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  • Yeah. I appreciate what you and Chie are getting at, but generally I feel like anyone who wants to leave the USA and see the rest of the world should be encouraged to do so. Obviously, being a good diplomat is important, but travel can only help someone's worldview.
  • He might really question his views, though. A dose of culture shock might be good for him. I think a lot of conservatives hold their views because they haven't been exposed to enough different people and cultures. Why do you think New York and major cities around the world tend to be progressive? It's because we all have to live with each other, even though we are different.
    I suppose I want him to get that training elsewhere >_>
  • edited November 2012
    You're being silly. The guy is willing to learn the language and get a degree to prepare for it. C'mon.

    Jack, come to Spain. I want you to see my family's country.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • edited November 2012
    I'm agreeing with you, WUB. I think that travel would be good for him, provided he didn't go into it with superficial expectations.

    At the same time, I'm like Chie: "Oh please don't be an ignorant Gaijin! That makes life harder for the rest of us!"
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • Yeah, I was more saying that Chie being like, "Hey, learn things other places," doesn't really help people become multicultural. Of course, I agree that minimizing meiwaku in any country is a pretty important thing. I would even go so far as to describe the operative American ethos as "Meiwaku & McDonalds."
  • To be fair, Japanese as a group are pretty fucking racist to begin with, and blaming that on moron American expats is kinda silly.
  • To be fair, Japanese as a group are pretty fucking racist to begin with, and blaming that on moron American expats is kinda silly.
  • There's a lot more than language you need to learn. My mother has memorized a handful of dictionaries, she's been studying Japan and Japanese culture for over 30 years, but she still is VERY american. It makes her and the people around her utterly miserable. Being half, I get to see all those fun times. I went to an international school where a lot of americans lived in this ex-pat bubble. Any time they venture out of the bubble, they go a-trampling on japan, like it's their own Disney park. And no one will say anything. My japanese side is cringing at my american side right now, it's that internalized. So.. just be prepared. Be ready to be humble and perceptive, otherwise bad times.
  • To be fair, Japanese as a group are pretty fucking racist to begin with, and blaming that on moron American expats is kinda silly.
    Don't worry muppet, I think very poorly of you too (:
  • edited November 2012
    To be fair, Japanese as a group are pretty fucking racist to begin with, and blaming that on moron American expats is kinda silly.
    Don't worry muppet, I think very poorly of you too (:
    I learned to ignore your opinions a month ago. No sweat. :-)

    PS generalizations are generalizations. If you choose to identify with them that's on you.
    Post edited by muppet on
  • You're being silly. The guy is willing to learn the language and get a degree to prepare for it. C'mon.

    Jack, come to Spain. I want you to see my family's country.
    I actually would like to see Spain sometime.
  • 1. Go to Barcelona
    2. Buy a whole bunch of cocaine
    3. ????
    4. PROFIT!
  • I have to make phone calls to try to get donations for a toys for tots drive. I hate using the telephone. :(
  • You're being silly. The guy is willing to learn the language and get a degree to prepare for it. C'mon.

    Jack, come to Spain. I want you to see my family's country.
    I actually would like to see Spain sometime.
    Portugal's nicer. :P
  • I have to make phone calls to try to get donations for a toys for tots drive. I hate using the telephone. :(
    For fuck's sake why the telephone? People calling me for donations pisses me the fuck off, and the idea of cold calling people for donations makes my sphincters clench.
  • I have to make phone calls to try to get donations for a toys for tots drive. I hate using the telephone. :(
    There is something about talking to people with voice and not being able to see them that I find really uncomfortable.
  • You're being silly. The guy is willing to learn the language and get a degree to prepare for it. C'mon.

    Jack, come to Spain. I want you to see my family's country.
    I actually would like to see Spain sometime.
    Portugal's nicer. :P
    Hey, we're discussing suburbs in the other thread.
  • I have to make phone calls to try to get donations for a toys for tots drive. I hate using the telephone. :(
    Yay caller ID. If I see a call on either my cell or land line from a number I don't recognize, I let it go straight to voice mail. I figure if it's anyone important, they'd leave a message. They almost never do.
  • I have to make phone calls to try to get donations for a toys for tots drive. I hate using the telephone. :(
    For fuck's sake why the telephone? People calling me for donations pisses me the fuck off, and the idea of cold calling people for donations makes my sphincters clench.
    I dunno, it seems like a better way to make contact with people who generally work in retail space. I hate it though. I might just email.
  • You're being silly. The guy is willing to learn the language and get a degree to prepare for it. C'mon.

    Jack, come to Spain. I want you to see my family's country.
    I actually would like to see Spain sometime.
    Portugal's nicer. :P
    Hey, we're discussing suburbs in the other thread.
    Ouch... :P Oh well, I guess I'll just have to be satisfied with speaking the "sweet and gracious language," as stated by Miguel de Cervantes. :P
  • Real talk, though: I love the Iberian peninsula rivalry.
  • Real talk, though: I love the Iberian peninsula rivalry.
    As do I. :)
  • edited November 2012
    Real talk, though: I love the Iberian peninsula rivalry.
    As do I. :)
    Can't we all be friends? Port is great with Manchego and Jamon Iberico

    /Embracing my Portuguese decent
    Post edited by Andrew on
  • Real talk, though: I love the Iberian peninsula rivalry.
    As do I. :)
    Can't we all be friends? Port is great with Manchego and Jamon Iberico

    /Embracing my Portuguese decent
    Fortunately (at least in my case), it's just a friendly rivalry -- lots of good natured ribbing, but no real ill intent. :)
  • Quick question:

    Why is everyone going gaga over Nate Silver all of a sudden? Back in 2004 I started following which seemed to (and still does) do a very similar thing to Silver's blog. In the blog for today the Votemaster writes:

    "Yesterday, we predicted Obama would win 303 electoral votes. He won either 303 or 332, depending how Florida ultimately turns out. The map showed North Carolina as a tie (although the blog said Romney would carry it, which he narrowly did)."

    What is Nate Silver doing differently or better than any of the other math-only, state poll-only prediction sites?
  • Nate Silver got a gig with arguably the most prestigious paper in the US, the New York Times. I think that's why he got hyped up so much more than others following similar methodology with similar results.
  • I appreciate his visualizations, fwiw
  • Does that site also go into all the different house/senate elections? I don't even follow the Nate Silver deal but I thought it was impressive because of his picks on all of this different votes as well being accurate, which was where you're likely to see at least some variation.
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