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  • Saxmaaaaaan
  • Saxmaaaaaan
    TAKE IT:
  • I should continue watching that.
  • If I was really masochistic, I would start that epic sax video when I get to work and then just let it play out until it ends, at which point, my work day will be over.
  • @WuB, that video is why I love the internet

    @GTvH, I about peed my pants watching that. I'm going to show my coworker tomorrow. We would blast the live version of that song with the epic sax solo of the live version in the office on Fridays and sing along to the song.
  • When the guard was like, "If you play it again, I'll arrest you for trespassing," and they walk away and the cameraman goes, "Hey, play that one song by George Michael," I almost died.
  • There is only one washing machine in this building that everyone can use, and someone's clothes have been in there all day. I could just take them out and throw them on the ground or something, but
    1) I don't want to touch someone else's dirty clothes, and
    2) I don't want someone to freak out at me because I touched their dirty clothes.

    So, I just went down there and left them this note:


    It's written on the back of this, too:

  • edited May 2012
    Ah, passive aggressive notes. They really solve problems, don't they?
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • Tellin' ya, dude. Just chuck them all in the garbage and do your laundry.
  • Put it on the floors. It may piss them off, but way less than being snide.
  • Logic would indicate that if the clothes are in the washer, the washer has been run and the clothes probably aren't dirty anymore. Also... most public laundry facilities have a rule that unattended, finished machines may be emptied if someone needs to use them. Just don't be a dick about where you put the clothes.
  • edited May 2012
    They are re-dirtied if he left them there all day. Then they get the damp funk like gym clothes.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • edited May 2012
    I opt for the vindictive route. Throw them in the nearest sink. Or run them again with a load of bleach, or a red shirt you don't care about. Preferably both at once.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • I say do the honest thing. Take them out and leave them in the cleanest, most proper spot possible. Load up your laundry, and then embark on an adventure to track down their master, who may have been attacked by trolls, kidnapped by a mad sorcerer, or trapped in a deep abyss.

    Yeah, I'm taking this Gryffindor placement pretty seriously...
  • They are re-dirtied if he left them there all day. Then they get the damp funk like gym clothes.
    They're not re-dirtied. Just funky. That's not the same thing when you're talking about touching someone's dirty clothes.

    Also, why is this even a discussion? Golden rule, dude: don't be a dick. You could easily grab a trash bag or something and just stick the clothes in that and set them by the washer. No need to be nasty about it.
  • I would be much more open to the idea of taking them out and putting them somewhere else if the load wasn't made up of almost entirely women's underwear. Which it is. I don't want someone to freak out on me because I touched their undergarments, even though they had been left in there all day and I wanted to do my laundry. I have made the decision to, instead, remain anonymous and leave a passive-aggressive note that won't solve any problems but will make me feel better for about five minutes before I realize that it didn't do anything.

    Man, that note isn't going to do anything.
  • It's an unspoken rule of communal laundry places that if you don't pick your stuff up on time and it gets moved, you don't get to complain.
  • edited May 2012
    For some reason, the crazy garbage one of ScoJo's relatives posts on Facebook keeps wandering into my News Feed. I love it; it's like a Joke-A-Day calendar, and the punchline is that people actually believe this shit.

    Also, ScoJo, your in-law needs a stats course and he needs to learn how to interpret a graph based on causality.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Or you could just put them in the dryer and wash your own clothes.
  • I would just move them. If someone gets angry then you tell them they're the idiot that decided to leave their clothes in the washer all day.
  • I just move them. If I want to use the machine, and your clothes are finished and just sitting there, they're getting dumped in a laundry basket.
  • It's just fabric. Grab it and move it. It's OK - the panties won't bite.
  • Steal all the panties and sell them for a small fortune to creeps on eBay.
  • You can stick them in a plastic bag or bin bag.
  • My apologies. I forget, what with all the crazy ideas and quests flying around. Also, kickstarting a wedding would be awesome. I vote for skydiving wedding.

    Also, put the clothes in the dryer on the hottest setting imaginable.
  • Hahaha that's kinda mean but a great idea.

    The worst is when people take your clothes out WHILE THE MACHINE IS STILL GOING!
  • If they've been sitting around long enough, especially the whole day which seems to be the case here, then yeah, take them out. Most likely if they've forgotten it this long, you can get your laundry in and be done (and away from the scene) by the time they realize they forgot. :-P
    I had my laundry removed from the dryer a mere 10 minutes after the cycle was done. I was pretty pissed, as it didn't seem like a busy day, and I was waiting for a commercial break to come down and get it. Someone must have been literally standing there waiting for the timer to run out (or they didn't and they took it out early, no way to know for sure.) That's being a dick, don't be that guy/gal.
  • Yeah, and if someone gets pissed because you saw/touched their underwear, big woop, you left them in a public place.

    I found a very sexy thong mixed in with my laundry. I had to figure out how to put them back in the laundry room without being obvious and embarrassing to person who left it. Thus I made a PANTS LEFT IN WASH envelope and put it in the laundry room, and when I came back someone had picked it up.
  • "Big woop, wanna fight about it?"
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