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Random Comments



  • edited June 2013
    Someone fund my plan to build a bike storage park where you put your bike on a lift that pulls it up to the second floor where an attendant takes it off and stows it.
    As you know, they have that sort of thing in Japan and China - you stow your bike, it whisks it away into a little storage bay, you come back later and give your ticket and money, it gives you back your bike.

    Post edited by Churba on
  • If you can't get your hands on a can of compressed air, a vacuum cleaner works ok.
  • Here's what we do. We stuff bikes with rabid racoons. When people steal them, the raccoons leap out and maul the thief.
  • Our economy is driven by fear.
  • This is interesting: "The rule here is simple: If you are invoking 1984 in a country in which 1984 is available for purchase and can be freely deployed as a rhetorical device, you likely don’t understand the point of 1984." - Sorry, we're not living in Orwell's 1984.
    While it is true that few places on Earth are as bad as the world of 1984, there are 1984-like aspects present just about everywhere on Earth. It's bits and pieces of tyranny rather than one overarching all powerful tyranny. The press is free, and the government doesn't control it, but it's loaded with doublespeak anyway! There isn't an evil bureaucracy controlling your life, but the DMV sure feels like it!

    Likewise, there are also Brave New World bits and pieces everywhere. Drugs are illegal, but the way our society drinks alcohol it may as well be soma. TV and other circuses sure do a damn good job of quelling unrest.
  • edited June 2013
    The upside is that, as it is large corporations are becoming increasingly powerful, all signs point to cyberpunk dystopia.

    I can tell this sentence is incorrectly spelled but I'm so tired I can't work out how.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Here's what we do. We stuff bikes with rabid racoons. When people steal them, the raccoons leap out and maul the thief.
    Sounds like trunk monkey.
  • The upside is that, as it is large corporations are becoming increasingly powerful, all signs point to cyberpunk dystopia.

    I can tell this sentence is incorrectly spelled but I'm so tired I can't work out how.
    How is that an upside?
  • I have written two new songs in the past two days based on random science articles.

    Bacteria Sphere

    High up in the atmosphere
    a writhing legion without number
    bringers of a putrid death
    waiting they remain in slumber

    hoping only to desceeeeeend
    human flesh to infect and reeeeeend
    there is no hope to transceeeeeeend
    the bacterial ball shall be our end!

    THE - END - IS - HERE

    THE - END - IS - HERE

    THE - END - IS - HERE

    *guitar solo*

    Now the flesh has been rotted
    blood of children have been clotted
    they have fed upon our bones
    the earth is now a dead zone
    we should have heeded popsci's warning
    now the world is in mourning

    THE - END - IS - HERE

    THE - END - IS - HERE

    THE - END - IS - HERE

    We are going on vacation
    Chile is the place to be
    but while you're up in the Andes
    watch out for the fucking tree


    the spines have trapped you
    bound you wrapped you
    you will not pull through!
    a slow death by exposure
    trapped inside a spiked enclosure
    try to maintain your composure
    but your life now is over


    *guitar chord*


    The horrid plant has finished slaying
    Now your body is decaying
    skin is tearing flesh is fraying
    no use now in fucking praying
    you will keep this plant alive
    by your death, it will thrive
    but at midnight you'll revive
    feel the rot that's inside


    *guitar chord*



    *guitar chord*

    I feel I should set up a tumblr or something and just do one of these every day.
  • Went to a magic booster draft tonight. It was pretty fun. It was maybe like the third time I've ever played magic before not including the few times I played the steam magic game. Now I have a bunch of cards I'll probably never use again though.
  • Okay, even I was surprised by some of those. Many because I thought they were older, but surprised nonetheless.
  • Okay, even I was surprised by some of those. Many because I thought they were older, but surprised nonetheless.
    I had precisely the same reaction.

  • edited June 2013
    None of those surprised me, except maybe Creep.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • It's amusing seeing my high school acquaintances not understand hashtag on FB and make fun of it. However, I probably will have no use of it on FB, but know if its importance.
  • It's amusing seeing my high school acquaintances not understand hashtag on FB and make fun of it. However, I probably will have no use of it on FB, but know if its importance.
    ... What?

    Does someone you know from high school not understand hashtags, as they appear on facebook. Or doesn't (s)he understand them in general? Also, are you making fun of your friend for that, or is she making fun of hashtags for not understanding them?

    Also, do you know of the importance of hashtags on facebook, or in general, or what?
  • They don't understand the use of hashtags in general. I'm more of less amused by that sort of ignorance. I had to explain it to them.

    I know of the importance of hashtags, however on FB, I don't think it's that it's going to be anything great since a lot of people use privacy settings for their posts. Twitter, most people post publicly.
  • I thought pibb was called peb and wanted to photoshop it to say pleb.
  • edited June 2013
    Welp, just back from my first gaming convention. Or, back from the day-long coma that struck me immediately afterward, anyway.

    It was rad. Not only for the gaming, either. It was just awesome to be in a place where 95% of the people seemed really chill and shared my interests. I've never had that before. I can't describe how refreshing the atmosphere was. Although, that other 5% were some of the most disgusting, repulsive people I'd ever met. But they were pretty easy to spot and avoid.
    Post edited by Xefas on
  • I must be getting old. When I look at naked womanz holding game controllers incorrectly I get annoyed.
  • @Xefas What gaming convention was it? Grats on having a good experience.
  • The Screwattack Gaming Convention in Dallas. It seemed to be only the 3rd-4th year? So, still pretty small. But I didn't have a problem finding folks to constantly boardgame/roleplay with. Including some stuff I'd never played before. Savage Worlds (turned out to be just D&D crooked slightly so), App'd (turned out to be candyland in card game form), and Once Upon A Time (which was incredibly fun).

    Actually, I think my one regret is that I didn't play enough new stuff. I ended up playing the fuck out of stuff I was already familiar with, just with new people. I feel like that was a missed opportunity.
  • The Screwattack Gaming Convention in Dallas. It seemed to be only the 3rd-4th year? So, still pretty small. But I didn't have a problem finding folks to constantly boardgame/roleplay with. Including some stuff I'd never played before. Savage Worlds (turned out to be just D&D crooked slightly so), App'd (turned out to be candyland in card game form), and Once Upon A Time (which was incredibly fun).

    Actually, I think my one regret is that I didn't play enough new stuff. I ended up playing the fuck out of stuff I was already familiar with, just with new people. I feel like that was a missed opportunity.
    Oh yea they JUST made that on Kickstarter, raising over 50G in the last day to make it happen.
  • Well, we just switched Prime ministers again. Gilliard is out, Rudd's back in. This is Australian politics right now -

  • edited June 2013
    It's ok. John Howard is massing his forces at the wall and preparing to hug his opponents into submission.
    Post edited by YoshoKatana on
  • Operation "Chicken-Fried Bratwurst On Hotdog Bun With Gravy" was a success.
  • "(Back then, it was C++, not C#, and we had to walk uphill, both ways to school!)"
  • Semi-Boo-Yah:

    My references were contacted earlier today. This bodes well. VERY WELL. Now they need to hurry up and call to make an offer.
  • Semi-Boo-Yah:

    My references were contacted earlier today. This bodes well. VERY WELL. Now they need to hurry up and call to make an offer.
    Always ask for more than what they offer.
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