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  • If Rym and Scott are to be believed, Gracies will fucking kill you.
  • edited October 2012
    And because I am a terrible person:

    Too many would wear that proudly. :(
    Post edited by ninjarabbi on
  • Is Merica something people say unironically now?
  • Is Merica something people say unironically now?
  • @Churba - dat Cosmic Gate!
    Truth, man. I'm genuinely tempted to pick up tickets for the march second event.
  • If Rym and Scott are to be believed, Gracies will fucking kill you.
    Exploding diarrhea.

  • If Rym and Scott are to be believed, Gracies will fucking kill you.
    Exploding diarrhea.

    I know people who eat exclusively at Gracies. While I don't have that much of a problem with it, most of the reason I eat here is because some of my friends are too lazy to walk to somewhere like Salsarita's. I don't understand those people. A kid a few doors down has literally never eaten anywhere but Gracies.
  • Is Merica something people say unironically now?
    I've never said it ironically. I use it to describe a particular segment of the US.
  • I think the word you want is"Sarcastically.".
  • "Sarcasm" = "verbal irony", right?
  • It's specifically the use of irony to mock or convey contempt.
  • "Sarcasm" = "verbal irony", right?
    No, Sarcasm and irony are different things. Sarcasm can incorporate irony, but it is not essential.
  • It's specifically the use of irony to mock or convey contempt.
    The word you are thinking of is "sardonic".

  • ITT: Semantics
  • Sardonic implies what people are saying is somewhat grim.
  • "Sarcasm" = "verbal irony", right?
    No, Sarcasm and irony are different things. Sarcasm can incorporate irony, but it is not essential.
    Thanks, I wasn't sure about that one. I'm going to go yell at my high school English teachers now.
  • Im amused by how many said "No offence but...".
  • edited October 2012
    Well, the new Wing-commander-esqe game Star Citizen looks like it might be pretty cool.
    We will likely see Peter Molyneux-levels of game simplification before it actually comes out, but even with that it seems almost worth paying for early. My only issue is that because of the it scale seems like it will very likely turn into vaporware.

    Also, the stuff in the trailers is allegedly pretty much all-engine. If that's actually true, hooooooly shit. I especially like that they claim to be using proper Newtonian physics for ship movement.
    Post edited by Linkigi(Link-ee-jee) on
  • edited October 2012
    Had an unexpected heart-to-heart tonight with a friend who admitted she had feelings for me. I'm glad it happened because it turns out she was doing certain things out-of-character to try and get me to like her and, after she came clean about them, it felt like I had finally met the real person underneath. I'm not certain of my feelings, but our friendship feels a lot stronger now and I'm happy about that.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • For a country that doesn't celebrate Halloween, Japan has much better in-store decoration that anything I've seen in the states.
  • Japan celebrates everything. I think they may have the only culture that is as a whole, more decadent than the United States.
  • They really don't. I've got ~20 Japanese students who are well hyped for Halloween because it'll be their first. They're totally decadent otherwise though.
  • They really don't. I've got ~20 Japanese students who are well hyped for Halloween because it'll be their first. They're totally decadent otherwise though.
    Daryl Surat always says, decadent and depraved.
  • edited October 2012
    I admit that my primary knowledge of Japan comes from anime. :P

    And this one guy I know who teaches English there and mocks their corporate run government...
    Post edited by muppet on
  • Daryl Surat says anime cons a decadent and depraved. Japanese people are definitely just decadent.
  • That twitter screenshot makes my soul hurt.
  • That twitter screenshot makes my soul hurt.
    Like you even had one to begin with.
  • Well, is it actually mine if I borrowed it from an orphan?
  • Well, is it actually mine if I borrowed it from an orphan?
    It's yours now! Did you also harvest the tears when you borrowed the soul? Orphan tears make everything taste so much better. I put some in my coffee every morning, it's better than cream and sugar!

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