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  • Get me their name. GET ME THEIR NAME. I need to see if they're CS/SE or not.
    Is it terrible that I haven't a clue as to what his name is? It might be Andrew Crerar. I think that's right. Woah, checking through the company directory, there are quite a few attractive interns here now. How did I miss this before?
    There's also a Jacqueline O'Dwyer here who is an intern in product development.
  • Andrew Crerar is defnintely it. We did some recon and this is his name.
  • edited October 2011
    Research research, found his RIT-hosted home page...

    Yup, CS. Oh man. That said, looks like a fairly chill dude.
    Post edited by ProfPangloss on
  • More than likely, he is. He does a lot of walking about and talking to people in cubicles, no idea what else he does.
  • The Tigers are playing, TO-NIGHT! And I never miss a game.
  • Facebook is recommending pretty much every member of the FRC now. In the past 10 minutes I've gotten Scott, Nuri, Emily, and George.
  • My suitemate and his friends spill so much weed when they pack a bowl in our bathroom that I think if I just pick it up after each time they do it I'll have enough to smoke every week.
  • Sell it back to the roommate. He'll think you're awesome and you can get a profit.
  • I'm re-finishing a cabinet, and I think I'll take photos and show off the process for y'all. So you can see how I work, and learn how to refinish a cabinet. Or just read/see me being a slack-jawed fuckin' idiot with powertools.
  • My parents are here... yaaaaaaaaay.
  • My kidneys aren't working yaaaaay!
  • I enjoy joining themes of phrases yaaaaaaay.
  • A girl probably gave me a fake name and lied about herself to get me to stop talking to her and now it's eating me up on the inside...yaaaaaaaaay!
  • Everything is wonderful and nothing hurts... yaaaaaaaaay.
  • New My Little Pony Friendship is Magic tomorrow yaaaaaay!
  • So the really awesome neighbors across the street moved out, and now new people are looking at their house for rent. Today an incredibly fat lady came by to look at it. Her dog was wearing a polo shirt with some sports team on it. Her purse was an actual football with handles.
  • So the really awesome neighbors across the street moved out, and now new people are looking at their house for rent. Today an incredibly fat lady came by to look at it. Her dog was wearing a polo shirt with some sports team on it. Her purse was an actual football with handles.
    Get your friends together and make her think the house is haunted.
  • Everything is wonderful and nothing hurts... yaaaaaaaaay.
  • Just applied to Google's Engineering Practicum summer internship program. Here's hoping it works.
  • Steve Jobs used to look like Ashton Kutcher.
  • Steve Jobs used to look like Jason Schwartzman.
  • I'm saying when he had a beard.
  • Maybe Ashton Kutcher and Jason Schwartzman look like a young Steve Jobs.
  • Maybe they are iClones...
  • I remember someone wishing for a smartphone alarm app that doesn't shut off until you beat a video game level. Well, one for android based on tetris exists.
  • After about a year of SPlayer usage, I tried using VLC to get the streaming going. That program is a mess.
  • I only ever ask questions of other people on the Internets when I am unable to solve them myself with the Google and such. Without fail, everyone who tries to help gets it wrong.

    Case in point, on Twitter I ask to see if anyone can find a real official iPod cable for less than $19. The response was a zillion links to bootleg cables, and a suggestion to use wifi sync. If I was looking for a bootleg cable or was going to use wifi sync, I wouldn't have asked. I specifically asked for a non-bootleg cable for less than $19.

    When I ask a question like that it's because the answer is so hard to find that I can not find it. It's not something you are going to be able to answer in two seconds.
  • edited October 2011
    Way to over exaggerate there. I didn't know a zillion = 1 actual link and 2 suggestions of certain brands along with the wi-fi suggestion.

    Non-bootleg or decent off brand Apple accessories are not cheap. It's like Nintendo games where the price rarely drops. I was able to snatch one up at my work on sale for like $12 by Apple, but that's because no one had purchased it in like a year.

    Edit: Looks like somone suggested Belkin and Amazon has decent priced ones that you were asking for. I've used Belkin before and I never had a problem with them.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • I only ever ask questions of other people on the Internets when I am unable to solve them myself with the Google and such. Without fail, everyone who tries to help gets it wrong.
    Then why keep asking?
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