bookstore has some pretty good comics too.
    I concur.
  • There's also a store down some stairs near the Harvard Square T station that has a whole bunch of really Ghibli merch. Don't remember what it was called and none of the stuff was priced so I assume very expensive. The Million Year Picnic was also really cool.
  • I don't know what the hell this is, but Daffy Duck is a wizard and I think I want to see more.
  • I don't know what the hell this is, but Daffy Duck is a wizard and I think I want to see more.
    Embedding for great justice.
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