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  • My wand is
    Thirteen inches, dragon heartstring, larch, unyeilding.

  • Sign up for Pottermore and play up to the point where you can take the "official" test.
    Slytherin here.
  • Thirteen inches, dragon heartstring, larch, unyeilding.
    I'm jealous.
  • edited May 2012
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • edited May 2012
    Trying to get to the sorting. So far finding this all incredibly dull. Also, I was hoping it wouldn't be a quiz, and instead they scrape your Facebook/Twitter/other social networks and try to predict what house you belong in.

    and this boy belongs in GRYFFINDOR!
    (Okay, that quiz may have made me a little giddy inside... I thought I was a Hufflepuff for sure!)
    Post edited by Schnevets on
  • Also, a First Person Shooter where you select a sponsor before the match. Whenever someone is killed, they have to watch an advertisement from that sponsor. You also get a penny (real money) for every kill. It's the world's first Paid-to-Play FPS.
  • ^^^^^^Someone please make this^^^^^^^^
  • I had an idea with grey the other week, where one player would play a game like crusader kings, and other players would have other games, but they would all link down into an ecosystem. For example, Player 1 would be playing crusader kings, and he wants to assassinate a pope, and declare war on another nation.

    Well, he sends out those orders, and players 2 and 3 play a different game - for reference, I'll refer to existing games or genres - but 2 would play a game like assassin's creed, where they would take the contract from the king, and go attempt to kill the guy, and depending on how they performed, it results in a different outcome.

    Player 3, he's not an assassin's creed or crusader kings kinda guy. But he loves RTS, and so he's a general, commanding an army, sending units around, commanding attacks, ETC etc. Then, the ranks of his army, where possible, have at least a few guys who are playing a different part of the game, where they're fighting on the ground, following the ever-changing orders of the General.

    And then, you could have others, like some sort of transporter game, where you're transporting people around, and have to fight off pirates and the like on the way to the destination.

    Stupid pie in the sky stuff, but it sounds cool.
  • I think you could actually sell that to somebody. Payment is set by sponsor, of course, so the higher-paying sponsors can get more players, and you take a small fee from the sponsors for the right to market.
  • edited May 2012
    I think you could actually sell that to somebody. Payment is set by sponsor, of course, so the higher-paying sponsors can get more players, and you take a small fee from the sponsors for the right to market.
    The idea, maybe, but it would be really, really fucking hard to implement. I mean, I'm kinda dumb, but I can already see problems that make it practically impossible.

    Post edited by Churba on
  • I had an idea with grey the other week, where one player would play a game like crusader kings, and other players would have other games, but they would all link down into an ecosystem. For example, Player 1 would be playing crusader kings, and he wants to assassinate a pope, and declare war on another nation.

    Well, he sends out those orders, and players 2 and 3 play a different game - for reference, I'll refer to existing games or genres - but 2 would play a game like assassin's creed, where they would take the contract from the king, and go attempt to kill the guy, and depending on how they performed, it results in a different outcome.

    Player 3, he's not an assassin's creed or crusader kings kinda guy. But he loves RTS, and so he's a general, commanding an army, sending units around, commanding attacks, ETC etc. Then, the ranks of his army, where possible, have at least a few guys who are playing a different part of the game, where they're fighting on the ground, following the ever-changing orders of the General.

    And then, you could have others, like some sort of transporter game, where you're transporting people around, and have to fight off pirates and the like on the way to the destination.

    Stupid pie in the sky stuff, but it sounds cool.
    That's not too different from DUST 514, a free to play FPS from the makers of Eve Online (Although it is a Sci Fi setting). The economy in EVE is affected by matches in DUST, so corporations have an interest in the results of skirmishes. They're encouraging griefing, cheating, and playing dirty within these matches. Corporations can even pay for aerial attacks within EVE Online to affect matches in DUST 514.

    The only problem I can think of with the Pay to Play idea is potential customers having a negative association with advertisements. I'm sure if someone is absolutely dominating you, seeing the same 10 second Target advertisement will just add to the frustration.
  • That's not too different from DUST 514, a free to play FPS from the makers of Eve Online (Although it is a Sci Fi setting). The economy in EVE is affected by matches in DUST, so corporations have an interest in the results of skirmishes. They're encouraging griefing, cheating, and playing dirty within these matches. Corporations can even pay for aerial attacks within EVE Online to affect matches in DUST 514.

    The only problem I can think of with the Pay to Play idea is potential customers having a negative association with advertisements. I'm sure if someone is absolutely dominating you, seeing the same 10 second Target advertisement will just add to the frustration.
    I already know about Dust, but that is orders of magnitude less complex than what I'm envisioning here. I mean, dust is basically linking an FPS to a spreadsheet, but this would be much, much harder - How to generate the levels with the assassin's creed game, so they all make sense, and are challenging, without generating impossible levels, or broken levels, or just running the same thing all the time? Especially one that's influenced by factors in the highest level game, and influences the high level game right back. Or the RTS side, how the hell would you get that to work, let alone the question of how you'd ensure the soldiers, if under human control, would actually give a shit about the orders given and attempt to carry them out, rather than just saying fuck it?


    Also, Slytherin, apparently.
  • GOD FUCKING DAMMIT. I don't want to fucking sleep in a dungeon below a fucking lake in a pretend universe. I already live below the sea in real life for fuck's sake. Also fuck snakes.

    Thirteen inch, slightly springy alder wand with a dragon heart string for a core. No time to learn fake Latin, just burn everything!
  • I can't tell if it says something about pottermore's selection system, or about us, but a surprisingly large amount of us are getting put in Slytherin.
  • Because I bet many of us chose to attack the troll all at once without letting it know.
    We're practical.
  • I chose to solo the troll, because I'm a godamn wizard. I also clearly chose the Ravenclaw option on the first question. I think I was Slytherin because of the order I sorted priorities (merlins, school records, potion). Admittedly I had forgotten that in HP world Merlin wasn't all that great. And I picked black.
  • I didn't even get the question about the troll or this priorities thing. My situation was how I would respond to an alarming noise in a back alley (wand concealed, wand out and illuminating, wand out in a combat position, or cower and hide; I chose out and illuminating). I wonder if it's based on prior questions or randomly. On that first question asking "How would you like to be remembered?" I chose the more Gryffindor-y "For my adventures", and I'm sure all of you chose the more forum-y/Slytherine-y answer about being more concerned about how you are seen while alive.
  • Not sure if there are random questions or tracks.

    To absolutely nobody's surprise, I'm a Ravenclaw.
  • I got neither the troll, how to be remembered, or alarming noise question. I also sorted in the reverse order. Potion, student records, Merlin's book. Cause who gives a fuck about Merlin. I did get a question about which of 5 boxes to open.
  • Knowing the relative value of those three things in the setting is rather important to the question. Is the dragon pox the black death of the modern era, the measles, smallpox, or swine flu?

    Are the student records somehow full of secret information that needs to be maintained? Or is it like a thousand years of my highschools records?

    And is Merlin's book something to be in awe of, or is it relatively trivial?
  • I gave fewer fucks about the student records than Merlin's book, because Hogwarts should really have that shit saved digitally by now anyways. I did get the troll question, but not how to be remembered, and I think I fucked up the alarming noise question.
  • The student records have value simply for being old and containing a lot of information. Many hundreds of thousands of documents are hard to digitalize you know. Merlins book I can assume isn't all that informative, because there would be copies if it was. Unless the book itself is enchanted with some sort of magic.
  • How can you assume there would be copies? Wizards are all about hoarding secret information. That's how you stay competitive in a many wizard world.
  • I was thinking the student records wouldn't be impressive information. I was thinking enrollment and registrar and shit. Even being as miserly as wizards, I think those would be saved somewhere. Merlin's book I equated to Charlemagne's diary, which I think would be much more important.
  • Aspen wand, 12 1/2 inches, dragon core, surprisingly swishy
  • Because I bet many of us chose to attack the troll all at once without letting it know.
    We're practical.
    What troll? I never got asked about any freaking trolls ever. Instead I was asked about artefacts. I'd better have gotten a magickal dagger-wand from that treasure trove.
  • I had the artifacts question. Went with the knife. Cause whatever. I didn't actually care.
  • Go for the diamond, brah. Best chance to be worth the most.
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