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  • I bought Warhammer 40k's limited edition Dark Vengeance.
  • I won a free copy of Kinect Sports in a Microsoft recruiting presentation! Now all I need is an Xbox and a Kinect to go with it...
  • It's the first one? If it's the second I may be interested in purchasing that from you.
  • Co-worker let me play with his Google Nexus 7 for a few minutes. Quite nice, actually. Nice enough that I may want to get one, though I want to see what the 7" iPad rumors are like first.
  • edited September 2012
    My Squirtle avatar had a nice loooong run, but I'm finally switching it up. Dunno if I wanna stick with this or use my Twitter/Tumblr avatar.
    Post edited by Sail on

  • I feel like we ought to hold a 21 Hyperbeam salute for that avatar.
  • It's weird, I post and don't even recognize myself.
  • ...Sometimes I skip your posts now because I don't want to read posts from newbies.
  • My Squirtle avatar had a nice loooong run, but I'm finally switching it up. Dunno if I wanna stick with this or use my Twitter/Tumblr avatar.
    trying 2 stay relevant

    Do u think Sail's new avatar is "alt"??
    Do u think this will help Rob's totally "chill" #buzzband??
    How do u feel about "newbie posts"??
  • Sisters of Battle on bikes, from the holy order of Our Lady of Blessed Acceleration.
  • Their leader has to be "The Acceleratrix."
  • Also, the scooter-riding Mod Sisters of Battle, the Vespa Virgins.

    Someone please draw these brave warriors.
  • Our Lady of blessed acceleration has been part of my personal Pantheon since Blues Brothers.
  • Also, I used to really like the Busty Girl Problems Tumblr, but now, not so much. It's become kinda shitty and soapboxy, and 99% of the comics are just the same things she's done before, just with different drawings.
  • Also, I used to really like the Tumblr, but now, not so much. It's become kinda shitty and soapboxy, and 99% of the comics are just the same things she's done before, just with different drawings.

    (I kid. I still love tumblr. But god-damn if there aren't some sections of it...)

  • edited September 2012
    Well, also true, but I did mean that specifically. I think the straw that broke the camel's back is when she essentially said "Of COURSE men can be offended, upset and hurt by sexist insults. It's just that they're hurting women when they do so because every sexist comment directed at a man is likening them to women, so they're sexists even if they did nothing more than have their feelings hurt by an insult. Because having your feelings hurt by an insult is tacit acknowledgement that women are lesser!"

    Seriously, fuck that moronic noise. The especially amusing irony is that whenever men show up in her comics, they're usually little more than either unsympathetic, idiotic foils for her explain her problems for the tenth time, or drooling, moronic idiots who can barely control their libido enough to not just bury their head into the heaving bosoms of the female characters.

    Of course, now I'm a sexist and probably an idiot because I both criticized her, but I don't really care, since she's already shown the worth of her opinion. In fact, you might think it's sexist, that I'm disregarding her opinions because she's a woman speaking about her womanly problems, but that is utterly false, I'm disregarding her opinions because she's an odious pillock.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • edited September 2012
    I hate that sort of black-and-white thinking about this shit, especially because that's how I saw it for, fuck, nearly a decade. People get into this social justice shit and start thinking about oppression and privilege as fucking written-in-stone hierarchies where you can't question those below and those above can never understand. I bought it for years using it's own logic, figuring that I'd never be able to know if I was being wrong so I'd have to adhere to it exactly or I would be trampling all over everyone, but man, fuck, they buy into the same fucking idea a lot of old bigots do that it's somehow "hard" not to be bigoted.

    Are you fucking crazy? It's the easiest thing in the world, which makes so many people's complete failures and disregard of it even more pathetic.

    Just fucking treat people the way you'd want to be treated if you were in their shoes, and take five fucking minutes to think about what their shoes are like. Probably a good idea to ask people who have the same make of shoe. I think if you do that and you still disagree, that's pretty much always fair. And if you do that and they are still jerks, fuck em. Progressive assholes are still assholes and not people I want to associate with.

    So many of these fucking people willingly enter these circlejerks which create this complete us-verus-them mentality to everything. I understand why they do it, I've done it myself, and I think those spaces definitely need to exist so that people can get a five-minute reprieve from all the terrible bigoted fuckasses out there. But so many people then just stay in those circlejerks and turn the culture's guidelines for being courteous and respectful into enshrined laws that must be enforced on everyone at all times and completely destroy the actual nuance of human interaction both inside and outside those spaces. Fuck those people, they make it hard to actually fix things by being pendatic assholes and they use the language invented to help us understand oppression as a weapon to prove that you can't understand and to discourage people from ever trying. Yes, I understand you have no obligation to educate or play nice, but fact is, if you don't, the problem isn't going to get fixed! You can't have purity over practicality, that's what fanatics do and it leads to stupid fucking bullshit like Dworkin allying with the far right over pornography.

    The equality that comes when people can no longer have actual, meaningful conversations with each other is not the equality I want.
    Post edited by open_sketchbook on
  • I got an extra piercing and I FEEL GOOD!
  • My wife is taking a course on JavaScript programming with JQuery courtest of Web Start Women.
  • Playing BF3 and came across one of those people who crosses the line from "Ha ha, you so irate." to "Er.. are you sure you don't want to talk to someone about what's going on in your life..?".
  • Awww, Sail, the Squirtle was part of your brand.
  • I wish I was any good at BF3. I really enjoy the game in THEORY, but I'm terrible at it.

    I content myself with crashing helicopters into as many of the opposing team as possible, normally.
  • I wish I was any good at BF3. I really enjoy the game in THEORY, but I'm terrible at it.

    I content myself with crashing helicopters into as many of the opposing team as possible, normally.
    I know that feel. I content myself with just being a great supporting player(not just in the support class, though) and just playing so fucking weirdly that it's hard to counter. Fuck yo' shit, I'll Jihad Jeep your helicopter. Not even joking, I managed that once.
  • :(
    Don't feel bad, I'm an asshole.

  • I wish I was any good at BF3. I really enjoy the game in THEORY, but I'm terrible at it.

    I content myself with crashing helicopters into as many of the opposing team as possible, normally.
    I know that feel. I content myself with just being a great supporting player(not just in the support class, though) and just playing so fucking weirdly that it's hard to counter. Fuck yo' shit, I'll Jihad Jeep your helicopter. Not even joking, I managed that once.
    I've really got to get back to Sleeping Dogs before I forget the plot. I've been seriously obsessed with Tekkit lately.
  • This is bullshit; and from a judge no less.
    It's Arizona. Enough said. One reason why it's on my do-not-visit list.
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