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  • I don't like Girl Scout cookies.

    I used to. But over time, I came to realize that they're fairly average overpriced cookies: nothing special. Perception of limited supply provides most of the enjoyment.

    I stopped buying them years ago.
  • Also, Keebler sells knockoffs of every Girl Scout cookie. Year-round. Samoas = Keebler Fudge Shoppe Coconut Dreams, for example.
  • I never was a big fan of cyber punk or steam punk, but just yesterday I discovered there is a thing called diesel punk. Man... it's basically the genre containing the first 3 Indy movies, TaleSpin, hell, even Antoine de Saint-Exupery's writings to an extent... There's just something about that era (minus the Depression and all that) that I really eat up... Maybe it's all the early adventures in aviation, since I'm a pretty hard core airplane geek.
    Our game is more diesel-punk than steam-punk at its core. I am a big fan of the diesel-punk
  • Now if anyone is interested my school had a thing that according to most other people I know was unique to that school. Take a 99 cent bag of Fritos corn chips, add taco meat and cheese whiz in bag, shake until satisfied, eat contents with spoon. It is quite tasty and simple to do. I prefer the crock pot method of cheese whiz but that is in advanced territory.
    My family does a "taco salad" like this. Beans, rice, ground turkey or beef if we want meat, sour cream, shredded cheese, tomatoes, and lettuce mixed together with crushed Doritos.
  • edited March 2012
    I don't like Girl Scout cookies.

    I used to. But over time, I came to realize that they're fairly average overpriced cookies: nothing special. Perception of limited supply provides most of the enjoyment.

    I stopped buying them years ago.
    Exactly why I don't buy them. If you want girl scout cookies, just buy the Keebler equivalent, it's the same exact thing (Keebler makes most or all of the Girl Scout cookies IIRC).
    Post edited by Ilmarinen on
  • Since I've been in scouting since I was Knee-high to a grasshopper, I know a lot of Girl Guides, and get them essentially at cost. I don't feel the slightest bit of guilt about it, since in a year, I'll more than pay for a few boxes of biscuits with my time spend that aids the organization.
  • Now if anyone is interested my school had a thing that according to most other people I know was unique to that school. Take a 99 cent bag of Fritos corn chips, add taco meat and cheese whiz in bag, shake until satisfied, eat contents with spoon. It is quite tasty and simple to do. I prefer the crock pot method of cheese whiz but that is in advanced territory.
    I was going to ask, have you heard of Frito Pie? Or those Crunchy Beefy Burritos they had filled with fritos, which were good and cheap.

  • Guys.

    Girl Scouts brand Thin Mints.
    There's an ice cream shop near my place that had Thin Mint ice cream. I got some as a milkshake. Delicious.
  • edited March 2012
    My little brother is writing an essay on why marijuana should be legal for one of his high school rhet classes. Not because he smokes pot or has any desire to; rather, he just thinks prohibition is bad for a host of political reasons.

    I am so pride, bro.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Meh, my intuition is that's probably the most common opinion in his generation. It was nearing the majority in mine.
  • I'm still proud of him for being like, "Fuck this, let's get real about prohibitionary politics," and writing about it when most kids are content to be like, "They should legalize, man. Also, what's a ballot?"
  • I see. So you are proud of his method then, and not his choice of topic and premise. So if he was using the same method to argue for something you didn't agree with, it'd still be the same pride?
  • I see. So you are proud of his method then, and not his choice of topic and premise. So if he was using the same method to argue for something you didn't agree with, it'd still be the same pride?
    I am proud of his topic, premise, rationale, and method. Provided he is arguing a point that can be supported with logical arguments and reason, I would never be ashamed of something my brother wrote. What are you getting at, exactly?
  • Meh, my intuition is that's probably the most common opinion in his generation. It was nearing the majority in mine.
    OK, so it's a common opinion. Why does that merit a "meh?"

  • edited March 2012
    Meh, my intuition is that's probably the most common opinion in his generation. It was nearing the majority in mine.
    OK, so it's a common opinion. Why does that merit a "meh?"

    Because it seems insufficient to me to merit pride. I could not (and cannot) discern whether Wub was supporting his brother simply for agreeing with him. If he demonstrated critical thinking skills, for example, it seems to me like the topic of his essay would be rather irrelevant to the reason for feeling pride.

    It is irrelevant whether or not Wub's politics agree with his brothers. That's exactly why it only merits a "meh". For all I know given the circumstances, his brother is just regurgitating the facts that are generally known by his collective culture.
    Post edited by Anthony Heman on
  • edited March 2012
    My brother's an A student writing about a subject that happens to be one that both he and I are passionate about in a conservative Catholic school where few of the students agree and those that do are reticent to discuss it in school, let alone submit their opinions in the form of a graded assignment.

    My politics here aren't relevant, that's true. But what he's doing definitely merits pride; he's politically active beyond the scope of just his classes, and I'm glad to see that this interest filters down into the topics he chooses. Colleges start getting back to him tomorrow, and I'm particularly excited at this moment in his life to see where he decides to go.

    Above all, I suppose, is this: Neither you nor anyone else is fit to judge what merits pride in my family from me. Provided they find means to their own happiness and contribute positively to society, I will always, always, be proud of what my brothers and other family members do. If you have any issues with that, go fuck yourself.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • I never argue'd that you shouldn't have pride, simply that what you were talking about sounded very "meh" to me. Now if the circumstances are that he's actually demonstrating certain skills, great. Double thumbs up. That's exactly why I made my statement and asked the questions I asked, to discern the difference between these things.
  • Guys.

    Girl Scouts brand Thin Mints.
    Having been a Girl Scout, I have a bitter resentment towards the cookie bureaucracy. The local council as a whole is shit, but the cookie crap was definitely something that left me angry. I've sworn to myself because of it that I refuse to buy cookies from a girl scout unless they are older than brownies. Preferably cadets.

    The thing is, the brownies (little kids) always get the most sales (the "OH SO CUTE" factor) and then they do FUCK ALL with the money they DO get, while the older girls struggle to fund beneficial programs. Not that cookies really make troops that much money anyway; the actual troops you buy from only see about 10-15 CENTS per $3 box of cookies. And that's not even MENTIONING how they get more and more expensive every year and have less and less cookies per box. They've even sold out to a cheaper/less quality bakery. All that, and the troop's cut hasn't gone up at all in the 12 years I was a Girl Scout.

  • I want to form my own scouting organization. "Badass Scouts of America." We'll accept all genders, races, and creeds and just generally be badass.
  • I zapped shit in Encounters. And this groove in my index finger nail has not healed yet.
  • I want to form my own scouting organization. "Badass Scouts of America." We'll accept all genders, races, and creeds and just generally be badass.
    They already have that. Well, but for the name.

  • I want to form my own scouting organization. "Badass Scouts of America." We'll accept all genders, races, and creeds and just generally be badass.
    They already have that. Well, but for the name.

    You have to be to go camping in a place where everything can kill you (not that it may want to but still)
  • I want to form my own scouting organization. "Badass Scouts of America." We'll accept all genders, races, and creeds and just generally be badass.
    For myself, I split Boy Scouts into two groups, Mormon troops and "Traditional" troops. Mormon troops are dead to me, and can burn in a pit of fire. Within "Traditional" troops, I split them into three groups, Mom-infested, Deeply religious, and Boy-led troops. The second biggest thing I hate about Boy Scouts are Mom-infested troops, not to say all Moms are bad, but the greater number of moms you have in your troop increases the chance that you get the one crazy mom, and then it's downhill from there. Boy-led troops are the most badass and hard to come by.

    Here's a Venn Diagram briefly showing the separation and # of troops in regards to the whole of the organization, also briefly my complaints about each section.

  • My troop wasn't too bad. parents didn't have much say, and the boys led themselves as much as possible. Course the scoutmasters still had a say, but we were pretty cool.
  • My troop wasn't too bad. parents didn't have much say, and the boys led themselves as much as possible. Course the scoutmasters still had a say, but we were pretty cool.
    As it should be, from my experience. This is roughly how I think the ideal troop should be structured, where the Senior Patrol Leader (SPL) and his assistants are in their own patrol, separate from every other one, and are responsible for trip planning and overall leadership. The SPL talks to the Scoutmaster for assistance and guidance, and to the Patrol Leaders(PL) to tell them what they need to for said trip. The PL's have their Patrols pony up cash for the trip and use that cash to pay the SPL for the trip, get food, and anything else the Patrol needs. The Scoutmaster makes sure that everything is legal and safe, but also lets the Scouts make mistakes (which is the hardest thing for Mom's, in my experience). You forgot bun's for you're hamburgers? Look's like you're having meat & pickles tonight! Forgot to bring a backpack? Sucks to be you!

    The committee, to me, exists solely to handle the legal and technical stuff you don't the Scouts to do so they can focus on being Boys.


    In case you haven't noticed, I love the Boy Scouts when it's ran properly.
  • Too bad nowaday's they keep out all uh them gays and heathens.
  • My troop wasn't too bad. parents didn't have much say, and the boys led themselves as much as possible. Course the scoutmasters still had a say, but we were pretty cool.
    As it should be, from my experience. This is roughly how I think the ideal troop should be structured, where the Senior Patrol Leader (SPL) and his assistants are in their own patrol, separate from every other one, and are responsible for trip planning and overall leadership. The SPL talks to the Scoutmaster for assistance and guidance, and to the Patrol Leaders(PL) to tell them what they need to for said trip. The PL's have their Patrols pony up cash for the trip and use that cash to pay the SPL for the trip, get food, and anything else the Patrol needs. The Scoutmaster makes sure that everything is legal and safe, but also lets the Scouts make mistakes (which is the hardest thing for Mom's, in my experience). You forgot bun's for you're hamburgers? Look's like you're having meat & pickles tonight! Forgot to bring a backpack? Sucks to be you!

    The committee, to me, exists solely to handle the legal and technical stuff you don't the Scouts to do so they can focus on being Boys.


    In case you haven't noticed, I love the Boy Scouts when it's ran properly.
    That is not how mine was run. It had Scoutmaster at the top. The SPL under him. The patrol leaders under the SPL. But each PL had an adult as their supervisor. The SPL job was basicly to take the the kids on hikes when when went on camping weekends and to think up pranks to play on the younger kids.

  • So I actually had the dorito taco yesterday and the verdict is that it was quite good. The dorito flavor actually made the meat of the taco tastier and masked the over seasoning of the dorito. So if you do not like doritos but want to try this, ask for extra meat on the taco and you will be fine.
  • The first day of boy scouts I punched the scout-master's son (my age) in the face for being a dick.

    I regret nothing.
  • The first day of boy scouts I punched the scout-master's son (my age) in the face for being a dick.

    I regret nothing.
    For some reason I pictured this as your first day at work as a scout master, just decking some little kid in the face.

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