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  • edited March 2012
    I learned this week that after 20 hours of work filming, editing and writing and researching can equal to an 8 minute video. Whoa.
    Post edited by Viga on
  • I learned this week that after 20 hours of work filming, editing and writing and researching can equal to an 8 minute video. Whoa.
    Yeap. Video is a bitch.
  • edited March 2012
    Any sufficiently scott being is indistinguishable from scott.
    Post edited by Linkigi(Link-ee-jee) on
  • I really want to try the Dorito taco, but I think I might fall over dead if I do. I've already suffered through 2 happy meals this past week for the sake of ponies. x_X
    You know you can buy Happy Meal toys for $1.69, right? That's how I got the entire set.
  • RAID 10 = RAIDception?
  • I did just try the Dorito taco, and I regret nothing.
  • I did just try the Dorito taco, and I regret nothing.
    Decent? Amazing? Writing your will? Good god man, don't just leave us hanging like that.
  • Idea for blog: Scour github's bazillions of repos looking for orphaned projects that actually had some potential. Make a guide to help aspiring programmers learn how to work with the code, and maybe reach out to the creators for an interview.
  • I did just try the Dorito taco, and I regret nothing.
    It was surprisingly good. Held up nicely to the praises it's been sung here.
  • Katniss seriously needs Sense Motives.
  • edited March 2012
    Listening to the latest show, I realized I have learned something from Geeknights.

    As bad as the Government is now, it would be infinitely worse with Scott in charge. I would vote Ron Paul before I voted for Scott. Okay, that's not entirely true, I'd just abstain. But if I was forced, then Ron Paul.

    It is a bizarre idea to think that there is someone who I actually have less confidence that the country would end up as a smoking ruin than Ron Paul. At least on the upside, I guess, Scott isn't a Fake-libertarian or a Neo-confederate.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • I did just try the Dorito taco, and I regret nothing.
    Decent? Amazing? Writing your will? Good god man, don't just leave us hanging like that.
    It attained the highest score possible for lowest-common-denominator food.

  • I did just try the Dorito taco, and I regret nothing.
    Decent? Amazing? Writing your will? Good god man, don't just leave us hanging like that.
    It attained the highest score possible for lowest-common-denominator food.
  • Listening to the latest show, I realized I have learned something from Geeknights.

    As bad as the Government is now, it would be infinitely worse with Scott in charge. I would vote Ron Paul before I voted for Scott. Okay, that's not entirely true, I'd just abstain. But if I was forced, then Ron Paul.

    It is a bizarre idea to think that there is someone who I actually have less confidence that the country would end up as a smoking ruin than Ron Paul. At least on the upside, I guess, Scott isn't a Fake-libertarian or a Neo-confederate.
    If Scott and Ron are running, I'm voting Rubin/Paul. As logic, I'm just gonna quote the Insane Clown Possie by saying "Fuck keeping it real, we're keeping it fun."
  • If Scott and Ron are running, I'm voting Rubin/Paul. As logic, I'm just gonna quote the Insane Clown Possie by saying "Fuck keeping it real, we're keeping it fun."

  • Despite Scott's Scott-Worldian ethics, I would vote for Scott.
  • Good God, what did he say? I haven't listened to the show, but I have heard him say silly ideas before.
  • I learned Dominion today! Witches + Throne Rooms led to hilarity.
  • I haven't listened to the show, but I have heard him say silly ideas before.
    Scott? Silly ideas?
  • If I recall correctly, he doesn't believe in countries.

  • If Scott and Ron are running, I'm voting Rubin/Paul. As logic, I'm just gonna quote the Insane Clown Possie by saying "Fuck keeping it real, we're keeping it fun."
    I don't consider the annihilation of my nation by economic disaster, gross mismanagement, torrents of nuclear fire, the revolt of the idiot masses, or a combination of any of those four "fun."
  • edited March 2012
    Good God, what did he say? I haven't listened to the show, but I have heard him say silly ideas before.
    For me personally, less any individual instance of what he's said that can be roughly summarized down to "If I was in charge, I'd do XYZ and it would be like ABC" at any one point, but all of those things in aggregate.

    It's not that his ideas are always bad - I mean, yeah, he's got a lot of silly ideas, but he's got a lot of pretty damned good ones, too - it's just that his idea of how these things should be executed is often ludicrous and shows massive and very basic misunderstandings of how people, government, and nations work on any scale, to the point where if anyone tried these plans, even if the base idea is sound, they would end in absolute disaster.

    I think a somewhat more gentle way to say it is that He'd make an amazingly good presidential adviser, but I wouldn't for the life of me put him in charge. I hold no such reservations about Rym at this time, I'd guess he'd be at least a decent president. But Scott lacks(or at least seems to lack, at least) a number of the traits one would find desirable for a leader, particularly the leader of a nation. It's not a bad thing, not something I hold against him - some people just don't have what it takes to do certain things. I can think of a lot of jobs he wouldn't last five minutes in, and I don't hold any of them against him, any more than he would the fact I wouldn't last five minutes in his workplace against me.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Had an idea with some coworkers a week or so back. "Brogramming reality television contest." Judged by a Simon Cowel-esque computer science professor, some kind of professional athlete, and some celebrity that's famous for partying well beyond their human limits. Each contestant would have to perform in three pieces, a physical challenge, a drinking related challenge, and finally they are tasked with coding some project within some time limit.

    Good idea/bad idea?
  • Working on my own MS Paint Fan Adventure on the MSPA forums.

    RELAYBLOCKED - A Mass Effect Fan Adventure

  • Playing Doom 2 while blasting Bruce Springsteen Live at Hammersmith is one of the most satisfying things I've done in my life.
  • Playing Doom 2 while blasting Bruce Springsteen Live at Hammersmith is one of the most satisfying things I've done in my life.
    WTF. You must hear original Doom music.

  • Man, I know that music so goddamned well.
  • The Doom music is some of the best video game music ever (given that we only have 30-40 years worth of video games, I can make statements like that), but this is Bruce we're talking about. He was a Saint in the City, he was Born in the USA to Run, he walked in on a Tenth Avenue Freeze Out, he was Lost in the Flood, he was the future of Rock n Roll and the next Dylan; you can't beat Bruce.
  • The Doom music is some of the best video game music ever (given that we only have 30-40 years worth of video games, I can make statements like that), but this is Bruce we're talking about. He was a Saint in the City, he was Born in the USA to Run, he walked in on a Tenth Avenue Freeze Out, he was Lost in the Flood, he was the future of Rock n Roll and the next Dylan; you can't beat Bruce.
    My parents are big Springsteen fans. He's ok in my book. He is not better than Doom soundtrack. Not even close. He especially doesn't go well with demon killing. Two great tastes do not necessarily taste well together.
  • The Doom music is some of the best video game music ever (given that we only have 30-40 years worth of video games, I can make statements like that), but this is Bruce we're talking about. He was a Saint in the City, he was Born in the USA to Run, he walked in on a Tenth Avenue Freeze Out, he was Lost in the Flood, he was the future of Rock n Roll and the next Dylan; you can't beat Bruce.
    ugh just stop ugh
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