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  • What does IDE stand for because I keep on miss reading it as IED, as such I keeping imagining computers blowing up if things go wrong.
  • Integrated Development Environment.
  • AmpAmp
    edited September 2012
    That is less cool.

    Edit; I had imaged that you guys worked alla Hurt locker in the labs. Would certainly make the job more interesting.
    Post edited by Amp on
  • That is less cool.

    Edit; I had imaged that you guys worked alla Hurt locker in the labs. Would certainly make the job more interesting.
    Well, my first job offer out of college (which I didn't accept as I soon got a better offer) was for a defense contractor. :)
  • I try to spend as little time in the server lab as possible, it's freakin noisy in there. SSH and remote desktop are wonderful.
  • The #1 thing I hate about IDEs is that they make things that aren't code matter.

    One time in Visual Studio I accidentally started a Windows project instead of a command line project. I wrote a completely valid and basic hello world. It did not run when I pressed play. Perfect code does not run because some checkbox somewhere in a GUI is wrong. Fuck that noise.
  • edited September 2012
    Ahhh I fucking hate vi(m)/emacs. I try and avoid them as much as I can. I understand that there are people who live by them but most of those people that I've met do it purely because they think it makes them elitist.
    The #1 thing I hate about IDEs is that they make things that aren't code matter.

    One time in Visual Studio I accidentally started a Windows project instead of a command line project. I wrote a completely valid and basic hello world. It did not run when I pressed play. Perfect code does not run because some checkbox somewhere in a GUI is wrong. Fuck that noise.
    That is true, nothing is easier than just using gnu compiler. When you have crazy dependencies they can make your life easier, but that can turn around pretty quickly.
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • The same issue could come up if you specified the wrong compiler command/options either on the command line or in your build script/Makefile. In this case, perfect code does not run because some command/option somewhere on a command line is wrong. Granted, if it's a trivial hello world program, it's easy to figure out where you screwed up on the compiler command line, but imagine going through build system consisting of multiple Makefiles each hundreds of lines long with build variables scattered all over the place (although this can be mitigated by putting common build variables in a common included Makefile). In this case, both the GUI and the CLI are just as "broken," given your point of view.

    One could argue that your issue isn't with IDEs at all, but with compiled languages where arguments passed to the compiler matter. Then again, I'm sure that if you pass the wrong arguments to, say, the Python interpreter or run the wrong version of Python on a system with multiple versions installed, you'd also get an issue where "things that aren't code matter."
  • edited September 2012
    I rarely write any code (though I'm trying to get better), but my personal belief is that Notepad++ is the best text editor for code scrubs like me.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • I successfully use IDE with very few errors. I still know code, but...Iunno.
  • I use generic text editors for all my projects. I rotate between 2 or 3. Notepad++ isn't terrible.

    I've hardly used an IDE in 14 years and I try to avoid it.
  • edited September 2012
    I use notepad++ right alongside VS. Notepad++ is awesome. I also love gedit.
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • for pure cmd line stuff I like nano. It doesn't break my brain like vi.
  • My Grado sr60's just came in. Holy shit. I have never owned a pair of headphones that cost more than ~$20 before. This is amazing.
  • Nano ain't bad for quick and dirty CLI stuff. Just remember it's not "standard" (there is a difference between commonly installed and "standard"). Vi is the only "standard" editor that's guaranteed to be available on all Unix derivatives. Well, there's also ed, but no one actually uses that unless their system is utterly, horribly, broken so bad that full screen terminals don't work right.
  • nano and pico are found 95% of everywhere, but not standard, yeah...
  • nano and pico are found 95% of everywhere, but not standard, yeah...
    Fucking Solaris. >_<
  • Read the POSIX standard, which defines what is actually standard Unix. Neither nano nor pico are part of the standard. Just because they are common enough to be a de facto standard on Linux (and only Linux) doesn't mean they are a true standard.

    Lemme guess, you've never used anything other than Linux, right? The vast majority of non-Linux Unixes only ship with bare-bones vi as their editor -- everything else has to be specifically installed by the sysadmin, and many don't even bother installing them.
  • ...

    I just said they're not standard. Did you take that for an argument..?
  • I misinterpreted what you said as saying that "they are standard because they're found 95% of everywhere." My mistake.
  • Ah, sorry. No, they're not standard but it seems like 9 times out of 10 you will find them. They can't be relied on though.
  • No biggie... and yeah... Emacs, nano, pico, etc., can't be relied on. Only what's in POSIX can be relied on. Fortunately, they are common enough that you can usually use them, but then again, absolute basic vi usage isn't that hard to learn for quick and dirty changes on a system with nothing else available.
  • Once your brain wraps around modal editing, it's hard to believe people use something else.

    Also my lab uses C++ with Eclipse, so yeah...
  • Meh, I don't see what the big advantage is of modal editing, and I'm a long time vi[m] user (among other editors. I really don't have any significant editor loyalty). It's just another style of UI that has advantages and disadvantages. I'll say this though -- I love vi's modal editing when I need to do large amounts of search/replace with regexes in a single file. I love it enough that I jokingly refer to it as "interactive sed."

    C++ with Eclipse? Kill it. Kill it with fire.
  • Also my lab uses C++ with Eclipse, so yeah...
  • Nano/pico are actually not installed on most production systems out there. vim is expected and used by pretty-much everyone in a production/support role.

    X is also usually not installed in these systems. 90% of one's work involves:

    1. tail
    2. grep
    3. vim
    4. sed
    5. find
  • Welcome to the world of research development.
  • My Grado sr60's just came in. Holy shit. I have never owned a pair of headphones that cost more than ~$20 before. This is amazing.
  • My Grado sr60's just came in. Holy shit. I have never owned a pair of headphones that cost more than ~$20 before. This is amazing.
    The SR80s are like having a portable Joanna Newsom in your backpack that will give you hugs and sing you to sleep.

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