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  • I'm waiting until the Windows Surface Pro comes out to replace my netbook with it.
    Gonna get an office 365 subscription too and install Adobe Audition on it (since it'll be x86 based). So excited, for realz.
  • Wouldn't it be cheaper just to buy office with a student discount rather than a subscription?
  • Wouldn't it be cheaper just to buy office with a student discount rather than a subscription?
    365 gets you all of their Google Docs-like cloud services and stuff.
  • Wouldn't it be cheaper just to buy office with a student discount rather than a subscription?
    365 gets you all of their Google Docs-like cloud services and stuff.
    Yeah but you already get like 7 gigs of Skydrive free so wouldn't that be fine?
  • Things I'm Not Allowed to Do In Warhammer 40K
    1. Even if I miss, I cannot roll again for collateral damage.
    2. Just because the Vindicare is a master of stealth doesn't mean he can infiltrate on top of an enemy tank.
    3. Even if they all fit, my storm troopers are not riding on top of their vendetta.
    4. The terminators do not “fistinate” anyone.
    5. Despite what the game mechanics suggest, pistol-whipping my friend during a game will not make him suck less.
    6. If my opponent's Khornate Berserkers don't score a single kill in combat I should not suggest they forgot to eat their Khorne Flakes this morning.
    7. Likewise the daemons they brought along are not “Khorne Dogs”
    8. Though probably accurate, Noise Marines don't kill by using Lady Gaga.
    9. I should not insinuate Commander Shadowsun just needs to get laid.
    10. I should not insinuate Commander Farsight is overcompensating for something.
    11. Even with historical precedent, my guardsmen can't ride on the hull of a Leman Russ
    12. My assault terminators do not shout “Wolverines!” when attacking with their lightning claws.
    13. Can't name my veteran squad “A Team” no matter how bad they shoot.
    14. Against Plague Zombies my space marine sergeant isn't re-enacting Shawn of the Dead
    15. Grey Knights don't have Preferred Enemy against Sisters of Battle.
    16. My Grey Knights army lead by Draigo isn't “Drago's Dozen.”
    17. Can't keep calling my Tau opponent a Pinko Commie.
    18. When issuing a challenge it has to be in a language my opponent understands.
    19. Space Wolves close combat weapons are not giant ale tankards.
    20. Blood Angels do not sparkle.
  • Them why are you playing?
  • There's no rule that says I have to follow those rules.
  • I feel like 1 cent for every 30 videos is kinda miserly. But good for them for donating something, since people are gonna be watching the porn anyway! 300k ain't too shabby.
  • Lately I keep waffling between feeling sorry for girls in pornography and thinking that as empowered independent adults, they can certainly choose to make a living in the porn industry.


    It makes it really hard to finish sometimes, but I soldier through.
  • edited October 2012
    I feel like 1 cent for every 30 videos is kinda miserly. But good for them for donating something, since people are gonna be watching the porn anyway! 300k ain't too shabby.
    To be fair, they are one of the largest streaming porn sites on the web, they could afford a cent per view. On the other hand, being one of the largest porn sites on the net, a cent per thirty views is still not exactly chump change, especially considering that counter is going up by about a hundred a second. They're at 10238819 when I looked, just as I typed this - so about 340 thousand odd - they're raising about 2 bucks a minute right now, and they're not running it for just a day or a week, but all of October. It'll be a few million before they're through, I'd wager.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • One of my friends is now homeless.
  • Lexapro generics are $12 for 30 days now!
  • meta comment
  • meta comment
    Your obsession with me is going to make your fiance jealous.
  • so self-obsessed.
  • Also meta comment, but it had been so long in the thread it was in I didn't want to drudge it back up from the ether:
    If I was actually threatening you, would I have punctuated my post with JL8?
  • I must have missed that and or have no idea what you're talking about.
  • image
    That picture came right after my sentence about driving down to Hartford.
  • Ah. I didn't think that mitigated the sentiment much, but it was like, 1 am.
  • The products recalled include peanut butters, almond butters, cashew butters, tahini, and blanched and roasted peanut products. The expanded recall this week added several varieties of flavored butters and spreads, including Sunland's Thai Ginger Butter, Chocolate Butter and Banana Butter. Brand names included are Target's Archer Farms, Safeway's Open Nature, Earth Balance, Fresh & Easy, Late July, Heinen's, Joseph's, Natural Value, Naturally More, Peanut Power Butter, Serious Food, Snaclite Power, Sprouts Farmers Market, Sprouts, Sunland and Dogsbutter.
    Thanks to this forum, I wouldn't trust a peanut butter named "Sprouts" whether there's a recall or not.
  • Cashew butters.. Mother of god.
  • My cat makes it impossible to have a life.
  • Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck. Fuck.
  • I'm at IndieCade and Lisa Foiles is here. Trying not to be distracted by how stupidly pretty she is.
  • I'm at IndieCade and Lisa Foiles is here. Trying not to be distracted by how stupidly pretty she is.
    What you are trying to Sonia basically impossible. Just stop trying and let her beauty wash over you.
  • image
    The charity is too stuck up to accept it.
    UPDATE: 10/4 2:29 p.m. -- released a statement Thursday afternoon indicating that they will no longer be donating a portion of their October revenue to the Susan G. Komen Foundation. The press release reads:
    Unfortunately, we have had to change our targeted beneficiary. As such, is now calling on all breast cancer foundations to come forward and be considered as the recipient of this cash donation.
    UPDATE: 10/4 3:16 p.m. -- A Komen spokesperson responded via email to The Huffington Post's request for comment, stating: "Susan G. Komen for the Cure is not a partner of We will not accept donations from this organization and have asked them to stop using our name."
  • image
    The charity is too stuck up to accept it.
    UPDATE: 10/4 2:29 p.m. -- released a statement Thursday afternoon indicating that they will no longer be donating a portion of their October revenue to the Susan G. Komen Foundation. The press release reads:
    Unfortunately, we have had to change our targeted beneficiary. As such, is now calling on all breast cancer foundations to come forward and be considered as the recipient of this cash donation.
    UPDATE: 10/4 3:16 p.m. -- A Komen spokesperson responded via email to The Huffington Post's request for comment, stating: "Susan G. Komen for the Cure is not a partner of We will not accept donations from this organization and have asked them to stop using our name."
    You are going to turn down MILLIONS just to be on the high moral ground? F. U.
  • I wonder if this will become a bigger shit storm than that atheist cancer research donation a while back.
  • Komen is no good anyway. They are one of those charities that spends almost all their money on "awareness", AKA marketing themselves, rather than actually helping. See Xeni Jardin's recent tweet storm about "pink out." Also, this movie.

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